How to Install Apache on Fedora 39, 38 Linux

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to install Apache on Fedora Linux. Apache, officially known as Apache HTTP Server, stands as one of the most widely-used web server software worldwide. Renowned for its versatility and robustness, it serves as a cornerstone for hosting websites and web applications. Whether you’re setting up a personal blog or a complex corporate web infrastructure, Apache’s rich feature set makes it an ideal choice.

Key Features of Apache HTTP Server:

  • Flexibility: Customizable with modules to extend functionality.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Runs on various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and MacOS.
  • Security: Strong focus on secure and reliable operations.
  • Efficiency: Excellent handling of concurrent requests, optimizing server performance.
  • Support for Multiple Programming Languages: Works seamlessly with languages like PHP, Python, and Perl.
  • Active Community Support: Benefits from a vast community of users and developers.

As a backbone for many of the internet’s websites, Apache balances power and simplicity, making it accessible for beginners yet powerful enough for advanced users. The installation process on Fedora Linux is straightforward, and we’re here to guide you through each step. With Apache, you’ll unlock the potential to host and manage websites with ease, enjoying the rich functionality that has made it a preferred choice for millions of users globally.

Install Apache on Fedora Linux via DNF

Step 1: Update Fedora Packages Before Apache Installation

To begin, updating your Fedora system ensures that it runs the latest software, which is essential for compatibility and security.

Open your terminal and run the command:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

This command combines the use of sudo for administrative rights with dnf upgrade to update all packages. The --refresh option ensures you’re getting the latest information from your repositories. It’s important to let this process complete before moving to the next step to maintain system integrity and smooth functioning.

Step 2: Install Apache (HTTPD) via DNF Command

With your system up to date, installing Apache, also known as HTTPD, is straightforward. Fedora utilizes the DNF package manager for such tasks.

In your terminal, run:

sudo dnf install httpd

This command fetches and installs Apache on your Fedora system. DNF handles dependencies and configurations, simplifying the installation. The process is usually quick, leaving Apache ready for use upon completion.

Step 3: Enable Apache (HTTPD) on Fedora

Once Apache is installed, the next step is to start and enable the service to ensure it runs on boot. If not automatically activated, use these commands:

sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd

sudo systemctl start httpd begins the Apache service, and sudo systemctl enable httpd sets it to launch at boot. This two-step approach ensures Apache is active and persistently available.

Alternatively, you can combine these steps:

sudo systemctl enable httpd --now

The --now flag with sudo systemctl enable httpd starts Apache immediately and configures it to launch at boot, streamlining the process.

Step 4: Verify Apache (HTTPD) Service Status

Finally, verify Apache’s status:

systemctl status httpd
Checking Apache Service Status in Terminal on Fedora
Terminal Output Showing Apache Service Status on Fedora Linux

This command provides Apache’s operational status. The output includes the service’s current state and any error messages, essential for troubleshooting. Regularly checking this can help maintain a stable and functional Apache setup on your Fedora system.

Configure Firewalld Rules for Apache on Fedora Linux

Opening Ports for HTTP and HTTPS

After installing Apache (HTTPD) on Fedora, it’s essential to configure Firewalld to allow traffic on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS). These steps are vital for the security and accessibility of your web application.

Opening Port 80 (HTTP):

Execute the following command to open port 80, which is used for HTTP traffic:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp

This command configures Firewalld to allow incoming TCP traffic on port 80, commonly used for unencrypted web traffic.

Opening Port 443 (HTTPS):

To allow secure, encrypted traffic, open port 443 with this command:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp

Port 443 is used for HTTPS traffic, providing encrypted communication between clients and the server.

Applying the Firewall Changes:

After setting the rules, apply them by reloading Firewalld:

sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Reloading the firewall ensures that all changes are active and effective immediately.

Security Considerations

Understanding the security implications of these changes is crucial. Opening only necessary ports minimizes potential vulnerabilities, safeguarding your application from unauthorized access and threats.

Verifying Apache Accessibility

To confirm successful configuration, access the Apache (HTTPD) landing page:

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Navigate to http://localhost or http://<your_server_ip>.

If configured correctly, the Apache default page should appear, confirming the server’s operational status.

Fedora Linux Apache Internal Test Page
Apache Default Test Page on Fedora Linux

Troubleshooting Access Issues

If you can’t access the landing page, consider these steps:

  • Review the firewall rules for accuracy.
  • Check the Apache service status.
  • Examine server configurations for errors.

Addressing these aspects will help you identify and resolve any issues hindering access to Apache on Fedora.

Create a Virtual Host on Apache with Fedora Linux

Creating and Configuring Directories for Your Virtual Host

Start by creating a directory for your virtual host on Fedora Linux. This directory will act as the root for your website’s files. For a domain like “”, use the following command:

sudo mkdir /var/www/

Replace “” with your actual domain name. This directory will hold all website files, including HTML, images, and scripts. For organizational and security purposes, it’s advisable to create separate directories for different virtual hosts.

