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Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.13 "Ascella" KDE

Overall, I can't find much fault with this distribution.

Review: SolydK 201506

It generally works fine, except when trying to customize the Plasma widgets in KDE: then things start to crash.

Review: Kubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet"

It looks nice, but despite all assurances to the contrary, it crashes and burns pretty badly.

Review: Linux Mint Debian 2 "Betsy" MATE

  • Das U-Blog by Prashanth; By PV (Posted by PV on Apr 21, 2015 10:39 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Debian, GNOME, Mint
It has barely changed since the last time I tried it, and that is a very good thing.

Review: Sabayon 15.02 KDE

The major issue was that package management didn't work through the GUI or CLI. Whether the live system accurately portrayed issues with the installed distribution or inaccurately had separate issues, this is a deal-breaker (for me at least)

Review: Korora 21 "Darla" Cinnamon

It isn't a bad distribution, but ethernet issues make me want to wait for the next version.

Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.12 "Ascella" Xfce

It's a user-friendly rolling-release distribution based on Arch Linux, and it does everything I want it to do. What's not to like?

Review: Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca" Xfce

  • Das U-Blog by Prashanth; By PV (Posted by PV on Jan 16, 2015 7:35 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Mint, Ubuntu, Xfce
Except for one almost negligible issue, it works pretty much perfectly.

Review: CentOS 7.0 GNOME

Note that this is not a full review as usual; this is a shorter follow-on to the previous review of Scientific Linux 7.0 GNOME. Most things are the same, but I found a big dealbreaker here.

Review: Scientific Linux 7.0 GNOME

It's sluggish, unstable, and it seems much harder than it should be to install useful programs. What happened to it?

How-To: Use KWin in MATE

This is a tutorial on how to replace Marco with KWin in MATE. This is for all the folks who are saddened by the vegetative state of Compiz.

Review: Linux Mint 17 "Qiana" MATE

There were some issues with Mupen64Plus that I did not expect, and some with Compiz that I did. Leaving those aside, though, Linux Mint delivered a solid and reliable experience again, and I support the move to an only-LTS release schedule.

Review: Pinguy OS 14.04 LTS "Papercut"

It's basically the same as the last time around. As far as the review goes, it was originally to be a comparison, so this is a little more comprehensive than usual.

Review: KaOS 2014.04

This distribution has a few issues, and to be honest, I'm not sure who exactly it's meant for.

Review: OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0

It is far more stable than its predecessors, and it continues to do basically everything I want it to do, so it's pretty good!

Review: Linux Mint MATE 201403

  • Das U-Blog by Prashanth; By PV (Posted by PV on Mar 26, 2014 4:19 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Debian, GNOME, Mint
There's not a whole lot that has changed in this distribution in a year. Of the things that have changed, most are positive, and the negative ones are not showstoppers by any means, which makes me even happier about this distribution than I was a year ago!

Review: Pinguy OS 13.10 Beta 3

In terms of applications installed and installable, it works quite well. In terms of stability and performance, though, the beta label seems more appropriate.

Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + Xfce

The KDE edition works great all around. Compiz in an Ubuntu-based system outside of Unity appears to be a lost cause, but otherwise the Xfce edition, especially in conjunction with Devilspie2, works great as well.

Review: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" Cinnamon + MATE

The MATE edition is as good as ever, while the Cinnamon edition continues to be let down by instabilities (despite the addition of more refinement and features in this release).

Review: openSUSE 13.1 GNOME

YaST didn't work quite right, but it wasn't a total turnoff; overall it was pretty good. Plus, GNOME has improved a lot with version 3.10, though it is rather resource-heavy.

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