Stallman Takes His Free-Software Crusade to Argentina

Wikimania 2009

Two whirlwinds blew into Buenos Aires this week: the hundreds of Wikipedia supporters, editors and administrators here for their annual Wikimania conference, and the free-software activist Richard Stallman, who was in town as part of his never-ending tour of the globe to promote his cause.

Richard StallmanCourtesy of Nina Gerlach, licensed under Creative Commons cc-by-sa Richard Stallman

The two are set to meet Wednesday, when Mr. Stallman gives the keynote address at Wikimania in a theater across the street large enough to accommodate the expected crowd. But they don’t exactly blow in the same direction.

While Wikipedia’s officials were holding a news conference on Tuesday to introduce themselves to dozens of local journalists in a big hall with a booth to offer simultaneous English-Spanish translation, Mr. Stallman was into the second hour of his own news conference two floors above in a small room with a handful of technology-focused journalists. “I do have some criticisms of Wikipedia that I am going to save, I would rather save, for my speech tomorrow,” he said.

Mr. Stallman said he is generally a fan of the online, collaborative encyclopedia, but it is on the narrow grounds that befit a single-issue activist who has spent more than two decades preaching the cause that software wants to be free –- “free as in freedom, not free as in beer.” Translation: It’s not necessary that software be cheap, but once someone owns it, she should be free to do with it what she pleases.

This principle is true for Wikipedia, in that anyone is free to reuse its contents in any way he likes, as long as he follows the same ethic with a new product and credits Wikipedia. That applies to a blogger as well as to companies that have created businesses around Wikipedia content, including one publishing house that has republished German Wikipedia content in book form while agreeing to those terms.

But that is where the Stallman-Wikipedia concord begins and ends.

Mr. Stallman was asked whether he favors Wikipedia’s plan to impose an extra layer of vetting on some of its articles, as the English version will soon be doing for articles about living people? Does he worry that it will change the free-flowing, all-edits-are equal ethos of Wikipedia?

He hadn’t heard about the proposal and didn’t much care. “The wiki aspect is not inspired by the free-software movement,” he explained at his news conference. “Wikipedia’s text is free. It is released under a free license. That is the aspect to me that makes it ethical. How you write the text is a different question. I’m not so concerned with that. I’ll leave that to them. Whatever method seems to work is fine with me.”

In fact, the idea that anyone should be allowed to make a change is not quite the way he operates:

The way free software works is, I may write a program, and I will put my version in a site. And I might then let some other people work on it with me, but I’ll decide who can work on it. I’m not going to let just any unknown person install changes in my version. But you, once you download a copy, you are free to distribute copies, you can make changes, you can post your version wherever you want. And then you control your version. And then they could use my version or they cooperate with me, or they could use your version and cooperate with you or make their own versions and post them. So every user has freedom. But every version that is being distributed is under the control of some group.

Mr. Stallman’s talk to journalists on Tuesday, which came after a marathon session the night before in a different part of town, focused on the politics of free software. He explained that he had found that South American countries allied to the United States tended to oppose free software and favor the proprietary products of giant corporations like Microsoft.

“A lot of the questions were about how the government could help with free software,” said Sebastian Martinez, a producer for Radio America in Buenos Aires, who asked Mr. Stallman questions in Spanish, which he answered in Spanish.

When asked to describe the spectacle of Mr. Stallman sitting in front of a desk, twirling his hair, with his shoes discreetly removed underneath the table, Mr. Martinez said, “He reminds me more of a maharishi, a guru — an information guru.”

Another Argentine journalist, Juan Gutmann, who writes for Users magazine, said, “He knows he is the head of a movement.”

Mr. Stallman said there was room for the free software movement to grow in South America for practical reasons. “People are not happy about pirating,” he said. “The press keeps pushing the idea that if you illegally download software, you are committing a felony.”

Describing the attraction of free software, he said, “It is great to get the same deal for free.”

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Stallman is a washed up nothing and nobody. This is so whatever.

