How to Install qView on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04 or 20.04

This guide will demonstrate how to install qView on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04, or 20.04 LTS utilizing the command-line terminal with two different methods: APT with Ubuntu’s default repository for many users as the first option, or the Flatpak package manager utilizing the Flathub for an alternative with updated versions.

qView stands out as a minimalist and practical image viewer, designed for efficiency and ease of use. It distinguishes itself by offering a streamlined viewing experience, free from the clutter of extensive toolbars or complex settings. The application is tailored for users who prioritize speed, simplicity, and the convenience of browsing images with minimal distraction. Key features include:

  • Simplicity: With its user-friendly interface, qView enables effortless navigation through images.
  • Speed: It’s optimized for quick loading and smooth transitions between pictures.
  • Versatility: Supports a wide range of image formats, catering to diverse user needs.

qView’s design philosophy emphasizes functionality without sacrificing aesthetic appeal, making it a preferred choice for those who appreciate clarity and efficiency in software.

Now, let’s dive into the technical aspects of installing qView, ensuring you can start enjoying this sleek image viewer with ease.

Install qView on Ubuntu via APT

Refresh Ubuntu’s Package List Before qView Installation

It’s crucial to begin by updating your Ubuntu system. This ensures that all existing software packages are current, reducing the likelihood of compatibility issues during the installation of qView.

Execute the following commands in your terminal to refresh the package list and upgrade your system:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Import qView Personal Package Archive (PPA)

To ensure access to the latest stable version of qView, you’ll need to integrate a PPA maintained by Benjamin O. PPAs are used to distribute software that may not be available in Ubuntu’s official repositories. Enter the following command in your terminal to add the qView PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jurplel/qview -y

The sudo add-apt-repository command followed by the PPA identifier adds the PPA to your system’s list of sources, allowing APT to fetch and install packages.

Refreshing the APT Package Index After qView PPA Import

Upon adding the new PPA, you must instruct APT to update its package index. This step ensures the system knows the packages in the newly integrated PPA. To perform this update, use the following command:

sudo apt update

Executing sudo apt update once more refreshes the list of package information to include the qView PPA you’ve just added.

Install qView on Ubuntu

Now that the PPA has been incorporated and your APT packages index is up-to-date, you’re all set to install qView. Input the following command into your terminal to initiate the installation:

sudo apt install qview

The sudo apt install command followed by the package name — in this case, ‘qview’ — instructs APT to locate, download, and install the specified package and its dependencies.

Install qView on Ubuntu via Flatpak and Flathub

In this segment, we’ll explore an alternative method of installing qView using Flatpak, a universal package manager for Linux systems. Like Snap, Flatpak facilitates the distribution of applications across various Linux distributions, ensuring they operate as intended, regardless of the underlying system’s specific characteristics. One significant advantage of installing qView using Flatpak is the access to the most recent stable versions of the application, providing you with the latest features and improvements.

Note: If your system does not currently have Flatpak installed, you can refer to our guide on “How to Install Flatpak on Ubuntu” for a detailed walkthrough on how to install the latest supported version of Flatpak.

Activating the Flathub Repository for qView on Ubuntu

Before you can install qView via Flatpak, activating the Flathub repository — a primary hub for Flatpak applications is necessary. Activating Flathub allows your system to access and install applications distributed through this platform. Implement this activation by running the following command in your terminal:

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

This command instructs Flatpak to add the Flathub repository to its configuration, thus expanding the range of applications available for installation — including qView.

Install qView on Ubuntu via Flatpak Command

With Flathub successfully enabled, you’re now ready to install qView. The flatpak install command facilitates this process, pulling applications from the Flathub repository. Execute the following command in your terminal to start the installation:

flatpak install flathub com.github.jurplel.qView -y

This command directs Flatpak to install qView from the Flathub repository, ensuring you get the latest version of the application.

Initiating qView on Ubuntu

Having successfully installed qView, the following steps detail how to launch the application. Two primary methods are available for initiating qView: Command Line Interface (CLI) or Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Executing qView via CLI on Ubuntu

To kickstart qView using the CLI, execute the following command:


Flatpak installations need to run the following:

flatpak run com.interversehq.qView

Initiating qView via GUI on Ubuntu

qView can be started through Ubuntu’s GUI for those who prefer graphical interactions.