Set the directory’s ownership and permissions so that Apache can access it:

sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/

The first command changes the directory ownership to the Apache user and group. The second sets the necessary permissions.

Create an index.html file in this directory. This file is the first page visitors see. Use a text editor like nano to create this file:

sudo nano /var/www/

Inside the editor, you can add the following HTML structure:

    <title>Example Domain</title>
    <h1>Welcome to Example Domain</h1>
    <p>This is a sample page for the domain</p>

Customize this HTML to fit your site’s needs. Save and exit the editor using Ctrl + X, followed by Y and Enter.

Creating Virtual Host

Setting Up Directories for Apache

First, create the sites-available and sites-enabled directories:

sudo mkdir /etc/httpd/sites-available /etc/httpd/sites-enabled

These directories help organize virtual host configurations. Now, edit the Apache configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

At the end of the file, add:

#IncludeOptional conf.d/*.conf
IncludeOptional sites-enabled/*.conf

Save and exit with Ctrl + O and Ctrl + X.

Configuring Sites-Enable Directory in Apache on Fedora
Setting Up Sites-Enable Directory for Apache on Fedora Linux

Configuring Your Virtual Host

Create a configuration file for your domain:

sudo nano /etc/httpd/sites-available/

In the file, add the following configuration, adjusting the ServerName, ServerAlias, and DocumentRoot as needed:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    ServerName example_domain
    ServerAlias www.example_domain
    DocumentRoot /var/www/

Modifying Access Permissions

Modify Apache’s access permissions to allow public access. Edit the main configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Add these lines at the end:

<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted

Save and exit with Ctrl + O and Ctrl + X.

Configuring Apache for Public Access on Fedora Linux
Terminal View of Apache Configuration for Public Access

Enabling Virtual Host

Create a symbolic link to enable the virtual host:

sudo ln -s /etc/httpd/sites-available/ /etc/httpd/sites-enabled/

Restart Apache to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

After restarting Apache, visit http://example_domain in your web browser. If you haven’t registered a domain, use the server’s IP address. You should see the landing page you created earlier.

Apache Custom Test Page on Fedora Linux
Custom Test Page Displayed by Apache on Fedora Linux

Manage Apache (HTTPD) Service on Fedora Linux

Apache Server Logs

Apache server logs are crucial for monitoring and troubleshooting. By default, they are located in /var/log/httpd/. The standard filenames are access.log for access logs and error.log for error logs. However, you can customize these filenames in the virtual host configuration file.

Customizing Log Filenames

To change the log filenames, edit the virtual host configuration file. Here’s an example for custom log names:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/
    # Change access log to custom-access.log
    CustomLog /var/log/httpd/custom-access.log combined
    # Change error log to custom-error.log
    ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/custom-error.log

This configuration sets custom-access.log and custom-error.log as the new filenames for access and error logs, respectively. Remember to provide the correct file path when configuring custom log names.

Apache Commands for Service Management

Managing the Apache service involves a set of commands that allow you to control its operation:

Stopping Apache:

To stop the Apache server, use:

sudo systemctl stop httpd

This command halts the Apache service until it is started again.

Starting Apache:

To start the Apache server, use:

sudo systemctl start httpd

This command activates the Apache service, making it ready to serve web content.

Restarting Apache:

To restart the Apache server, use:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Restarting is useful for applying configuration changes or recovering from non-critical errors.

Reloading Apache:

To reload the Apache server, use:

sudo systemctl reload httpd

Reloading applies configuration changes without disrupting the running service.

Disabling Apache on Boot:

To prevent Apache from starting automatically on boot, use:

sudo systemctl disable httpd

This command removes Apache from the list of services that start on system boot.

Enabling Apache on Boot:

To set Apache to start automatically on boot, use:

sudo systemctl enable httpd

This ensures that Apache starts whenever the system boots up, providing consistent web service availability.

Secure Apache with Let’s Encrypt SSL Free Certificate on Fedora Linux

Install Certbot for SSL/TLS Certificate Automation

Begin by installing Certbot, a tool for automating the acquisition and renewal of SSL/TLS certificates, ensuring HTTPS encryption for your website. To install Certbot, execute:

sudo dnf install certbot python3-certbot-apache

Generate SSL/TLS Certificate for Your Domain

After installation, generate an SSL/TLS certificate for your domain with this command:

sudo certbot --apache -d

Replace “” with your actual domain name.

Alternative Command for Generating SSL Certificate

For a comprehensive SSL setup, use the following command:

sudo certbot --dry-run --apache --agree-tos --redirect --hsts --staple-ocsp --email -d
  • --dry-run: Tests the certificate generation without altering the system.
  • --apache: Indicates the certificate is for an Apache server.
  • --agree-tos: Agrees to Let’s Encrypt’s terms of service.
  • --redirect: Redirects HTTP traffic to HTTPS.
  • --hsts: Enables HTTP Strict Transport Security, ensuring only secure HTTPS connections.
  • --staple-ocsp: Activates OCSP stapling for verifying the SSL certificate.
  • --email: Your email address associated with the certificate.
  • -d: The domain name for the certificate, here “”.

