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OASIS Launches OpenDocument

  • Standards Blog; By Andy Updegrove (Posted by Andy_Updegrove on Sep 13, 2006 11:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
OASIS announced yesterday in Lyons, France, that it has launched a public Website "designed to serve as the official community gathering place and information resource for the OpenDocument Format (ODF)" sponsored by IBM, Sun Microsystems and, interestingly, Intel as well.

OOoBasic crash course: Replacement therapy

In a perfect world everyone would write in standard English and all publications would use a universal style guide. In the real world, however, you have to deal with different versions of English (British, American, Australian, etc.), and every publication has its own set of writing guidelines. If you write for several markets, things can get pretty complicated. But instead of wasting time on language idiosyncrasies, you can let an OOoBasic macro do the donkey work.

Open source creeps into mapping software

  • ZDNet Asia Latest Tech News; By Aaron Tan (Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Sep 13, 2006 10:43 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Commoditization of Web mapping tools compels Autodesk to release the source codes of its once-proprietary MapGuide software.

Sun continues its efforts to open source Java

Sun has made efforts in the last year or two to open source more of its products. In June 2005, Sun launched its Glassfish project, providing access to portions of Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 code under the Java Research Licence.

Verizon Business Expands Managed Hosting Capabilities With Support for Five of the World's Most Widely Deployed Computer Operating Systems

Choice and Breadth of Hosting Operating Systems Meets Demand for Outsourcing the Management of Complex Enterprise IT Environments

How-tux 1.0 Screenshot Tour

How-Tux is an Italian Slackware-based, desktop-oriented Linux distribution enhanced by GWARE GNOME,, and several multimedia and graphics applications. After months of development, the project has announced its 1.0 release.

Tonight on The Linux Link Tech Show

Tonight on The Linux Link Tech Show, episode 157:
We talk to Brian Bagnall, author of “On the Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore”
Dan does a rundown of GIMP tips
Linc checks out gui clients for subversion
Using mirrors to distribute the show
Pat's laptop has finally returned
And much, much more

Be sure to check us out live every Wednesday night at 8:30 PM, EDT
Just point your favorite media player to any of the following streams:

You can also check out previous episodes from the download section of our home page

The Future of Hardware Compatibility Lists in Linux

A while back, I made a comment with regard to how great it would be to have a single, collective HCL (hardware compatibility list) for all of the popular Linux distributions. At the time, I felt very strongly that if we had a one single collective database of hardware that was known to work with the latest distributions, life would be a lot easier.

The Sorry State of Vista Drivers

  •; By Matt Hartley (Posted by gsh on Sep 13, 2006 6:38 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Microsoft
Well, it's about time. Microsoft's Windows Vista is just around the corner, and from the looks of things, it’s the OS that ought to be a hit among many Windows users. All is good in the world of Windows now, right? Eh, not so fast...

GNU/Linux vs. Mac: Why Apple will not dominate?

Unlike Windows and GNU/Linux, Mac OS X is tied to computers made only by one manufacturer: Apple. If you run Mac OS X you ought to be running an Apple computer. It is in fact easier to run some other operating system on Apple computers than it is to run Mac OS X on other type of computers. And this is just a clue to the point behind this article. It is about the Apple way, its biggest strength and at the same time the biggest weakness, or at least a reason behind the currently evident fact that Apple cannot dominate the desktop market.

How to do everything with PHP and MySQL

If you're planning to take a stab at being an open source programmer then there are harder ways to do it than to start with PHP, MySQl and Apache. For one, the learning curve to getting your first application up and running is relatively shallow -- especially if you're already well-versed in HTML.

KDE launches first KOffice 1.6 beta

The KDE Project on Sept. 10 released KOffice 1.6-beta1, the first beta release for KOffice 1.6, which the project team said is scheduled for full release this October. The release is meant for testing purposes only, not for deployment on production systems, according to the team.

SAP says no big ERP updates 'til 2010

SAP product and technology group president Shai Agassi said Tuesday mySAP ERP 2005, launched in June, is the core of SAP's software and that this core would not be updated for another five years. SAP will instead introduce changes to the core - such as new functions and composite applications in vertical sectors - through Enhancement Packages released once every one or two quarters.

Making wireless work in Ubuntu

  •; By Benjamin Mako Hill, Jono Bacon, Corey Burger, Jonathan Jesse, Ivan Krstic (Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Sep 13, 2006 2:36 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Ubuntu; Story Type: News Story
One of the greatest new features for laptop users in Ubuntu is network-manager. With this shiny new application it is finally easy to connect your Ubuntu system to any wireless network. Where previously you had to jump through hoops to do WPA or 802.1x authentication, network manager makes this completely transparent.

Domino's Horizons Widen

Two recent product introductions make it easier for companies to use Linux to deliver IBM Lotus Notes/Domino-based messaging, calendars and scheduling.

Introduction to TUD:OS

If you are in Germany, the country of Sauerkraut and Beethoven, and you move far to the east, you might arrive at the town of Dresden. In this city, the Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) is located, which’s operating systems group has developed a C++ implementation of Jochen Liedtkes well-known L4 µ-kernel interface. This microkernel, ironically called Fiasco, is the center of all the different projects of the TU Dresden Operating System (TUD:OS) research group.

Powerpc Cell Chip Gets Fedora Linux Support

Back in March, when Linus Torvalds put his seal of approval on the Linux 2.6.16 kernel, one of the key new features that was added to the kernel was support for the PowerPC "Cell" processor co-designed by IBM, Sony, and Toshiba. Now, that support for the Cell chip has been brought into the Fedora Core 5 development Linux from Red Hat.

Using XML is Only One Step Towards Portability

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Peter Seebach (Posted by IdaAshley on Sep 12, 2006 10:41 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: IBM
A pervasive misconception common today is that simply designing your file format around XML somehow makes it magically portable, extensible, and intelligible by other programs. Peter Seebach explains why using XML is only part of the story when you're designing an extensible file format.

CodeYard is a playground for students of open source

Thanks to a handful of college professors, Dutch high school students interested in open source software development now have a community specifically designed to foster participation, learning, and useful code.

Sometimes, more than just the content needs to be managed

To most people —especially those to whom computing is a means to accomplish some other task rather than an end in itself —systems software is boring. To paraphrase the old Clintonian phrase, "it’s the apps, stupid". What matters to most computer users is more about what IT does than how it gets done.

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