Follow this pathway to access qView:

  • Click on the Activities option located at the top-left corner of your screen.
  • Choose Show Applications — this will display all the installed applications on your system.
  • Search for qView and click its icon to launch the application.
qView application icon on Ubuntu desktop
qView icon showcased on Ubuntu Linux desktop

First-Time Tips with qView on Ubuntu

Now that you have successfully installed qView on Ubuntu, here are some first-time tips on getting started with the software:

General Tips for qView on Ubuntu

  • Explore Keyboard Shortcuts: Familiarize yourself with qView’s keyboard shortcuts to enhance your image viewing experience. For instance, Left and Right arrow keys for navigating through images, F to toggle full screen, and Q to quit the application. These shortcuts can significantly speed up your workflow.
  • Adjust the Background Color: Customize the background color to suit your preference or to enhance image visibility. This can be done by accessing the settings menu and selecting a color that complements your desktop environment or the images you are viewing.
  • Use the Zoom Function: Utilize the mouse wheel or the + and - keys to zoom in and out of images. This feature is particularly useful for closely examining details within your images.
  • Open Images from the Terminal: Enhance your productivity by opening images directly from the terminal. Simply navigate to the directory containing your images and execute qview [image name]. This method integrates seamlessly into a Linux workflow.

Customizations for Enhanced Usability

  • Customize the Interface: Dive into the preferences menu to tailor the qView interface to your liking. Options include hiding the menu bar for a more immersive viewing experience or adjusting the image transition effects.
  • Configure Image Scaling: Set your preferred image scaling within the settings to ensure images are displayed in a way that best fits your screen. Options include scaling to fit the window, scaling to fill the window, or viewing the image at its actual size.
  • Enable or Disable Slideshow: If you enjoy viewing your images in a slideshow, qView offers the capability to set the interval between images. Conversely, this feature can be turned off if you prefer manual control over image navigation.
  • Adjust File Loading Behavior: Configure how qView loads images, such as preloading the next image for faster navigation or adjusting the cache size to optimize performance.

Optimizing Performance

  • Leverage GPU Acceleration: For systems with dedicated graphics, enabling GPU acceleration can enhance the rendering of images and provide a smoother experience.
  • Manage Memory Usage: Adjust the cache size in the settings to manage memory usage, especially useful for older systems or those with limited resources.
  • Prioritize Image Formats: If you frequently work with specific image formats, prioritize these in the settings to speed up loading times for your most commonly viewed images.
  • Utilize Efficient Navigation: Learn the ins and outs of navigating through directories within qView. Efficient folder navigation can save time, especially when working with large image collections.

Other Tips for Enhanced Viewing

  • Experiment with Display Modes: qView offers different modes for displaying images, including a windowed mode, full screen, and slideshow. Experiment with these modes to find what best suits your viewing preferences.
  • Customize Shortcut Keys: For advanced users, customizing shortcut keys can further streamline your image viewing process. This customization allows for a highly personalized and efficient workflow.
  • Explore Third-Party Plugins: While qView is minimalist, there are third-party plugins available that can extend its functionality. Research plugins that could enhance your viewing experience or add new features.
  • Integrate with File Managers: For a seamless workflow, integrate qView with your preferred file manager. This allows for easy image opening directly from your file management system.

Following these tips, you’ll be able to maximize your use of qView on Ubuntu, tailoring the software to fit your specific needs and preferences.

qView image viewer running on Ubuntu Linux
Demonstrating qView image viewer on Ubuntu

Additional Commands for qView on Ubuntu

In this section, we delve into additional commands that you can utilize to manage your qView installation on Ubuntu Linux. The management operations include updating your current qView installation and completely uninstalling it from your system.

Update qView

Update qView with APT

Like any other software on your Linux system installed via the APT package manager, qView can be updated using the same approach. You typically want to execute these commands regularly to ensure your entire system and its software, including qView, is up-to-date. This practice allows you to stay secure and gain the advantage of recent features and performance improvements.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Update qView with Flatpak

In case you’ve installed qView via Flatpak, updating it is as simple as executing the flatpak update command.

flatpak update

Remove qView from Ubuntu

Sometimes, you might decide you no longer need the qView image viewer on your Ubuntu system. Here, we discuss how to uninstall it based on the method you used for installation.

APT qView Uninstall Method

Users no longer interested in installing the image viewer, use the command to remove the note app that matches your installation.

First, remove the application.

sudo apt remove qview
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:jurplel/qview -y

These commands remove the qView application and eliminate the associated repository.

Flatpak qView Uninstall Method

If you have installed qView using Flatpak, you can remove it using the flatpak uninstall command followed by the application ID.

flatpak uninstall com.interversehq.qView

This command ensures that the qView application and its data are entirely removed from your system.


Throughout this guide, we’ve navigated the installation of qView on Ubuntu, covering both the simplicity of using APT and the versatility of Flatpak for those seeking the latest versions. We’ve also delved into first-time tips to enhance your qView experience, from keyboard shortcuts to customizations that make viewing your images both enjoyable and efficient. As a final recommendation, take the time to explore qView’s settings and shortcuts to tailor the application to your workflow. Remember, the beauty of qView lies in its minimalism and ease of use, making it a stellar choice for Linux users who appreciate clarity and speed in their image-viewing software. Happy viewing!

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