Showing headlines posted by jjacky

Automatically trigger actions on systemd's journal messages

Using systemd, all your logs might be centralized in the journal; But have you ever wondered about having a few things automatically triggered when certain messages are added to the journal? If so, journal-triggerd might be of interest to you...

Automatically switch DPMS off in VLC 2.1

A look at why, though screensaver inhibition is supported in VLC, a new module allowed to handle things a bit differently; notably re-enabling DPMS while the media is simply paused (not stopped).

A look at how XFCE's window manager places new windows, and how to improve it

  • (Posted by jjacky on Apr 6, 2013 1:25 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux, Xfce
I really like XFCE's window manager, but somewhat regularly I would get a little annoyed by where it would place new windows. So I had a look at how it determines where new windows will be placed, and wrote a patch to change that behavior to one that I feel works better.

Natural Sort Order utility, in C

  •; By jjacky (Posted by jjacky on Mar 24, 2013 5:21 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME, Linux
Overview of the complications behind implementing natural sort order in C, introducing natsort

What to restart after a system upgrade ?

  • My way to Arch; By jjacky (Posted by jjacky on Apr 9, 2012 8:37 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux, Xfce
Unless you've updated your kernel, rebooting isn't necessary. That's the beauty of Linux, but it doesn't mean you don't have to restart a few things in order to make sure they all use the latest libraries. So how to know what to restart after a system upgrade? Here's a nice little trick...

Keep Arch Linux Up-to-date with kalu

  • My way to Arch; By jjacky (Posted by jjacky on Mar 16, 2012 12:07 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
kalu is an upgrade notifier for Arch Linux, which can check for upgrades, AUR upgrades, watched (AUR) packages and Arch Linux News. It comes with a few options, notification templates, and also includes a GUI system upgrader.

Scrolling/mouse wheel improvments (VTE-like) in urxvt

  • My way to Arch (Posted by jjacky on Dec 19, 2011 10:45 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
urxvt is great, but - unlike other (VTE-based) terminals, using the mouse wheel always scrolls its own buffer, even on secondary screen (i.e. in applications such as less, man, etc) Here's a patch that will add a new option (secondaryWheel) that will allow the same kind of behaviors as VTE-based terminals: when on secondary screen, using the mouse wheel will be translated into Up/Down keys.

XFCE Window Manager (xfwm4) Tips & Tricks

  • My way to Arch; By jjacky (Posted by jjacky on Dec 13, 2011 11:47 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Community, Xfce
xfwm4 is a great window manager, and it comes with quite a few "hidden" features that might come in handy, once you known about them. Things like how easy it is to move/resize windows, even when they are not decorated...