Very interesting, _NOT_ "Common Carrier"?

Story: How the FCC screwed up its chance to make ISP blocking illegalTotal Replies: 5
Author Content

Jan 16, 2014
2:00 PM EDT
I find this very interesting.

Unless my memory fails me completely, which sadly is not a 0% probability, weren't the ISPs claiming "common carrier" status back at the beginning of the MPAA/RIAA prosecutions?

The MPAA/RIAA wanted to make ISPs liable for the actions of their users. The ISPs decried how, as "common carriers", they had no responsibility for the content of packets.

But this article specifically states that ISPs are not considered "common carriers".

Could this be a case of both having and eating cake?

Jan 16, 2014
2:34 PM EDT
not surprising.

our country is lost and we are so corrupt it isn't even funny anymore.

we are so lost with who do you know, scratch my back, how much can that lobbyist give, who did you see at the lobbyists party last night we have lost all critical thinking and objectivity.

until you get corporations and lobbyists out of washington this will never change. it is facism plain and simple. it just may no look like it on the surface.

Jan 16, 2014
4:32 PM EDT
@both above,

On top of all that, gotta be wondering what the NSA has up its sleeves for downright FORCING the blockhead ISPs to ferret out the next Edward Snowden!


Jan 16, 2014
6:13 PM EDT
I'm so disgusted over the whole issue, I didn't bother to read it. My first thought was, did FCC purposely snooker themselves to make it look like they at least tried, but --oh darn!-- back to business as usual.

Jan 17, 2014
10:29 AM EDT
jsusanka wrote:until you get corporations and lobbyists out of washington this will never change. it is facism plain and simple. it just may no look like it on the surface.

Well, it really seems that you are correct about what is going on. Just as a minor point, however, "fascism" is not really the correct term for what you are talking about. The correct term is "neo-corporatism" (corporatism is the same thing as fascism).

The corporations in fascism are not business corporations, but governmental corporations made up of groups of people selected by the government and whom the government deems important rather than simply whoever has the most money. In fascism, one corporation might consist of heads of a certain type of business, but another might be religious leaders while a third might consist of university presidents, and a fourth artisans, etc. Either way you end up with special interest groups vying for control and regular people hoping not to get stepped on, but technically the two are different things.

Jan 17, 2014
10:40 AM EDT
Big govt and big business have always worked hand in hand. The purpose of the FCC has always been to protect vested interests from competition in the realm of "spectrum".

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