Oracle and Florian Mueller got hitched

“Florian Mueller has confessed – in the interests of being ‘transparent’, he says – that Oracle has hired him, for his analysis of FRAND issues. I know. You are shocked, shocked. Who’d have ever guessed? We did. Groklaw did. We get suspicious when someone’s ‘analysis’ is uniformly that Google is doomed. It’s my Spidey sense. And it’s usually on the money, as they say.” We’ve had a no-link policy in place for Mueller from back when everybody else was still citing him as a trustworthy, independent analyst. My own senses told me otherwise, and I was right. Paint me red, girl scout, etc. etc.


  1. 2012-04-20 9:36 am
  2. 2012-04-20 11:31 am
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        • 2012-04-20 4:19 pm