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« Previous ( 1 ... 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 ... 1163 ) Next »How to set up Squid as a transparent web proxy on CentOS or RHEL
In a previous tutorial, we have seen the method of creating a gateway using iptables. This tutorial will focus on turning the gateway into a transparent proxy server. There are several benefits of using a transparent proxy. First of all, for end users, a transparent proxy can enhance their web browsing performance by caching frequently […]Continue reading...
The post How to set up Squid as a transparent web proxy on CentOS or RHEL appeared first on Xmodulo.
Related FAQs:
How to set up a transparent proxy on Linux
How to set up a transparent HTTPS filtering proxy on CentOS
How to use svn behind proxy
How to configure http proxy exceptions on Linux
How to fix yum errors on CentOS, RHEL or Fedora
5 myths about working collaboratively
I’m a big believer in collaboration. It's one of the main tenets of the open source way and a huge part of the design process. When done right, collaboration is about finding the right and diverse mix of people, collectively defining the problem and goals, and then collectively doing the work: researching, listening, thinking, sharing, tinkering, doing more research, more thinking, more tinkering, and more sharing until you get to a strategy that has conviction and truth.
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Fedora 21 Change Freeze occurs in two weeks
The Fedora 21 release is progressing, and in a recent email to the development list, Jaroslav ?ezník (the Fedora Program / Schedule Manager) points out that we are a mere 2 weeks away from the Change Freeze milestone (scheduled for July 7th 2014).
Linux system administration part 1
What does it take to be a system administrator? Find out how to equip yourself with the skills you need to start a new career in Linux. Being a system administrator is a sometimes strange and difficult role: nobody knows you exist unless there is a problem, and then it’s instantly considered your fault. Your number one priority is to enable your users or developers unimpeded access to systems you are managing. If there’s a problem it needs to be solved as swiftly and efficiently as possible. You need to see and understand the problems before they come up. Do you still want to be a system administrator? If so, what are the core tasks? How can you become a better system administrator? We’ll be answering all these questions and more over the next few pages, so get your notepads at the ready…
Tesla opens up their secrets
Elon Musk and crew at Tesla Motors made some big waves last week. In case you missed this recent news roundup, it was announced that Tesla is effectively relinquishing their patent portfolio—particularly around charging stations.
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Redmond's Remarkable Reversal
A company that topped the list of obvious casualties in the post-PC era has thrived due to surprising changes to the way it does things. Most especially, how it works with developers.
The New asyncio in Python 3.4: Servers, Protocols, and Transports
Coding advanced asynchronous I/O with Python's new high-level streams API.
Linux Top 3: Peppermint Five, Mageia 4.1 and Debian LTS
Debian squeezes more life out of its 'oldstable' branch
Plasma Media Center 1.3 Available
Plasma Media Center 1.2 was released as a Christmas gift. Now, we bring to you Plasma Media Center 1.3! As always, we have made sure to make it easier to enjoy your favorite videos, music and photos - both from your collection as well as online sources.
Android Candy: I'm Sorry 2048 Times
It seems like every day there's a new mobile game that takes the world by storm. Whether it's Flappy Bird or Candy
Crush, there's something about simple games that appeals to our need for quick, instant gratification.
Make a server at home on a Beaglebone Black and Fedora
The Beaglebone Black is a small, low cost, ARMv7 machine that is capable of running Fedora proper. It is a open-source hardware single-board computer similar in concept to the popular Raspberry PI, but has a faster processor, all for around $45.
Top 4 Linux VoIP clients
Ditch Skype for an open source alternative as we compare some of the best VoIP clients that Linux has to offer. What are the best Linux VoIP clients? We have four we’ve put four of the best to the test to figure out exactly which one wins triumphantly.
Is a code of conduct vital to the success of an open source community?
Late last month, the Debian project voted to adopt a community code of conduct, a set of guidelines for acceptable participation in its official communication channels. Members agreed to abide by the following principles:
Be respectful
Assume good faith
Be collaborative
Try to be concise
Be open
The project also cemented a formal process for altering the code: only a vote from the Debian general assembly can amend the community's code of conduct.
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Stroke and gestures now on Raspberry Pi touch screen
The Adafruit PiTFT has been upgraded to now support touch and motion gestures on top of its current tapping functions
How to sync Microsoft OneDrive on Linux
OneDrive (previously known as SkyDrive) is a popular cloud storage offering from Microsoft. Currently OneDrive offers 7GB free storage for every new signup. As you can imagine, OneDrive is well integrated with other Microsoft software products. Microsoft also offers a standalone OneDrive client which automatically backs up pictures and videos taken by a camera to […]Continue reading...
The post How to sync Microsoft OneDrive on Linux appeared first on Xmodulo.
Related FAQs:
How to sync Google Drive from the command line on Linux
How to install and run Microsoft Windows for free on Linux
How to access Dropbox from the command line in Linux
How to back up and restore Gmail account on Linux
How to use local storage for CloudStack VMs
Top 3 open source business intelligence and reporting tools
This article reviews three top open source business intelligence and reporting tools. In economies of big data and open data, who do we turn to in order to have our data analysed and presented in a precise and readable format? This list covers those types of tools. The list is not exhaustive—I have selected tools that are widely used and can also meet enterprise requirements. And, this list is not meant to be a comparison—this is a review of what is available.
Bored yet? Now there's ANOTHER OpenSSL fork it's from Google
Because Heartbleed is the gift that keeps on giving
With developers still struggling to plug vulnerabilities in the open source OpenSSL crypto library, Google has spun off a new fork of the project based on its own, internal work with the code, dubbed BoringSSL.…
Just play videos with Snappy on Fedora
Snappy is a minimal application that does one thing — plays videos. Snappy is a super-minimal video player with a neat on-screen display, and that’s about it, here is no other interface in the application.
First impressions: Canonical Orange Box and Juju (Gallery)
The Orange Box really is a cloud-in-a-box. But while the hardware is neat, it's the Juju DevOps software inside that makes it special.
Canonical's cloud-in-a-box: Under the hood
Canonical's Ubuntu Linux-powered Orange Box, with its 10 servers in a single container, is the perfect cloud sampler.
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