Someday it will be illegal to put an addition on your house.

Frederick Royce Perez August 26, 2009 · 9:09 am

Justin’s opinion of course is free . Richard Stallman’s has the benefit of not only being free , but useful as well .

This should also be for music. Once itunes charged you 99 cents for a song but you didn’t own it, now they want 30 cents more for a song that you already paid for to remove the DRM that came with the song but yet you can still get most songs from itunes for 99 cents with no DRM attached.

For purposes of background, it
might be helpful for readers who
don’t follow the Free World’s
activities closely to point out
that Richard Stallman’s 1999
article, “The Universal
Encyclopedia and Free Learning
Resource,” is one of the founding
documents of the Wikipedia
movement, that Richard and
Wikipedia’s founder Jimmy Wales
(along with others in our movement)
have been working towards common
goals for more than twenty years
now, seeking to bring about a whole
range of social changes that —
whether they are about free
software, or free culture, or free
communications — have a single
overall goal: to make both
technology and law function in the
interest of sharing, to prevent
so-called “ownership” from
excluding people from knowledge and
culture because they cannot afford
to pay.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that
“every revolution begins in one
man’s mind.” The revolution that
uses the technology of networked
communication to override the
legal and economic barriers that
prevent human minds from learning
began in Mr. Stallman’s mind. Ask
yourself this question: “How many
of the Einsteins who ever lived
were allowed to learn physics?”
Changing the answer to that
question for this and future
generations is the cause to which
Jimmy and Richard and I and many
others have dedicated our lives.

Eben Moglen
Professor of Law,
Columbia University
Founding Director,
Software Freedom Law Center

He was in Paraguay this week too, and had a BIG!! interview in the LA NACCION newspaper. It was a full page…So this is big news in this region. There is a lot of resentment of WINDOWS domination of computing in the Latin American countries. I saw this too, In Uruguay where I lived for 15 years.

Rev. John T. Kunkel
Missionary in Paraguay

Stallman is right in his philosophy. At least Microsoft should let Free Software show its abilities, but they keep trying to lock people into their proprietary formats.

Proprietary formats mean that you will have to *buy* a new version of Word over and over again to be able to open others’ Word documents. Those who grumble that it ain’t so, that you can download a plug-in for Word 2003 to open Word 2007 xml documents: I have several experiences on different machines with downloading the plug-in and failing to open the docs. So I just use OpenOffice.

So, care to elaborate on what you have achieved that enables you to opine thusly upon Stallman?
Next time you crack open your iPhone, or whatever else a 20-something (I assume your age based upon your name) and read the “Legal” section under the Settings. Not bad for a “nothing and nobody” eh?

Richard Stallman has contributed greatly to the advancement of computing. HIs ideas and insights have challenged us to understand the role of software as it relates to its usage. Richard is a rare breed indeed and it is refreshing to see someone with such passion continue to evolve and refine their ideals in a respectful manner. Thanks Richard.

“Stallman is a washed up nothing and nobody.”

Because the free software he has created continues to be used by millions of people daily around the world?

and in this marvelous world programmers will eat mana from heaven, and all uses for proprietary software is invalid

What finances this guy’s travel around the world? Who pays for his food?

The brilliance of these “free as in freedom” software theories only exist within their own vacuum.

In the real world, human beings compete for survival, and don’t produce successful offspring by sitting around creating software primarily for the sake of having a version to control.

Wow, it’s great to hear these guys are expanding influence in S. America. They’ve done great work and have improved software quality in general, immensely. Is there still some controversy over the fact that the best free software is much better than the most heavily advertised and used paid software? Do yourself a favor and try the best audio, office, graphics, (free, open source) packages that run on Windows. (or try Ubuntu).

dave #11-

Programmers can get paid for their efforts to create software in the first place and to maintain it. There are many fairly successful businesses based on open-source software, from Red Hat to significant parts of IBM, and plenty of independent developers making a living off of open source.

