or you could use a modern mail client that works right

Story: Process your email with procmailTotal Replies: 3
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Apr 14, 2006
7:31 AM EDT
You know, one that does neat things like support all MIME types, and not be finicky about line breaks, and supports POP and IMAP, and doesn't require deep study to create an address book, filters, sigs, multiple profiles and accounts, and all those things that take about five seconds in any other MUA.

Apr 14, 2006
10:53 AM EDT

Well, it does support pop3 and IMAP, and a lot of other stuff, but, you miss the point. This is not a good tool for an individual desktop. That was never it's intended use.

Apr 14, 2006
1:25 PM EDT
what do you mean, jimf? I'm not quite getting your point. "not a good tool for an individual desktop"?

The article itself is a decent Procmail howto. I just don't care for Mutt and Procmail. The world is full of mail clients that do everything they do, and lots more easily. Mailing lists are overfull of Mutt users complaining about how everyone else needs to set their line breaks differently, and don't use attachments, and the rest of the world uses the wrong mail headers, and quit using weirdo character encodings, and on and on. I used it for a couple years back in the olden days of low-speed dialup, because all the cool geeks did. Then I wised up and found things that worked better. :)

Apr 14, 2006
1:50 PM EDT
Well, I wouldn't use it for my desktop either. It isn't approipriate. But, our server guy swears by it on his mailservers.

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