It's currently nonfunctional due to the lack of a core snap

Jun 15, 2017 14:25 GMT  ·  By

More than a month after Canonical's Simon Fels announced that he's working on bringing Snappy's Snapd daemon to the Debian-based Raspbian operating system for Raspberry Pi SBCs, the developer updated Snapd to version 2.26.4.

Snapd 2.26.4 is the latest stable and most advanced version of the Snappy daemon that allows the installation and manipulation of Snap packages, the universal binary format created by Canonical for its Ubuntu Linux OS and other supported GNU/Linux distributions, and it's available for Raspbian Jessie too.

The developer announced a couple of days ago that he managed to update the repositories he created to distributing the Snapd daemon on Raspbian Jessie operating systems to version 2.26.4, which implements support for detecting ARMv6l hardware.

Now running on first-generation Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Zero SBCs

This allows Snapd to run properly on first-generation Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Zero single-board computers. It's also capable of preventing installation of ARMhf core Snaps on ARMv6l platforms. However, it looks like Snapd is currently nonfunctional due to the lack of a core Snap.

"The repository is now updated to include snapd 2.26.4 and detects armv6l and prevents installation of armhf core snaps on these devices. This means that snapd will now work properly on the Raspberry Pi 1 and Zero but as we don't have a core snap or any other snaps available will be non functional," said Simon Fels.

If you want to install the Snapd daemon and enable support for the latest Snappy technologies on Raspbian on your Raspberry Pi computer, all you have to do is to fire up a terminal emulator and run the following commands, one by one, hitting the Enter key after each one. Will keep you posted on the progress!

sudo -s
cat << EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/snapd.list
deb jessie main
apt update
apt install -y snapd