Qomo Linux 4.0 Beta Released; New Repository Page Launched

Posted by xyxzfj on Sep 27, 2012 8:40 PM
By linux-ren.org
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OnSeptember 24th, the 4.0 Beta version of Qomo Linux, the communitydistribution of Linux-ren, was distributed. it is a grand new distribution thathas been developed from the scratch by the Qomo team, for several months.

OnSeptember 24th, the 4.0 Beta version of Qomo Linux, the communitydistribution of Linux-ren, was distributed. it is a grand new distribution thathas been developed from the scratch by the Qomo team, for several months. In future,users since this version will be at the most up to date version of Qomo as soonas they keep updating; no reinstallation is needed. Meanwhile, the softwarerepository of Qomo will also be divided into three levels, and will be mergedlevel by level according to their stabilities, thus ensuring the stability ofusers’ system. QomoLinux 4.0 Beta takes the kernel version of the newest stable version, and thehardware drivers are richer. It adopts the systemd mechanism in basis of Qomo3.1, and has a faster start-up speed; meanwhile, it provides users with thefunction of completing the command line automatically. It adopts the stableversion of KDE 4.9, and the new version of KDE enhanced the stability andperformance, which brings many new features, and the default input method is ibus-sunpinyin,which is the most welcome input methods on Linux system. Besidesthe KDE desktop environment, Qomo Linux releases the Gnome version the firsttime, and provides support for Gnome desktop environment, the adoption of Gnome3.4.2 provides users with another choice. In the future, Qomo Linux will addsupport for more desktop environment, according to the need of users in thecommunity. TheLinux People launched the new project homepage(qomo.linux-ren.org) at the timeof the release of the Qomo Linux 4.0 Beta, the homepage is used to show thepreview of the features and functions of the newest Qomo Linux, and the releaseof Qomo Linux will be focused on the homepage, meanwhile, we’ll enrich thefunctions of the project homepage constantly, in the future, it’ll provideusers with the function of personalized customization for Qomo Linux. Afterthe release of Qomo Linux 4.0 Beta, the project group will focus on collectingthe feedback of users, and modify Bugs and update system in time, they’ll provideusers with a more high-quality official version of Linux 4.0. At that time,users who have installed the Beta version needn’t reinstalling, the Qomo has afeature of rolling upgrade, which will upgrade the system to the officialversion smoothly. Thedownload address of Qomo Linux: http://qomo.linux-ren.org Thesubmit address of Bugs: http://bugs.linux-ren.org/ Theforums of Qomo Linux: http://www.linux-ren.org/forum-85-1.html Thelottery address of sina weibo activity: http://event.weibo.com/616989 Main new features: Supportmultiple desktop environment. The 4.0 adds ISO release of gnome version thefirst time, that is, there are two ISO: gnome version and kde version, andthere will be other versions in the future. Adoptsystemd mechanism roundly, and the start-up speed is faster. The 4.0 provide afunction of complementing the command line of systemctl automatically, which isvery convenient for users to learn and use system. Theinstallation takes only four steps with the new developed simple and elegantinstallation program. The users’ configuration after installation is finishedwhen the system first start up, which fits the need of OEM client better. Optimizedthe software dependency, and have a smaller ISO without the reduce offunctions. Thedependency is clear, and the system is more stable. Simplifiedthe assigned package mechanism, and keep the package structure and softwarestructure of the official version consistency, which is more convenient forcommunity lovers to compile and configure. Anew design of theme, especially the splash screen is cooler than 3.1. Main componentsof the system and their versions l kernel: 3.5.3 l glibc: 2.16.0 l systemd(integrating udev): 188 l dbus :1.6.4 l Xorg: 1.12.4 l yum :3.4.3 l rpm :4.10.0 l gtk :3.4.4 l qt :4.8.2 l gnome: 3.4.2 l kde :4.9.0 l firefox:15.0 l ibus: 1.4.2 l networkmanager: 0.9.4 l libreoffice: 3.5.5 New features ofthe KDE desktop: l doubleclick execution by default l adoptfolders view in default l Forbidsome unnecessary service, which speed up the operation speed l Usingibus-sunpinyin which is the most popular input method under Linux as thedefault input method l Usingthunderbird as the mail client l Using firefox as the default browser l UsingVLC as the video player l Usinglibreoffice as the office suit l Othersoftware that are mainly KDE-integrated New features ofthe Gnome desktop: l Usingthe Gnome3 desktop environment Mainapplications integrated include: l Imageviewer: shotwell l Office:libreoffice l Pdf: evince l Zip:file-roller l Email:evolution l Disk analyzer:baobab l Mediaplayer: totem l Games:gnome, games l Browser:firefox l Flash:adobe flash player l Inputmethod: ibus l Network:networkmanager-applet Multiple ways ofinstalling: l DVD-ROM:using DVD disk as the installation media. l USBflash disk: run command “dd if=Qomo_kde_4.0_beta.iso of=/dev/sdX” (please replace X with thedigit of your partition) under the Linux environment, and the USB flash disk isable to boot Qomo. In windows, Universal USB Installer is recommended to beused to make a bootable USB flash disk. l Hard disk:http://wiki.linux-ren.org/index.php/Install_Qomo_from_HDD installating loading the KDE desktop the Gnome desktop

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