New concept to prevent Prior Art patents

Posted by VISITOR on Jun 9, 2005 10:22 AM
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The State of the Art decides, whether an invention is new or not. Let's certify all publicly available programs and technical papers by a notarial act!

The State of the Art decides, whether an invention is new or not.
State of the Art are all publicly available documents. Additional to books or magazines, there are all websites, programs, and source code that are freely available in the Internet.

The major problem is to give evidence that some online ressource was already available at some given date.

Prevalent deposits hash values from publicly available electronic data with a notary on a regularly basis. Hence there is evidence for the existence!

The web-site is only in german yet, but I already translated the Prevalent Digest Creator to english. Further information in the english language can best be found there: []

I don't want to stay the only one doing this, this is yet a central service, but I hope many will copy this site and replicate the digest-database. Especially i think that each country should certify for itself because I doubt that german notars count for evidence in other countries .. but I'm not sure about this.


Jan Kechel

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