How to Install Minecraft Game on Ubuntu 20.04

Minecraft is a very popular video game that was released in 2011. It can be used with all major platforms like Linux, macOS, and Windows. Today’s article will show you the installation of Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04.

Installing Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04

For installing Minecraft game on Ubuntu 20.04 system, you can follow any of the two methods shared with you below:

Method # 1: Using the .deb Package to Install Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04:

For using the .deb package to install Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04, you will have to perform the following steps:

Step # 1: Download the Minecraft .deb Package on Ubuntu 20.04:

First, we will download the Minecraft .deb package on Ubuntu 20.04 by running the command shown below:


Download Minecraft

The Minecraft .deb package will download quickly if you have a good Internet connection and once it is downloaded, you will get to see these messages:

Downloading software

Step # 2: Install the Minecraft .deb Package on Ubuntu 20.04:

Now, we will install the downloaded Minecraft .deb package on Ubuntu 20.04 with the following command:

sudo dpkg –i Minecraft.deb

Install Minecraft .deb package

This operation will take a little longer to complete than the previous one after which you might encounter some error messages as shown in the image below:

Installing Minecraft

Step # 3: Resolve the Dependency Issues in the Installation of Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04:

To resolve the dependency issues encountered during the installing of the Minecraft .deb package on Ubuntu 20.04, we will run the following command:

sudo apt -f install

Resolve dependencies

Once this command executes successfully, you will not see any more errors as shown in the image below:

Dependency package installation

Method # 2: Using the Snap Package Manager to Install Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04:

Alternatively, we can also use the Snap package manager to install Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04 by going through the following steps:

Step # 1: Install the Snap Package for Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04:

The Snap package for Minecraft can be installed on Ubuntu 20.04 by running the command shown below:

sudo snap install mc-installer

Installing snap

As soon as the Snap package for Minecraft will be successfully installed on your Ubuntu 20.04 system, you will get the following success message on the terminal:

Installing snap and mc installer

Step # 2: Run the Snap Package for Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04:

Now, we will run the newly installed Snap package for Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04 by running the command shown below:

sudo snap run mc-installer

Run mc installer

Verifying the Installation of Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04:

Whichever method you have used for installing Minecraft on Ubuntu 20.04, you can verify its installation by looking for it in the Activities search bar as shown in the following image:

Minecraft Icon

Removing Minecraft

Now, we are going to share with you the two methods for removing the Minecraft game from Ubuntu 20.04.

Method # 1: For Minecraft Installed using the .deb Package:

If you have installed the Minecraft game by using the .deb package, then you can remove it by running the command shown below:

sudo apt --purge remove minecraft-launcher

Removing deb package

The successful removal of the Minecraft game from your Ubuntu 20.04 system will render the following messages:

Method # 2: For Minecraft Installed using the Snap Package Manager:

If you have installed the Minecraft game by using the Snap package manager, then you can remove it by running the command shown below:

sudo snap remove mc-installer

Removing Minecraft snap installer

The successful removal of the Minecraft game from your Ubuntu 20.04 system will render the following success message on the terminal:

Removing snap


Whichever method you have installed for removing the Minecraft game from your Ubuntu 20.04 system, you can additionally run the command shown below for getting rid of all the additional packages and dependencies:

sudo apt-get autoremove

Cleaning up packages

When all the additional packages and dependencies will have been removed, you will see the following messages on your screen.



In today’s article, we shared with you the two different methods of installing the Minecraft game on Ubuntu 20.04. Then we shared with you the respective removal methods of this game so that you can easily uninstall this game from your system to free up space whenever you want.