Get 2018 FIFA World Cup Fixtures And Standings From The Command Line With wowcup

The 2018 FIFA World Cup is an international men football (soccer) tournament currently taking place in Russia. If you're looking for a way to easily get a list of fixtures or standing from the command line, either because you spend most of your time working in a console, or for usage in scripts or other apps (like Conky), give wowcup a try.

wowcup is a simple node command line application that makes use of the API to show upcoming FIFA 2018 World Cup fixtures, previous game scores, as well as group standings.

The tool is inspired by nba-go, a similar though more advanced command line software to get various NBA statistics as well as live play-by-play, game preview and box score information from the console.

The wowcup development was started about 10 days ago, so don't expected too many features. Also, since the football World Cup only lasts for a month and takes place once every 4 years, I guess it's not worth spending a lot of time developing a fully featured console application for it. But wowcup does its job well in displaying current standings as well as previous and upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup fixtures.

wowcup features:

  • display previous fixtures (last 24 hours): wowcup fixtures --last
  • display next fixtures (next 24 hours): wowcup fixtures --next
  • display currently playing matches (live score): wowcup fixtures --playing
  • get standings:
    • all group standings: wowcup standings
    • for a particular group: wowcup standings --table GROUP_LETTER (replacing GROUP_LETTER with the group letter, which is from A to H)

You can avoid displaying the splash header (the big red "2018 FIFA World Cup" text) by appending --quiet to the wowcup command.

As an example, here is how to get the 2018 FIFA World Cup standings for group B from the command line using wowcup (I added --quiet to hide the splash header):

$ wowcup standings --table b --quiet
⚽️ League table B
│ # │ Team     │ MP │ Pts │ GF │ GA │ GD │
│ 1 │ Iran     │ 1  │ 3   │ 1  │ 0  │ 1  │
│ 2 │ Portugal │ 1  │ 1   │ 3  │ 3  │ 0  │
│ 2 │ Spain    │ 1  │ 1   │ 3  │ 3  │ 0  │
│ 4 │ Morocco  │ 1  │ 0   │ 0  │ 1  │ -1 │
⚽️ fetching league table B... done

Another example which shows the live score for the currently playing match (again, using --quiet to hide the splash header):

FIFA world cup command line score

I used a screenshot for this second example because the terminal output gets messed if I paste it in the article.

Installing 2018 FIFA World Cup console tool wowcup

To install wowcup, you'll need to install Node.js and npm first (if you haven't already). On Ubuntu, Debian or Linux Mint, I recommend using these instructions to install Node.js and npm, or to use Node Versiuon Manager (nvm) to install these.

Once you have this set up, you can install wowcup using this command:

npm install -g wowcup

See this page for the official wowcup documentation / usage.