HAST Project is Complete!

Posted by chalbersma on Feb 20, 2010 12:49 PM
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Late yesterday, Pawe? Jakub Dawidek committed HAST to HEAD, marking the completion of this Foundation sponsored project. We asked Pawel to write a few words about the project. He says: HAST is ready!

Late yesterday, Pawe? Jakub Dawidek committed HAST to HEAD, marking the completion of this Foundation sponsored project. We asked Pawel to write a few words about the project. He says:

HAST is ready!

I'm very happy to report to FreeBSD users that the HAST project I was working on for the last three months is ready for testing and already committed to the HEAD branch.

I'll describe what HAST does in few words. HAST allows for synchronous block-level replication of any storage media (called GEOM providers, using FreeBSD nomenclature) over a TCP/IP network for fast failure recovery. HAST provides storage using the GEOM infrastructure, meaning it is file system and application independent and can be combined with any existing GEOM class. In case of a primary node failure, the cluster will automatically switch to the secondary node, check and mount the UFS file system or import the ZFS pool, and continue to work without missing a single bit of data.

I must admit the project was quite challenging, not only from the technical point of view, but also because it was sponsored by the FreeBSD Foundation. The FreeBSD Foundation has a great reputation and is known to select the projects it funds very carefully. I felt strong pressure that should I fail, the FreeBSD Foundation's reputation might be hurt. Of course, not a single dollar would be spent on a failed project, but the FreeBSD community's expectations were very high and I really wanted to do a good job.

During the work a number of people contacted me privately offering help, explaining how important HAST is for FreeBSD and giving me the motivation to soldier on.

I hope that HAST will meet the community's expectations and I myself am looking forward to using it

Once again, I'd like to thank the HAST sponsors: the FreeBSD Foundation, OMCnet
Internet Service GmbH, and TransIP BV.

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