Install an OpenStack cloud with Jenkins

Learn to install and configure the Jenkins automation server and create a job to install an OpenStack cloud.
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Chris Hermansen. CC BY-SA 4.0

Jenkins is a well-known automation server often used for automating tasks involving building, testing, and deploying applications in a continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) format. In this tutorial, I will explain how to install and configure Jenkins and create a job that installs PackStack (a proof of concept OpenStack cloud).

For this how-to, I created a CentOS VM in GNOME Boxes that will be used to run Jenkins as a master and also deploy the job on the same machine. Jenkins uses port 8080 as default, so make sure that port is not in use. Jenkins can also be installed as a Docker container.

1. Download the Generic Java WAR file.

2. In a terminal, change to the Download directory and execute the following command:

java -jar jenkins.war

Installing Jenkins

3. Go to http://localhost:8080 and copy the password from the given path:

cat /home/jenkins/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Adding password

4. Create the first Admin user.

Creating admin user

5. Add your SSH key found under ~/.ssh/ to User-name (top-right)→Configure→SSH Public Keys. This will be used to SSH into hosts without providing a password. If you don't have an, you can create a key by using the ssh-keygen command. Initially, you must execute ssh-copy-id user@host-ip to set up passwordless authentication.

Adding SSH key

Also, your Jenkins user should be added to the wheel group and should have passwordless sudo permissions as shown.

Adding passwordless sudo

6. Configure matrix-based security for your Admin user and other users. By default, Jenkins provides all permissions to any user, which is NOT at all recommended. I've given all permissions to the Admin user.

Configuring matrix-based security

7. Now to the fun part! Click on New Item, enter the project name PackStack, and select Freestyle Project. There are many different types of projects, but the others are out of scope for this article.

Entering PackStack project

8. Add a description to the job (optional).

Adding a description to the PackStack project

Go to Build→Add build step→Execute shell. Anything written inside this will be executed as a Shell script.

Execute shell

I have written the following PackStack deployment shell script, which you can use:

sudo yum install -y centos-release-openstack-queens 
sudo yum update -y 2>&1
sudo yum install -y openstack-packstack
sudo packstack –allinone
notify-send "Hi" "Your PackStack cloud is deployed at `sudo cat /root/keystonerc_admin | grep OS_AUTH_URL | awk -F "=" '{print $2}'`"

9. Once you have saved your job, click on Build Now to execute your project. Because I included a notify-send command in my script, I see a notification (in the upper-right corner of the screenshot below) that indicates my PackStack cloud was deployed. You can configure an SMTP server and add email notifications after each build.

Build success

The Build History shows the history and status of all the past builds. By default, Jenkins uses the following color codes:

  • BLUE: Build was successful
  • RED: Build failed
  • GREY: Build was aborted or not built
  • YELLOW: Build is unstable  

If you prefer a green indicator for successful builds, you can install the Green Balls plugin.

Note: Here Jenkins is being installed while logged in as "jenkins" user for Proof-of-Concept purpose.

That's all for this tutorial; please stay tuned for more to come.

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