
Story: "Then, they fight you"Total Replies: 0
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May 23, 2008
9:40 AM EDT
Translation from a comment post on a blog discussing the subject:

"There was an official inquiry from the Free Software Group regarding a presentation about the advantages of free software and open standards in education. This [inquiry] was accepted for 1 day, the following day someone from MS asked the organizers to cancel the presentation, motivating that the Free Software Group did not support the project financially. This is where I see the injustice. Why do you have to give tens of thousands of Euros to the Ministry [of Education] to be allowed a presentation in an academic environment? WHY? Why should be such a presentation canceled when there was still room in the event's timeframe?"

ORIGINAL TEXT: "A exista o cerere oficiala si din partea Grupului pentru software liber pentru o prezentare despre avatajele software-lui liber si a standardelor deschise in educatie. Aceasta a fost acceptata pentru 1 zi, urmand ca in a doua zi, cineva de la MS sa ceara organizatorilor retragerea prezentarii pe motiv ca Grupul pentru software liber nu a sustinut financial concursul.

Eu aici vad nedreptatea. De ce pentru o prezentare intr-un mediu academic trebui sa sponsorizezi ministerul cu zeci de mii de euro? DE CE?

De ce trebui retrasa o astfel de prezentare cand este loc in program?"

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