How to Install Discord on Debian 12, 11 or 10

Discord has emerged as a versatile platform catering to a diverse user base in the ever-evolving digital communication landscape. Whether you’re a gamer, educator, professional, or just someone looking for a reliable chat application, Discord has features tailored for you. This guide will detail how to install Discord on Debian 12 Bookworm or the older stable releases of Debian 11 Bullseye or Debian 10 Buster, ensuring you access this robust communication tool on your Debian system.

Distinguishing Features of Discord:

  • For Gamers: Discord enhances the gaming experience with in-game overlays and real-time status displays, making it an indispensable tool for avid gamers.
  • Educational Use: With features like screen sharing and dedicated voice channels, Discord becomes a valuable resource for online classes and collaborative study sessions.
  • Business Communication: Discord’s structured channels facilitate organized and efficient discussions, making it suitable for professional teams and organizations.
  • Engaging Content Creators: Discord offers influencers a dedicated space to interact with their followers, fostering a closer community bond.
  • Social Interaction: Beyond its professional uses, Discord is perfect for casual conversations, media exchanges, and voice and video chats with friends and family.
  • Integrated Experience: With seamless integrations, including Spotify and YouTube, users can enjoy a multimedia-rich communication environment.
  • Safety First: Discord prioritizes user security with features like two-factor authentication, ensuring a safe and secure platform for all its users.

As we delve deeper into this guide, you’ll gain insights into the installation process of Discord on your Debian system, setting you up for a seamless communication experience.

Install Discord on Debian 12, 11, or 10 via the .deb package

Step 1: Update Debian Packages Before Discord Installation

To ensure the smooth installation of Discord, the first step involves updating your Debian system packages. This is an essential preliminary step as it helps to avoid potential conflicts during the Discord installation process. We accomplish this by executing the following command in the terminal:

sudo apt update

This command retrieves information about new updates, ensuring your package lists are current.

Next, we’ll upgrade any outdated packages on your Debian system with the following command:

sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Download Discord .deb package on Debian

Next, fetch the Discord .deb package directly from Discord’s official site with the wget command. This utility downloads files from the internet. The -O option lets you specify the output file name. Use this command:

wget "" -O discord.deb

Upon executing this command, the latest version of the Discord .deb package is downloaded and saved as discord.deb in your current working directory.

Step 3: Install Discord via APT Command on Debian

With the Discord .deb package downloaded, the next step is to install it. This is accomplished using the apt install command, as follows:

sudo apt install ./discord.deb

In this command, the . represents the current directory, and /discord.deb is the path to the downloaded file. By running this command, you will install Discord on your Debian system.

Install Discord on Debian 12, 11, or 10 via Flatpak and Flathub

The alternative method to install Discord on your Debian system is by utilizing the Flatpak package manager in combination with Flathub, an app store and build service for Linux. Unlike some other Linux distributions, Debian doesn’t come with Flatpak preinstalled. This section will guide you through installing the Flatpak manager, enabling Flathub, and installing Discord.

Step 1: Install Flatpak on Debian (Situational)

To use this installation method, you need to have Flatpak installed on your Debian system. If you don’t have Flatpak, install it first. Follow our guide titled “How to Install Flatpak and Enable Flathub on Debian Linux” for a comprehensive installation process. Find the guide at this URL: How to Install Flatpak on Debian Linux.

Step 2: Enabling Flathub for Discord Installation on Debian

After installing Flatpak, your next task is to enable Flathub. Flathub serves as a repository for various Linux applications, including Discord. When you enable Flathub, you make these applications accessible for installation via Flatpak.

To activate Flathub, run this command in your terminal:

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

Step 3: Install Discord on Debian 12, 11, or 10 via Flatpak Command

Now that you have enabled Flathub, you can install Discord using Flatpak. Run the following command to do so:

flatpak install flathub com.discordapp.Discord -y

This command requests Flatpak to install the Discord application from the Flathub repository. The -y option is used to automatically answer ‘yes’ to all prompts, allowing the installation to proceed without further user interaction.

See also
How to Install Tor Browser on Debian 12, 11 or 10

Initiating Discord on Debian 12, 11 or 10

After you’ve installed Discord using one of the two methods we presented above, you can now launch and use Discord on your Debian system. We’ll guide you through the various ways to do this.

CLI Commands to Launch Discord

Launching Discord is as straightforward as typing a single command if you’re already working in the terminal.

For the .deb installation, you can use the following command:


This command searches for the Discord executable in the system’s PATH and runs it.

If you installed Discord using Flatpak, the command changes slightly:

flatpak run com.discordapp.Discord

This command tells Flatpak to run the Discord application that we installed earlier.

