GNU nano 8.0 Released with New Options and Various Improvements

This release bounds ^F for starting a forward search and ^B for starting a backward search by default.
GNU nano 8.0

GNU nano 8.0 command line text editor for Unix-like operating systems is now available for download as a major update introducing new features and various improvements.

GNU nano 8.0 bounds ^F for starting a forward search and ^B for starting a backward search by default, while M-F and M-B repeat the search in the corresponding direction, support for opening a file at a certain line number by using nano filename:number, and support for scrolling the viewport with the mouse wheel.

GNU nano 8.0 also updates the --modernbindings (-/) command-line option to make ^Q quit, ^X cut, ^C copy, ^V paste, ^Z undo, ^Y redo, ^O open a file, ^W write a file, ^R replace, ^G find again, ^D find again backwards, ^A set the mark, ^T jump to a line, ^P show the position, and ^E execute.

On top of that, this release bounds M-" to place/remove an anchor and M-' to jump to the next anchor, adds support for <Alt+Home> and <Alt+End> to put the cursor on the first and last row in the viewport while retaining the horizontal position, and activates modern bindings when the name of nano’s executable (or a symlink to it) starts with the letter “e”.

Last but not least, GNU nano 8.0 adds support for clearing the keystroke buffer whenever an error occurs stopping the execution of a macro or a string bind, and maps the code to the xterm grey scale when the three digits in an #RGB color code are all the same to give you access to fourteen levels of grey rather than four.

GNU nano 8.0 (codename “Grus grus”) is available for download right now from the official website if you fancy compiling it from sources. If that’s not your cup of tea, you must wait for the new release to arrive in the stable software repositories of your favorite GNU/Linux distribution.

Check out the release notes for more details about the changes included in this new GNU nano release.

Last updated 3 weeks ago

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