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The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 18.04 (Nginx, MySQL, PHP, Postfix, BIND, Dovecot, Pure-FTPD and ISPConfig 3.1)
This tutorial shows the steps to install an Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) server with Nginx, PHP, MariaDB, Postfix, pure-ftpd, BIND, Dovecot and ISPConfig 3.1. ISPConfig is a web hosting control panel that allows you to configure the installed services through a web browser. This setup provides a full hosting server with web, email (inc. spam and antivirus filter), Database, FTP and DNS services.
Notes/Domino is alive! Second beta of version 10 is imminent
Analytical email, modern web dev tools and more, for both of you who still care
IBM’s effort to make its Notes/Domino platform relevant for the future kicks up a gear this week, as the company prepares a second beta of a new version 10.…
Is BDFL a death sentence?
A few days ago, Guido van Rossum, creator of the Python programming language and Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL) of the project, announced his intention to step away.
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Your Help Is Needed to Test VeraCrypt Support in the Tails Anonymous OS, GNOME
The team behind the famous Tails operating system, also known as the Amnesic Incognito Live System or simply Anonymous OS, needs your help to test the integration of the VeraCrypt disk encryption software.
Where to start with Rsync command : 8 Rsync Examples
Rsync command is used for transferring of files on Linux machines from one system to another. It uses method on incremental file transfer for copying the files & since the file transfer is incremental, only the difference among the two files is copied & not the complete file as is the case with other tools like scp. Rsync is very lightweight, it is fast as well as secure & also uses very low bandwidth for data copy.
Newsboat: A Snazzy Text-Based RSS Feed Reader
Newsboat is a sleek, open source RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console. The software is extremely configurable and offers a great feature set without any bloat.
Confessions of a recovering Perl hacker
My name's MikeCamel, and I'm a Perl hacker.
There, I've said it. That's the first step.
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openSUSE Tumbleweed: a Linux Distro review
A Linux tyro reflects on a year with openSUSE's rolling distro Tumbleweed.
Opinion: GitHub vs GitLab
So, Microsoft bought GitHub, and many people are confused or
worried. It's not a new phenomenon when any large company buys any
smaller company, and people are right to be worried, although I argue
that their timing is wrong.
Get our Linux networking cheat sheet
If your daily tasks include managing servers and the data center's network. The following Linux utilities and commands—from basic to advanced—will help make network management easier.
In several of these commands, you'll see <fqdn>, which stands for "fully qualified domain name." When you see this, substitute your website URL or your server (e.g.,, as the case may be.
Download the cheat sheet
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Raspbian OS And Why Everyone Is So Attached To It
The Raspberry is a Debian based Linux distribution created for the Raspberry Pi. It is worth to mention that the Raspberry is designed to only function with the raspberry, however, to account for the rest of alternatives out there, it is all about competition and making the PI more adaptable and flexible.
Apache Cassandra at 10: Making a community believe in NoSQL
A decade of technical promise and open-source fall-outs
Ten years ago this month, when Lehman Brothers was still just about in business and the term NoSQL wasn't even widely known, let alone an irritant, Facebook engineers open-sourced a distributed database system named Cassandra.…
3 cool productivity apps for Fedora 28
Productivity apps are especially popular on mobile devices. But when you sit down to do work, you’re often at a laptop or desktop computer. Let’s say you use a Fedora system for your platform. Can you find apps that help you get your work done? Of course! Read on for tips on apps to help […]
Linux history Command Tutorial for Beginners (8 Examples)
If your work involves running tools and scripts on the Linux command line, I am sure there are a lot of commands you would be running each day. Those new to the command line should know there exists a tool - dubbed history - that gives you a list of commands you've executed earlier.
How to enable developer mode on a Chrome OS tablet (and install Linux using Crouton)
Switching to developer channel gives you the option of using Google’s Crostini feature to install a Linux virtual machine that lets you install desktop applications like LibreOffice and GIMP and launch them from the same app launcher you use to load Android and Chrome OS apps.
How to Benchmark Your Linux System
There are a bunch of reasons that you'd want to benchmark your Linux system. Most people benchmark out of pure curiosity or to measure the system's performance for games. Benchmarking can also help you identify problems with your system, though, and improve weak points for a smoother and more efficient experience. Benchmarking also helps you identify possible software issues and problematic upgrades with regressions.
Containers or virtual machines: Which is more secure? The answer will surprise you
VIDEO: IBM Research has created a new way to measure software security, Horizontal Attack Profile, and it's found a properly secured container can be almost as secure as a virtual machine.
openSUSE Tumbleweed Users Get LibreOffice 6.1, Mozilla Firefox 61, and FFmpeg 4.0
The month of July 2018 was pretty busy for the openSUSE Tumbleweed development team, and the first two weeks of the month already delivered dozens of updates and security fixes.
How To Install Ruby on Ubuntu 18.04
This tutorial covers how to install Ruby on a Ubuntu 18.04 system. Ruby is one of the most popular languages today. It has an elegant syntax and it is the language behind the Ruby on Rails framework.
DistroWatch The Best Website For Distro Hoppers
DistroWatch is a well-known website in the open-source community as a dedicated place to get up-to-date information predominantly about open source operating systems. This article will cover details about what the DistroWatch website offers to open source community including its much-hyped ranking system for Linux distros.
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