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Story: Always Innovating launching touch-screen NetbookTotal Replies: 9
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Mar 03, 2009
6:37 PM EDT
...especially from the guys who think that Windows 7 will install on an ARM-based netbook even if Vista won't. To paraphrase a certain Seinfeld character: "No Windows for you!" Poor little Microsoft only supports x86/ia64 architectures while Linux is pretty much platform neutral.

Mar 03, 2009
6:53 PM EDT
You mean Windows doesn't run on EVERYTHING! *gasp* :P Yeah, I found that comment amusing too.

Mar 03, 2009
6:55 PM EDT
Though I did just notice something that hopefully will be fixed in the release. If you look at the screenshot, The open word processor is labeled "Word". Bad bad bad!

Mar 03, 2009
7:07 PM EDT
As soon as ARM reaches some unneglectable marketshare, I'm sure Windows will run on it.

Mar 03, 2009
7:09 PM EDT
@hwint: I'm not so sure. There never was a PPC Windows even when Macs were PPC.

Mar 03, 2009
7:52 PM EDT
Also, porting software to a different architecture is non-trivial. x86-64 is very, very similar to x86 so ot's not hard to do both. ARM is a completely different beast though. I doubt it's even possible to port Windows to it without touching half the software base.

Mar 03, 2009
8:02 PM EDT
IIRC, Windows v1 was developed on non-x86 processors, in order to isolate the non-CPU specific code assumptions. That design approach later helped NT3.51's presence on x86 and Alpha.

Mar 03, 2009
8:06 PM EDT
I remember Windows 1.04. It bears little resemblance to anything modern except maybe mc. Actually, MC is more capable than Windows v.1. I doubt that there is much of that code left and whatever survives is a tiny percent of the overall code.

Mar 04, 2009
3:16 AM EDT
Quoting:Also, porting software to a different architecture is non-trivial. ia64 is very, very similar to x86 so ot's not hard to do both.

Do you mean emt64 alias x86-64 alias amd64? Because ia64 is Itanium and it's not so similar to x86. Anyways, porting to another architechture indeed is difficult. See how long ot took Microsoft to port Windows from x86 to x86-64, even though they're almost the same! That doesn't bode well for an ARM port, I think...

Mar 04, 2009
3:55 AM EDT
Yes, I meant x86-64, not the Itanic.

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