Warehouse is an Ultimate Toolbox for Managing Flatpak Apps

Linux TLDR
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Reading time: 3 minutes

Warehouse is a user-friendly GUI toolbox designed to effortlessly handle Flatpak apps and remotes, allowing effortless viewing of installed Flatpak properties and user data management.

The project is in its initial stages, so anticipate encountering some bugs; if you come across any, please report them on the project’s GitHub issue page.

At present, the tool lacks several features, but the developer has indicated upcoming additions such as installing apps via ID, pinning/unpinning runtimes and apps, uninstalling apps when removing a remote, and more. However, these additions are not guaranteed.

If you’re eager to give it a shot, here’s the current list of features you’ll get right away.

Features of the Warehouse

Here is the current list of key features provided by this tool:

  • Check Installed Flatpak Details: Warehouse presents β€œflatpak list” command data in a user-friendly graphical window, featuring easy-to-copy buttons for each item.
  • Group task: The warehouse offers a batch mode for quickly uninstalling apps, deleting user data, and copying app IDs in large quantities.
  • Manage User Data: Flatpaks store user data in a system location, sometimes remaining after uninstallation. Warehouse can uninstall apps, delete data, or indicate if an app has user data.
  • Leftover Data Management: The warehouse scans user data for associated apps; if none, it may delete the data or try installing a matching flatpak.
  • Manage Remotes: You can remove active Flatpak remotes and add new ones.

Decent features, aren’t they? Given the early stage, expecting fully developed apps with rich features is unrealistic. However, I hope for more features in future updates.

How to Install Warehouse on Linux

At the moment, the warehouse is only available as a Flatpak package, and it can be effortlessly installed on a Linux system with Flatpak already set up by executing:

$ flatpak install flathub io.github.flattool.Warehouse

Once the installation is finished, you can locate the application icon in the search menu or run:

$ flatpak run io.github.flattool.Warehouse

How to Use Warehouse on Linux

Start by launching the warehouse from the search menu.

locating warehouse

You’ll be presented with the following warehouse home screen:

warehouse homescreen

On the warehouse homescreen, you can view the installed Flatpaks on your Linux system and choose to display their properties or uninstall them directly from the list.

For example, to check their properties, click on the β€œπŸ›ˆβ€ icon next to the app name.

checking flatpaks properties from warehouse

For instance, when I click the β€˜πŸ›ˆβ€˜ icon next to the β€œTor Browser Launcher” flatpak, I can check the properties of the app in the window that appears.

checking tor browser flatpak properties from warehouse

From this point, you have the ability to copy various details of the chosen Flatpak, such as Name, Description, App ID, Version, Branch, Arch, Origin, Installation, Ref, Active Commit, Latest Commit, Installed Size, Options, and Runtime.

Now, close this window and return to the warehouse home screen.

warehouse homescreen

In the top left corner, you can β€œrefresh” the installed Flatpak list when you’ve added a new Flatpak app while the warehouse is already running.

Next to the refresh button, you’ll discover the β€œsearch” option, which helps filter out specific Flatpak apps from the installed listβ€”a handy feature when dealing with numerous installed apps.

Finally, the β€œFilter App List” option allows you to choose whether to display apps or runtimes, including flatpaks from specific remotes.

warehouse filter window

When you move to the top right corner, you’ll discover the β€œcheckmark” option, which is useful for selecting multiple Flatpaks to perform batch operations.

batch operation in warehouse

Next to the checkmark option, you’ll discover the β€œmenu” option, where you can manage leftover data, manage remotes, explore keyboard shortcuts, and view app details.

menu option in warehouse

For instance, to manage the remotes, click on the β€œManage Remotes” option, and the following window will appear.

manage remotes in warehouse

From this window, you can copy, delete the existing remotes, or click the β€˜+β€˜ button to add pre-defined remotes like elementary, Fedora, Flathub beta, GNOME nightly, and KDE apps, as well as add a custom remotes option is also available.

add a remote in flathub from warehouse

That’s it. All these features can be useful for users who enjoy using Flatpaks.

How to Remove the Warehouse from Linux

To remove it from your Linux system, simply run the following command:

$ flatpak uninstall io.github.flattool.Warehouse

Final Word

It’s an amazing tool that is currently in development, so we hope a new feature might be released with each update.

Now, if you find this tool amazing or have any alternatives, then do let me know in the comment section.

Till then, peace!

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