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ES8, the Javascript standard of 2017

Surely you will know that since 2015 it was agreed to update the Javascript standard every year in order to keep JS up to date in a smooth way. The changes of last year were very decaffeinated, but this year we have some juicier news.

4 ways to have multiple blog pages with WordPress

  • Wesharethis; By Buzut (Posted by Horla on Sep 25, 2017 6:47 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
WordPress is a great blog engine, better, it is even a full CMS. The proof ? It propels the vast majority of self-hosted blogs (well in front of drupal, joomla etc) and is behind hundreds of sites: blogs, information sites, shop windows, ecommerces …

Tips and best practices for a scalable CSS

  • Wesharethis; By Ahmad (Posted by Horla on Sep 2, 2017 6:16 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Developer
If you are a little anglophone you must know the excellent Podcast shoptalkshow The principle of the podcast is simple: you can ask your question in audio and web pros respond. Recently Chris Coyier answered the following questions: How can you tell if your CSS is bad? What are the signs that the code is optional, or […]

Atom for Javascript Developers

Atom is slow, lag and it’s as resource-intensive as Google Chrome. However, when you code JavaScript, I must admit that using Atom is super cool ! In this article I will show you how I manage Atom to be effective when developing fullstack JavaScript web applications.

Coding more Effectively with Sublime Text

If I remember correctly, the first software I used to “develop” a website was Frontpage. All those of the pre-ADSL generation have surely started or known this publisher. Since I tried a lot of different applications to code, text editors or IDEs, and the list is long:

Diagnose and recover a RAID failure

In almost all cases, RAID provides redundancy that allows the loss of one or more disks to be tolerated. On the one hand, however, one must know when a failure occurs to act, and on the other hand, know what to do. It is not enough to remove the failing disk and put another in its place..

RAID: getting the most out of your hard drives

For those who do not know it, RAID is about gathering multiple disks and using them concurrently to improve data performance or resiliency. Whatever the actual number of discs, in use it will be as if you had only one. You can use RAID from two disks and up to several hundred.

Essential Controls to tame exim4

Exim4 is a lightweight and commonly used MTA on servers; This is the default MTA under Debian. Its configuration is quite easy, but beyond the configuration itself, it can be saving to know the main commands to diagnose problems and to administer the server.

Repair a Hacked Wordpress

Unfortunately, it does not happen to others or rarely. WordPress running 25% of Web sites, it is a target of choice for hackers. The vulnerabilities are often known and automatic detection tools exist. Therefore, the bad guys just have to run software to automatically spot and infect vulnerable sites … and it may be yours.

The Different Types of MySQL Columns

Behind virtually all websites and web applications, hides an SQL database. And when designing it, it is necessary to choose with accuracy the different types of columns. Something that sometimes proves more difficult than expected … What is the difference between one CHARand one VARCHAR? What are they BLOB? This small guide will avoid some errors that could well, ultimately cost us a few extra gigabytes and unnecessary slowdowns.

Configure VPN server in Linux for Windows/Linux clients

The VPN (Virtual Private Network) server provides the network technology that will allow us to extend the reach capabilities of our local network over the Internet, a great example of this would be the possibility for two branches to communicate using the internet as the sole means.

Dynamic port forwarding / mount a SOCKS server with SSH

  • Wesharethis; By Ahmad (Posted by Horla on Jul 15, 2017 8:25 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: GNU, Linux
When we talk about doing dynamic port forwarding with SSH, what we are talking about is exactly converting SSH into a SOCKS server. And what is a SOCKS server?

Creating TCP / IP (port forwarding) tunnels with SSH: The 8 possible scenarios using OpenSSH

  • Wesharethis; By Ahmad (Posted by Horla on Jul 14, 2017 5:10 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: GNU, Linux
The typical function of the Secure Shell (SSH) network protocol is to access a remote system in terminal mode and execute commands there safely, because the data is encrypted. In addition, through this secure data connection, it is possible to create tunnels ( port forwarding ) between the connected ends so that the TCP / IP connections are channeled through the SSH connection so that we can get away with any Firewall or port blocking whenever we have the possibility to connect with SSH.

How to upload images to github from the console

One of the needs we have daily is to store our photos in a repository, now github in a repository system widely used by the community, in How to upload images to github from the console , we will teach you to store images in github and The URL is returned to us so we can access it whenever we want. For this we use img2url , we hope that in this way solutions a need that much we have quickly and with the power of github and console.

Create a swap file in GNU / Linux.

  • Wesharethis; By Ahmad (Posted by Horla on Jul 13, 2017 12:23 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNU, Linux
What is and how does the exchange space work? The swap space or swap is what is known as virtual memory. The difference between real and virtual memory is that the latter uses space in the storage unit instead of a memory module. When the actual memory is exhausted, the system copies part of the content directly into this swap memory space in order to perform other tasks.

What is a linux swap partition, and what does it do?

  • Wesharethis; By Ahmad (Posted by Horla on Jul 11, 2017 5:41 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Most Linux installations recommend that you include an exchange partition. This may seem strange to Windows users, who are accustomed to having their entire operating system on a single partition. What does an exchange, you may even need one, and how big should it be? All of these are important questions that, with the right answers, can greatly improve the performance of your system.

4 Ways to speed up your pc linux

Despite installing Linux on a computer and harvesting those benefits, you may still feel like your system could still use an extra boost to actually get more speed. Here are four ways you can quickly and easily accelerate the system to get the best performance possible from it.

How to update or switch linux distributions without deleting files

  • Wesharethis; By Ahmad (Posted by Horla on Jul 9, 2017 12:50 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Do you find the switch between Linux distributions frequently? When upgrading, do you favor clean installations more site updates? Why do you hate having a backup of all your personal data, or else you will lose?

A first look at Kotlin’s co-routines on Android

Co-routines have been the biggest addition in Kotlin 1.1. They are absolutely great because of their power, and the community is still discovering how to make the most of them. Simply stated, co-routines are a way of writing asynchronous code sequentially. Instead of filling it all up with callbacks, you can write your lines of code one after the other. Some of them will have the ability to suspend execution and wait until the result is available.

Recover user admin in Ubuntu

Recently there has been a question about how to recover an admin user. Specifically, it was when you opened the application “System Configuration> User Accounts” and changed the type of account to “Standard”. since there have been changes in the recent versions of Ubuntu regarding the group “admin” and in addition there are other causes that can cause the elevation of privileges to perform administrative tasks.

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