I don’t agree with RMS that there is no role for proprietary software, but a robust open-source industry is a good thing. And proprietary data formats in particular are highly anti-competitive.

From Wikipedia’s page on the GPL:

The Open Source License Resource Center maintained by Black Duck Software shows that GPL is the license used in about 60% of all software packages released under a free software / open source license.[40] The vast majority of projects are released under GPL 2 with 3000 free software / open source projects having migrated to GPL 3.

That’s a staggering number, and reflects the ambition Stallman had in promoting free software. Many facets of our lives and our society depend on his groundbreaking work and ideas.

Stallman is in no way washed up. The Gnu/Linux OS is an important business, technical computing and educational platform. There are many > $1B companies that depend on just Stallman’s C and C++ compilers.

Those who’ve been downwind of Richard are probably amused by ‘washed-up.’ They’re also the same people who can attribute their RSI to emacs.

Richard Stallman is right.
Sharing is very closely related to caring and caring is closely related to loving.
Not only should we openly share all software but we should share the spirit of Richard Stallman and love our fellow humans.
Only through love will humans continue to exist.

I’m not overly familiar with all of Stallman’s work but I do grow exceptionally weary with the word “free”. Reference some of the comments in another blog about free texting on iPhones.

Utopia can’t exist where humans are involved. People, as a whole, will not work towards a common vision and the “greater good”. In order for my vision to be implemented exactly the way I want it to be requires that I control the software and the data format used. In order to make a living I have to charge customers for use of the software, etc. If someone else has a different vision they can write their own software and define their own data model – I suspect they will need to charge customers to make a living too. The customer gets to choose which vision they want to pay for or perhaps even write their own solution if none fit.

Where I work we use a lot of open source in support of the business. The fact that it is open source isn’t the attribute that makes it preferred, it is the lower cost. There is nothing free about open source software/tools but they do tend to be cheaper than proprietary options today and in many cases there is competition between open source options that work just like any other market-driven environment.

I find it funny that the open source competition is driving out some traditional big iron players (Sun, IBM, HP) leaving some gaps that are being filled by Microsoft all because it runs on commodity hardware. In fact I think it is safe to say that with the now rapid adoption of Linux as the server OS of choice, some folks are buying more Microsoft solutions than ever before.

I’ve seen Stallman in Moscow in the early 1990s, with a similar speech. He brought his own backpack full of food, asking for a fridge — apparently having misheard about food shortages, which was no longer true in the nascent capitalist Russia. Hope he got a good chorizo in Baires.

He’s an amazing guy, GNU/Linux is changing the world thanks to him in a huge degree.

Apple’s software is all built with gcc, the compiler Stallman started. Open source tools drive innovation even in closed-source companies. Stallman epitomizes US ingenuity and freedom of thought.

“What’s love got to do with it?”

It’s always best to use Ayn Rand’s principle which in this case would be, “What in reality gives rise to the concept of Love?” Caring and sharing are not the basis of love.

Stallman was never much more than a parody of himself. His whole program was taken over by the Open Source movement–which he doesn’t much like, insisting for example that Linux should always be called, “GNU/Linux.”

Apparently he spares no effort to use free software to even so much as get on the Web. I’ve often wondered if he’s using a processor running free _microcode_!

The majority of programmers have no problem with proprietary software, the existence of software patents, or open source software.

I’ve been using GNU/Linux exclusively for around 4 years now, and I have no background in anything computer related. (I study film and poetry!) So I take myself as proof that modern GNU/Linux operating systems are every bit as powerful and user-friendly as Microsoft or Apple’s. But what I love most about GNU/Linux is the way that it makes right-wingers so uncomfortable. GNU/Linux is tangible proof that cooperation can be more efficient than competition and that corporate greed is not synonymous with the public interest. And the fact that almost no one knows what it is says some truly frightening things about the control advertising has over our understanding of what is possible.

The conference on Buenos Aires University was cancelled (and moved to another place), because Microsoft signed a previous contract with the university forbidding it to “criticize Micorsoft products”.

1984 is near…


