Showing headlines posted by bob
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Are 64-bit ARM processors ready for the datacenter? Applied Micro and Canonical claim they are with an upcoming demo of the OpenStack cloud using Ubuntu Linux on an X-Gene server.
Valve Steam Machines delayed until 2015
Much to the frustration of gamers, Valve's SteamOS Linux-based Steam Machines will be delayed until 2015.
Final Term — a new terminal emulator in development
Final Term is a new breed of terminal emulator that is currently in development, and now available for Fedora users to try out and test via this COPR repo. Note […]
Public access to works supported by new alliance
The founders of Authors Alliance are U.C. Berkeley Professors: Carla Hesse (Department of History and Dean of Social Sciences), Thomas Leonard (School of Journalism and University Librarian), Pamela Samuelson (Berkeley Law School and School of Information), and myself. I’m a professor at Berkeley Law who focuses on the law of both tangible property (land, cars, etc.) and intellectual property (copyrights, patents, etc.).
Open-spec ARM SBC runs Debian on sub-2W
Technologic Systems has released an open-spec SBC that runs Debian Linux on a Freescale i.MX286 SoC with 0.6-1.3W power draw, and optional GPS and cellular. Technologic’s new TS-7670 single board computer uses the same Freescale i.MX286 system-on-chip found in its recently announced TS-7400-V2 SBC. The i.MX286 has an ARM926EJ-S core clocked from 261MHz to 454MHz, which can be adjusted on the fly on the TS-7670.
Mozilla launches Flame reference handset for Firefox OS
It's big, it's beefy, it's not cheap, and it runs Firefox OS. Mozilla has begun taking preorders for the Firefox OS Flame, a new developer handset that's a reference design for what the not-for-profit browser maker calls "mid-tier hardware" for its open source mobile OS.
5 ways computer security has truly advanced
As you may know, I like to rant about the poor state of computer security. I have reason to, because each year it appears we're losing the battle as more and more systems get exploited. We can't seem to take care of the simple stuff, like requiring better passwords or fixing DNS (who among you has enabled DNSSec?), much less the hard work it will take to make substantial improvements in the state of security.
Photos from FUDCon Beijing
FUDCon APAC 2014 happened over the weekend, and a bunch of photos from the event are now up in a gallery for you you check out!
Want to add real-time collaboration to your Web application? Mozilla's TogetherJS is worth a look.
MIPS supporters form a Linaro-like collaboration
Imagination has joined with Broadcom, Ingenic, Qualcomm, and others to form a non-profit group called “Prpl” to build MIPs-based Linux and Android software.
Define your network in software with OpenDaylight
For years, the traditional model in networking was for much of the work to be done in hardware. But with the rise of cloud computing and virtualization, and the need for networks to become more agile and flexible than ever, a trend is beginning to take hold to take networking in the same direction that computing has gone. We are seeing more and more that the networking functions traditionally done in the datacenter by dedicated, almost exclusively proprietary hardware and software combinations, are now being defined through software.
wattOS R8 review – Debian greenie
The green distro makes a switch from Ubuntu to Debian. Does it make the lightweight distro better or will we be returning to wattOS 7.5?
The true value of open source is people
Open source is valuable. Very few people would argue that point. There is most definitely a sense of intrinsic worth. But where does this value exist? Is it in the code produced or in something else?
Howto add two factor authentication to OTRS with privacyIDEA
Howto add two factor authentication to OTRS with privacyIDEA
In this howto we will show, how easy it is to add two factor authentication with OTP token to OTRS. This is done for the support agents to protect support cases and customer data against attackers and misuse. Nevertheless this can be done for the customers in the very same way.
LynuxWorks reverts to its LynxOS roots, changes name
LynuxWorks, which changed its name and launched BlueCat Linux alongside its older LynxOS RTOS in 2000, has renamed itself to “Lynx Software Technologies.” In a news announcement, Lynx CEO Gurjot Singh said the company’s “new name reflects broad market adoption of LynxOS and LynxSecure … in connected embedded systems.”
Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date
I've used hundreds of Linux desktops over the years, and Mint 17 with Cinnamon is my favorite one to date.
Public access to works supported by new alliance
Molly Van Houweling interviews herself for the launch of a new non-profit she has co-founded: Authors Alliance will work to promote authorship for the public good.
City of Vienna increasingly turns to open source
The administration in the Austrian capital, Vienna, is expanding its use of open source solutions, including on its workstations, because of new requirements, open data, budget constraints and the major shift towards smartphones and tablets.
"Open source helps to solve IT vendor lock-in situations", Norbert Weidinger, ICT-Strategist for the city, said in a presentation on the city's use of free and open source solutions.
A quick look at Mint 17 (Gallery)
Mint 17 is a good, solid desktop that Linux and Windows XP users alike will feel at home in.
Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 14.04LTS (LAMP)
Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 14.04LTS (LAMP)
LAMP is short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. This tutorial shows how you can install an Apache2 webserver on anUbuntu 13.04 server with PHP5 support (mod_php) and MySQL support.
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