Configuring Apache to Use the SSL Certificate

To configure Apache, open the SSL configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf

In this file, add the following lines, replacing “” with your domain:

SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Verifying and Renewing the SSL Certificate

Post-installation, your website will transition from “HTTP://” to “HTTPS://,” ensuring encrypted and secure communication.

Setting Up Automatic Certificate Renewal

To keep the SSL certificate updated, set up a cron job for Certbot renewal. First, test the renewal process:

sudo systemctl restart httpd 

This test ensures the renewal script functions correctly before scheduling it as a cron job.

sudo certbot renew --dry-run

SSL Certificate Renewal and Management

Verifying SSL Certificate Status

Before automating the renewal process, it’s crucial to understand the current status of your SSL certificates. To check the status, including the expiration dates of all certificates managed by Certbot, use this command:

sudo certbot certificates

This command provides a list of all SSL certificates handled by Certbot, along with their respective expiration dates. This information is essential to confirm that your certificates are active and to understand when they will require renewal.

Automating SSL Certificate Renewal

To ensure uninterrupted HTTPS service, SSL certificates must be renewed periodically. Automating this process is vital for maintaining a secure website.

Installing Cronie for Cron Jobs

If Cronie, the cron job manager, is not installed on your Fedora system, install it using:

sudo crontab -e

Cronie allows you to schedule tasks like the Certbot renewal script to run at specified times and intervals.

Editing Cron Job Configuration

After installing Cronie, schedule the SSL certificate renewal by editing the cron job configuration:

sudo dnf install cronie

This command opens the crontab editor, where you can add scheduled tasks.

Scheduling the Renewal Job

Within the crontab editor, add the following line to schedule the renewal command to run twice daily:

0 6,18 * * * certbot renew --quiet

This cron job is set to run the certbot renew command at 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM every day. The --quiet option ensures that Certbot runs silently, without generating unnecessary output.

Understanding Certbot’s Renewal Process

Certbot intelligently manages the renewal process. It only attempts to renew certificates that are within 30 days of expiration. If a certificate does not need renewal, Certbot will not perform any action. This efficiency ensures your server is not burdened with unnecessary processes and that your SSL certificates are always up to date.

Setting up this automated renewal process is a best practice for maintaining continuous HTTPS encryption, ensuring your website remains secure and trusted by users and search engines alike.

Additional Commands & Tips

Secure Directories and Files on Apache

Ensuring the security of your server involves setting appropriate permissions for files and directories. Overly permissive settings can expose your server to risks.

Setting Secure Permissions

For directories and files under /var/www/, use these commands:

sudo find /var/www/ -type d -exec chmod 755 "{}" \;
sudo find /var/www/ -type f -exec chmod 644 "{}" \;

These commands set directories to 755 (read, write, execute for the owner, and read and execute for others) and files to 644 (read and write for the owner, read for others), which are standard secure permissions.

Special Permissions for Specific Applications

Note that some applications, like phpBB, may require 777 permissions on certain folders. Always adjust permissions based on application requirements.

Comprehensive Security Approach

Remember, setting permissions is just one aspect of security. Implementing SSL certificates and proper firewall configurations are crucial for robust server protection.

Update Apache (HTTPD) on Fedora

Keeping Apache up to date is crucial for security and performance.

Updating Apache

To update Apache, along with other system packages, use:

sudo dnf update --refresh

This command refreshes the package database and updates all installed packages, including Apache.

Pre-Update Precautions

Always back up your system or create images before performing updates to safeguard against any potential issues.

Remove (Uninstall) Apache From Fedora

In scenarios where Apache needs to be removed from the system, follow these steps:

Disabling and Stopping Apache

First, disable and stop the Apache service:

sudo systemctl disable httpd --now

This command stops the Apache service and prevents it from starting automatically at boot.

Uninstalling Apache

To remove Apache from your system, execute:

sudo dnf remove httpd

This command uninstalls the Apache package.

Cleaning Up Leftover Files

After uninstallation, remove any residual files in the Apache configuration directory:

sudo rm -R /etc/httpd/

This step ensures that all Apache-related files are completely removed from your system.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Wrapping up, setting up Apache on Fedora Linux might initially seem like a steep hill to climb, especially if you’re new to this. But, as we’ve seen throughout this guide, breaking it down into manageable steps can lead to a secure and efficient web server in no time. The key lies in paying attention to security essentials, like setting correct file permissions and implementing SSL/TLS encryption with Let’s Encrypt. It’s also vital to keep a handle on Apache’s management – knowing how to update, configure logs, and, if necessary, remove the software, forms the backbone of a smooth operation. Remember, the journey doesn’t end here. Continuous learning and adaptation are your best allies in confidently maintaining your Apache server on Fedora. Keep exploring, and you’ll find managing your web server less of a challenge and more of an enjoyable part of your

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