How to Install PhotoQT on Linux Mint 21 or 20

This guide will demonstrate how to install PhotoQT on Linux Mint 21 or 20. We’ll explore various installation methods, including using APT with the default repository, an alternative approach with a third-party PPA, and Flatpak with Flathub.

PhotoQT is a versatile and user-friendly image viewer designed to enhance your experience when interacting with photographs on Linux Mint. Its fluid interface and extensive file format support make it a go-to choice for many users.

The PhotoQT application stands out for its:

  • Ease of Use: A straightforward interface, ensuring a seamless browsing experience.
  • Format Compatibility: Supports a wide range of image formats.
  • Customization Options: Offers a variety of settings to tailor the viewing experience to your preferences.
  • Speed: Known for its quick loading times and responsive performance.
  • Lightweight Nature: Doesn’t bog down your system, making it ideal for all types of hardware.

With these key features in mind, let’s delve into the practical aspect of installing PhotoQT on your Linux Mint system.

Install PhotoQT on Linux Mint via APT

To install PhotoQT on Linux Mint, we’ll use APT (Advanced Package Tool), the default package manager for this operating system. This section covers the necessary steps to update your system and select the most appropriate installation method.

Update Your Linux Mint System Before Installing PhotoQT

Updating your Linux Mint system is a crucial first step. It prevents conflicts with outdated packages and ensures your system has the latest security patches.

Execute the following commands to update and upgrade your system:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

The sudo apt update command refreshes package information from all configured sources, while sudo apt upgrade brings all installed packages to their latest versions.

Install PhotoQT on Linux Mint via APT Command

With your system updated, you can choose one of two methods to install PhotoQT using APT:

Option 1: Install PhotoQT Using Linux Mint’s APT Repository

Installing PhotoQT from Linux Mint’s default repository is recommended for stability. This method might not offer the latest features, but it minimizes compatibility issues. The repository contains software versions extensively tested with Linux Mint.

Run this command to install PhotoQT from the default repository:

sudo apt install photoqt

Option 2: Install PhotoQT Using the PPA Method

For a more updated version of PhotoQT, consider using a Personal Package Archive (PPA) maintained by Lukas Spies.

First, add the PPA to your system’s software sources:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lumas/photoqt -y

This command enables APT to fetch packages from this newly added source.

Importing PhotoQT PPA and GPG key in Linux Mint Terminal
Screenshot showing how to import PhotoQT PPA and GPG key on Linux Mint

After adding the PPA, update your package list:

sudo apt update

Now, install PhotoQT from the PPA with this command:

sudo apt install photoqt

This installs the latest version of PhotoQT available in the PPA.

If you previously installed PhotoQT from the APT repository and wish to upgrade, re-run the installation command to align your packages correctly.

Install PhotoQt on Linux Mint via Flatpak and Flathub

Using Flatpak and Flathub offers an alternative and increasingly popular method to install PhotoQt on Linux Mint. Flatpak, akin to Snap, is a universal package management system that isolates software in a sandbox environment, enhancing security. This method is especially useful for accessing applications not available in your distribution’s standard repositories.

Enable Flathub Repository for PhotoQT

First, enabling the Flathub repository, a primary hub for Flatpak applications is essential. Flathub hosts a wide range of applications packaged in Flatpak format, facilitating easy installation.

Run this command to add Flathub to your Flatpak configuration:

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

This command directs Flatpak to incorporate the Flathub repository into your system, providing access to a broad spectrum of applications, including PhotoQt.

Install PhotoQt on Linux Mint via Flatpak Command

With Flathub integrated, you can proceed to install PhotoQt via Flatpak. The flatpak install command fetches and installs the application from Flathub.

To install PhotoQt, execute:

flatpak install flathub org.photoqt.PhotoQt -y

This command ensures the installation of the latest version of PhotoQt from the Flathub repository onto your Linux Mint system.

Launching PhotoQt on Linux Mint

After installing PhotoQt on Linux Mint, the next step is to launch the application and explore its features. There are multiple ways to start PhotoQt, either through the command line or using the graphical user interface (GUI).

Launch PhotoQt from the Terminal

For users proficient in using the command line, opening PhotoQt is straightforward. Execute the following command to start PhotoQt:


This command instructs your system to initiate the PhotoQt application.