GUI Method to Launch Debian

Launching Discord directly from your desktop environment is a breeze for those who prefer a GUI-based approach. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Click on the Activities option, usually found in the top left corner of your screen.
  2. From the Activities overview, select the Show Applications icon. This is typically represented by a grid of dots at the bottom of your screen.
  3. In the Show Applications menu, look for Discord among your installed applications. The icon should be visible in the grid of applications.
  4. In case the icon isn’t immediately visible, don’t worry! Utilize the Search function at the top of the Show Applications menu. Type ‘Discord’ into the search bar, and the system will highlight the Discord application for you.
Discord application icon displayed on Debian 12, 11 or 10 Linux desktop.
Click the Discord icon to launch the Debian 12, 11, or 10 Linux application.

Getting Started with Discord on Debian 12, 11 or 10

Whether new or experienced, familiarizing yourself with Discord’s features and functionalities will enhance your communication and collaboration. Use these tips to maximize your experience with Discord on Debian Linux.

General Tips with Discord on Debian

  • Understand Discord’s Structure: Discord is organized into servers, channels, and direct messages. Servers are large chat rooms divided into smaller topic-specific channels, and direct messages are for one-on-one or small group conversations. Understanding this structure can help you navigate Discord effectively.
  • Configure Notifications: Discord provides granular notification settings. You can choose to receive notifications for all messages, only direct messages or only mentions. These settings can be configured per-server or per-channel, helping you manage your attention effectively.
  • Use Keyboard Shortcuts: Discord has a wide range of keyboard shortcuts that can make your usage more efficient. For example, Ctrl + K allows you to jump between servers, channels, and direct messages quickly, and Ctrl + / brings up a list of all available shortcuts.

Customization Tips with Discord on Debian

  • Dark Theme: Discord provides a Dark Theme option if you prefer a darker interface. This can be accessed in the User Settings menu under the Appearance tab.
  • Custom Emojis: Discord allows you to add custom emojis to your servers. These can be a fun way to add personality to your chats.
  • Server Icons: Customize your server’s icon to make it easily recognizable. You can upload any image, and Discord will resize it to fit.

Advanced Tips with Discord on Debian

  • Bot Integration: Discord supports integration with bots, which can help automate tasks, play music, manage roles, and more. You can find bots online or create your own with some coding knowledge.
  • Voice and Video Settings: You can configure your microphone, speakers, and webcam in the Voice & Video settings. This is especially important if you plan to join voice channels or video calls.
  • Text Formatting: Discord supports basic text formatting, including bold (**bold**), italic (*italic*), underline (__underline__), strikethrough (~~strikethrough~~), and code blocks (`code` for inline and ```code``` for multiline). This can help you emphasize your messages and make them easier to read.
Screenshot of the Discord sign-in page on Debian 12, 11 or 10 Linux.
Successful Discord installation and sign-in on Debian 12, 11, or 10 Linux.

Managing Discord Installation on Debian 12, 11 or 10

In the vast sphere of software applications, ensuring regular updates and mastering the uninstallation process when required is key to effective application management. In this section, our focus is on Discord, a widely used communication software. We’ll dive into how to manually manage Discord updates on your Debian Linux and demonstrate the steps involved in uninstalling the software.

Update Discord on Debian 12, 11 or 10

Discord typically rolls out in-app update notifications. However, there might be times when these notifications fail to appear. In such instances, it’s prudent for you, as a Debian Linux user, to manually check for these updates via the terminal. This practice ensures that your Discord application remains up-to-date and functions optimally.

Method 1: Discord APT Update Method on Debian

Discord automatically handles in-app updates. For binary updates, the Discord client prompts you to act. Essentially, you must follow the APT manual process again to upgrade and maintain an updated Discord client.

See also
How to Install Wireshark on Debian 12, 11 or 10

Method 2: Discord Flatpak Update Method on Debian

The update process differs slightly if you’ve installed Discord using the Flatpak method. The Flatpak package manager has a straightforward command for updating your applications:

flatpak update

This command checks for updates across all installed Flatpak applications, including Discord.

How to Uninstall Discord on Debian 12, 11 or 10

There may come a time when you no longer need the Discord application on your Debian system. Knowing how to uninstall the software according to the original installation method becomes crucial.

Method 1: Discord APT Uninstall Method on Debian

If you installed Discord using the APT method, use the following command to remove it:

sudo apt remove discord

Method 2: Discord Flatpak Uninstall Method on Debian

If you used the Flatpak method for installation, the uninstallation command will be slightly different. The following command will effectively remove Discord:

flatpak remove --delete-data com.discordapp.Discord -y

This command removes the Discord application and associated data from your Debian Linux system.


Overall, you can easily install and manage Discord on your Debian Linux system. By using either the APT or Flatpak package managers, you can install, update, or uninstall the Discord application. This guide gives you all the steps to effectively maintain Discord on your Debian system so you can keep connecting with your community, no matter what changes arise.

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