Brings new features and numerous bug fixes

Dec 16, 2019 18:16 GMT  ·  By

The KDE Project release a new update to its open-source and cross-platform KDE Frameworks software suite, versioned 5.65, which brings numerous improvements, new features, and bug fixes.

KDE Frameworks 5.65 is a monthly update to the open-source software suite used by the KDE Plasma desktop environment, adding more than 200 changes across various components. Among some of the highlights, we can mention implementation of an install directory for systemd units, new Baloo and Preferences Search icons, new document notifiers setting in KConfig, new protocol for 7z archives, document configuration file path on Android, and a new Quick Charts module in KQuickCharts for high-performance charts.

"The Quick Charts module provides a set of charts that can be used from QtQuick applications. They are intended to be used for both simple display of data as well as continuous display of high-volume data (often referred to as plotters). The charts use a system called distance fields for their accelerated rendering, which provides ways of using the GPU for rendering 2D shapes without loss of quality," reads the release notes.

Coming soon to a GNU/Linux distribution near you

The KDE Frameworks 5.65.0 packages will soon make their way into the stable software repositories of your favorite GNU/Linux distributions, so if you're using the latest and greatest KDE Plasma desktop environment, make sure you update to this release as soon as possible. The complete source code for KDE Frameworks 5.65.0 is available to download for free if you're an OS vendor and you want to package them for your GNU/Linux distribution.

KDE Frameworks 5.65 is compatible with the KDE Plasma 5.17 desktop environment series, as well as the Qt 5.12 and Qt 5.13 open-source application frameworks. The next release, KDE Frameworks 5.66, which should hit the streets early next year, will support the upcoming KDE Plasma 5.18 LTS desktop environment, due for release on February 11th, 2020.