How to install and use Atom editor on CentOS 8

Atom is a free (open-source) source code editor that can be used on Linux, macOS, and Windows. It provides support for plug-ins written in Node.js, has an embedded Git control that is developed by GitHub. It is a desktop-based application built using various web technologies.

In this article, you will learn how to install and use the Atom text editor on CentOS 8.0.

Installation steps of Atom text editor on CentOS 8

You need to perform the following steps to install Atom text editor on your system:

  1. Open the terminal window from the ‘Activities’ that you can see on the top left corner of your desktop in CentOS 8.0.
  2. To install the Atom text editor, you need to log in as a root user on your system. Type ‘su’ command on the terminal.

Download the Atom text editor as an rpm file.

You have been logged in as an admin or root account. Now, you will download the latest version of the Atom text editor on your system. The new release of the Atom editor is available on this mentioned URL page.

Using the ‘curl’ command, download the latest version of the Atom text editor. The basic syntax of curl command is given below:

$ curl -SLo atom.rpm

You will run the above-mentioned command on the terminal.

Download Atom Editor

After completing the download process, you can verify that an rpm file name with ‘atom.rpm’ will be saved into your system’s home directory.

Install Atom text editor

Now, you will install the downloaded file on your CentOS 8.0. You can install the rpm file using the ‘yum’ or ‘dnf’ command. Type the following command on the terminal to install Atom text editor on your system:

$ dnf localinstall atom.rpm

Install Atom Editor

Confirm installation

A confirmation prompt will appear on the terminal window during the installation. You will type ‘y’ and then press the ‘Enter’ key to proceed with Atom text editor installation on your system. In a while, you can see that all dependencies have been downloaded and installed on your system.

Atom Editor installation successful

Launch Atom text editor on CentOS 8.0

The installation has been completed. Now, it’s time to launch the Atom text editor on your system. You can launch the Atom text editor from the search bar that is present on your system’s desktop.

Type ‘atom’ word in the search bar. You will see that the Atom text editor icon will be displayed on the desktop of your system.

Icon of the Atom Editor

Atom text editor has been launched on your CentOS 8.0. You can enjoy and use the Atom text editor on your system now.

How to use the Atom text editor

The Atom text editor has many features, but here we will only discuss the basic use of this editor. Using Atom text editor you can open and create different types of files like python, java, PHP, and Html, etc.

Atom Editor started

Create a new project in Atom text editor

You will go to the ‘File’ menu and select the ‘new file’ from all options. and save it with your desire code extension. Here, I will create a simple new ‘hello world’ program in python. So, I kept the file name is ‘’. Now, paste code in the file as you can see in the below-given image:

New project


In this article, you have learned how to install the Atom text editor on CentOS 8.0. You have also learned how we can create a new project on this tool. Now, I hope you are able to explore new features of the Atom text editor on your system. In case of any queries please comment below in the comment box.