If you installed PhotoQt via Flatpak, the command differs slightly. Use this command to launch PhotoQt:

flatpak run org.photoqt.PhotoQt

This command prompts Flatpak to run the PhotoQt application from the installed packages.

Launch PhotoQt from the GUI

For users who prefer a graphical interface, launching PhotoQt is easily done through the desktop environment. Linux Mint supports various desktop environments like Cinnamon, XFCE, KDE, and GNOME, each with a slightly different way of accessing installed applications.

  • Cinnamon, XFCE, KDE:
    • Click on the ‘Menu’ or ‘Application Launcher’.
    • Search for ‘PhotoQt’ and click on the application icon to launch it.
  • GNOME:
    • Click on ‘Activities’ at the top-left corner.
    • Select ‘Show Applications’ at the bottom.
    • Find and click on the ‘PhotoQt’ icon to open it.

These methods provide quick access to PhotoQt, allowing you to start using the application without needing to use the terminal.

PhotoQT icon displayed on Linux Mint taskbar
PhotoQT application icon on the Linux Mint taskbar

First-Time Tips on PhotoQT for Linux Mint Users

Now that you have successfully installed PhotoQT on Linux Mint, here are some first-time tips on getting started with the software:

General Tips for New Users

  • Explore the Interface: Familiarize yourself with the user interface of PhotoQT. Spend some time navigating through the menus and settings to understand the layout and available options.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Learn the keyboard shortcuts for efficient navigation. PhotoQT offers a range of shortcuts that can significantly speed up your workflow. Access the shortcut list via the application’s settings menu.
  • Supported Formats: PhotoQT supports a wide array of image formats. Ensure your files are in a compatible format to avoid any viewing issues.

Customization Tips

  • Personalize the Appearance:
    • Themes: Choose a theme that suits your preference. PhotoQT allows for theme customization, enabling you to alter the look and feel of the application.
    • Thumbnail Size: Adjust the thumbnail size to suit your viewing needs. This can be done in the settings, enhancing your browsing experience.
  • Configure Slideshow Settings: If you often view images in slideshow mode, tailor the slideshow settings to your liking. You can adjust the duration each image is displayed and the transition effects between photos.

Other Useful Tips

  • Mouse Actions: Customize mouse actions for quicker navigation. PhotoQT lets you assign different functions to mouse clicks, such as double-click to fullscreen or right-click for context menu.
  • Image Editing Shortcuts: Learn the basic image editing shortcuts available within PhotoQT. While it’s not a full-fledged image editor, PhotoQT does offer some handy editing features like rotation and flipping.
  • File Management: Use PhotoQT’s file management capabilities to rename, delete, or move images within the application, streamlining your image organization process.
PhotoQT application running on Linux Mint
Running PhotoQT on a Linux Mint System

Managing PhotoQT on Linux Mint

This section will cover how to manage your PhotoQT installation on Linux Mint effectively, including updating and uninstalling the application.

Update PhotoQT

Regular updates are essential for maintaining the optimal performance of PhotoQT.

APT Update Command for PhotoQT

If you’ve installed PhotoQT using APT, update it with this command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

This command updates PhotoQT and all other packages managed by APT. It’s good practice to run this regularly to keep your system updated.

Flatpak Update Command for PhotoQT

For PhotoQT installations via Flatpak, use this command to update:

flatpak update

This ensures both PhotoQT and other Flatpak-installed applications are current.

Remove PhotoQT

If you need to uninstall PhotoQT, the process varies based on your installation method.

APT Remove Commands for PhotoQT

For removal of PhotoQT installed via APT, execute this command:

sudo apt remove photoqt

If you added a PPA for PhotoQT and wish to remove it, use this command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:lumas/photoqt -y

Flatpak Remove Command for PhotoQT

To uninstall PhotoQT installed through Flatpak, use:

flatpak uninstall --delete-data org.photoqt.PhotoQt

This command removes PhotoQT and deletes any associated data on your system.


In this guide, we’ve navigated through the complete process of installing, managing, and using PhotoQT on Linux Mint. We’ve covered all the essentials, from setting it up using different methods like APT and Flatpak to customizing and updating it. As a final recommendation, make sure to explore all the features of PhotoQT to enhance your image-viewing experience. Remember, keeping the application updated will ensure you enjoy a seamless, secure, and feature-rich performance. Here’s to many enjoyable moments with your photographs on Linux Mint!

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