How to Install Go Programming Language on Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu Go Programming Language

Go is one of the latest open source programming languages that is used to do memory management safely and also helps in dealing with garbage collection gracefully. It is a statically typed language that can conveniently manage objects and hence provides a very efficient way of creating useful programs. This article shows you how you can install the Go language on an Ubuntu 20.04 system.

Installing Go on Ubuntu Linux

We will install Go language on Ubuntu by performing the following steps:

Step # 1: Carry out a System Update

First, we will carry out a system update with the command shown below:

$ sudo apt-get update

Update packages

Step # 2: Install Go on your Updated System

After this system update, we are good to go with the installation of the Go language on our system which we can perform with the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install golang

Install golang package which contains Go programming tools and compiler

The golang package contains the Go programming language compiler and tools. When this command is executing, you will be asked to provide confirmation by hitting the “Y” key as shown in the image below:

Accept to install dependencies

Once you will do that, the installation of the Go language will complete after a few minutes.

Step # 3: Confirm the Installation of Go on your System

Confirm Go language installation by checking the version.

$ go version

Check Go version

You can see the version of the Go language installed on our system. Screenshot below:

Golang version

Removing Go

Use this command to remove Go compiler from your system.

$ sudo apt-get purge --autoremove golang

Removeal of Go packages