Install Flameshot Screenshot Tool in Ubuntu 22.04

Ubuntu Screenshot Tool

Flameshot is an open-source screenshot and annotation tool designed for Linux, macOS, and Windows systems. The best thing about this screenshot tool is that it operates with both the graphical user interface as well as the command-line interface. It is a very easy-to-use screenshot tool that provides users with a high level of flexibility and customization. In today’s article, we will be installing Flameshot on a Ubuntu system. These instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04.

Installing Flameshot on Ubuntu 22.04

For installing the Flameshot screenshot tool on your Ubuntu system, you will have to perform the following steps:

Step # 1: Perform the System Cache Update

You need to perform your system cache update by executing the command shown below:

$ sudo apt update

Update packages

With this system update, your Ubuntu 20.04 machine will be all set to install the Flameshot screenshot tool on it.

Step # 2: Install Flameshot in Ubuntu 20.04:

Now, you can install Flameshot on Ubuntu 20.04 by executing the following command in your system’s terminal:

$ sudo apt install flameshot

Install Flameshot

Once the Flameshot screenshot tool will be installed on your Ubuntu Desktop, the terminal will display these messages as an indication.

Flameshot installation

Step # 3: Launch Flameshot on Ubuntu

You can launch Flameshot in Ubuntu by searching for it in the Activities search bar as shown in the image below:

Flameshot Icon

Clicking on this search result will cause the Flameshot icon to appear on your Ubuntu system's taskbar as highlighted in the following image. You can click on this icon to launch a menu that will present you with various options for using this screenshot tool as shown in the following image:

Take a screenhot

Removing Flameshot

When you no longer want to use this screenshot tool on your Ubuntu system, you can remove it by executing the command shown below:

$ sudo apt-get purge flameshot

Remove Flameshot

The successful execution of this command will remove Flameshot and its dependencies from your Ubuntu 20.04 system.

Purging Flameshot

Finally, you can also remove all those packages and dependencies that are not needed any longer by executing the following command:

$ sudo apt-get autoremove

autoremove packages

Once this command has completed its execution, you will see the below-shown messages on your terminal:

Remove dependencies that are not needed anymore


In this guide, we explained how to install the Flameshot screenshot utility on a Ubuntu 22.04 system.