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Create custom portable Ubuntu package repositories with APTonCD

APTonCD allows users to store Ubuntu packages on a CD or DVD so that they can …

I recently discovered APTonCD, a utility that makes it easy to store Ubuntu packages on a CD or DVD so that they can be installed again later without having to download the packages again. You can download the packages you want once and then install them all on as many computers as you want. It's also a pretty useful way to get packages onto computers with slow or unreliable Internet connections.

Last month, the developers released APTonCD 0.1.92 after a complete rewrite of the source code. The new version, 0.1.95, was released yesterday with user interface improvements based on feedback obtained following the 0.1.92 release.

The 0.2 release is on the way, but translations have to be done for the new user interface. APTonCD developer Rafael Proen?a is currently looking for help with testing and localization. The new 0.1.95 release can be installed from the Ubuntu 7.10 repositories.

Channel Ars Technica