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A belated look at the Red Hat/Firestar patent settlement

By Jonathan Corbet
June 24, 2008
On June 11, Red Hat announced that it had reached a settlement in the software patent lawsuit it was defending against Firestar Software, Inc. and DataTern, Inc. This settlement is of interest to the community; it may point toward how how such cases may go in the future. Unfortunately, the amount of information which has been released so far leaves as many questions as answers, including the fundamental question of whether this settlement is as good for the community as Red Hat is claiming.

The suit involves patent #6,101,502, which claims the concept of creating an impedance-matching layer to connect relational databases to object-oriented applications. The first claim reads like this:

1. A method for interfacing an object oriented software application with a relational database, comprising the steps of:
  • selecting an object model;
  • generating a map of at least some relationships between schema in the database and the selected object model;
  • employing the map to create at least one interface object associated with an object corresponding to a class associated with the object oriented software application; and
  • utilizing a runtime engine which invokes said at least one interface object with the object oriented application to access data from the relational database.

One might well wonder how object-oriented programmers managed before 1998, when this patent was filed. Firestar claimed that a piece of JBoss violated the patent and duly filed suit; Red Hat has been fighting back ever since. The June 11 announcement appears to bring an end to this particular dispute.

While Red Hat has not agreed that it was in violation of this patent, the company did not reach a settlement which clears it of infringement. Instead, Red Hat agreed to license the patent for itself and for its customers. The thing that makes this settlement a little more interesting is that Red Hat did not stop there; it also obtained a license for the project's upstream developers. From the settlement FAQ posted by the company:

Upstream developers receive a perpetual, fully paid-up, royalty-free, irrevocable worldwide license to the patents in suit to engage in any and all activities with respect to a predecessor version of a Red Hat product. Those developers also receive a perpetual covenant not to sue with regard to all of DataTern's and Amphion's other patents on claims related to Red Hat products.

The press release adds:

The settlement also protects derivative works of, or combination products using, the covered products from any patent claim based in any respect on the covered products. Essentially, all that have innovated to create, or that will innovate with, software distributed under Red Hat brands are protected, as are Red Hat customers.

So, in other words, this license and covenant covers the "predecessor versions" of any package shipped by Red Hat. Once a particular project finds its way into RHEL, it's part of the deal.

This very carefully-worded text leaves one very interesting question open: what about users of the software who are not Red Hat customers? It would appear that developers are covered, presumably even as they develop the program beyond the "predecessor version" shipped by Red Hat. It has been made abundantly clear that Red Hat's customers are covered. There is a lot of text in the press release and FAQ suggesting that non-customer users should be protected too, but that is never said explicitly. An omission like that in a carefully-written, lawyer-vetted document can speak loudly; one must wonder what is going on.

Another interesting question is this: what about all of the other projects out there which are using object-relational glue layers? One can only assume that this set includes just about every object-oriented application which is using a relational database. The language makes it pretty clear that this patent has not been licensed for free software in general; it only applies to the specific piece of JBoss which was under dispute. The press release claims that the settlement covers derivative works, leading one to imagine that it would be possible incorporate some small function from JBoss into an entirely unrelated project and get the patent license with it. But there is no way to know whether this interpretation matches the real settlement or not.

And therein lies the real problem at this time: the actual terms of the settlement, and of the licenses and covenants, have not been published. One presumes that will change at some point; your editor queried Red Hat on when that might be, but did not receive an answer by the time this article was written. Without knowing what the actual agreement is, nobody can really assume that they have received any protection at all.

One other claim from the FAQ merits attention:

The settlement should encourage the open source community by providing broad protection as to the patents covered by the agreement. More generally, the settlement demonstrates Red Hat's commitment to standing up for the community against patent aggressors. We believe it will serve as a precedent that should discourage future similar cases.

All of this is somewhat debatable, and needs to be questioned. As noted above, the actual breadth of the protection obtained is yet to be disclosed. The more relevant question, though, is: did Red Hat really "stand up for the community" in this case, and will it discourage these cases in the future? Your editor is not convinced of either.

The way to stand up against this patent aggressor would have been to invalidate the patent and put an end to it forevermore. A quick trip to your editor's bookshelf turned up David Taylor's Business Engineering With Object Technology, dated 1995, which discusses difficulty with relational databases and impedance-matching layers. Grady Booch's Object Solutions (1996) says: "Thus, it is reasonable to approach the design of a data-centric system by devising a thin object-oriented layer on top of a more traditional relational database technology." Or look at Object-Oriented Modeling and Design by Rumbaugh et. al. (1991), which has an entire chapter on mapping objects into relational databases.

In other words, there can be no shortage of prior art in this case; this is not an idea which was first conceived in 1998. But, rather than take this approach, Red Hat chose to settle. It is not said anywhere, but chances are good that some money changed hands here, and, by accepting a license for this patent, Red Hat has given it some legitimacy. Other free software projects - those which Red Hat does not ship - have apparently been left open to the same attack. Is this really the way to "discourage future similar cases"?

Of course, such criticism is easy to make from the sidelines; it's easy for those of us not directly involved in the suit to claim that Red Hat should have taken the higher-risk, higher-expense road and fought this case to the end. There is no doubt that such an approach would be better for the community - assuming Red Hat prevailed - but Red Hat's management must make its own choices about which battles it is to fight. Given that it chose to settle, Red Hat clearly tried to do the right thing by obtaining some sort of protection for the community beyond its customer base. Time will tell how well that will work out and whether it will serve as a model for future settlements or not.

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A belated look at the Red Hat/Firestar patent settlement

Posted Jun 24, 2008 19:23 UTC (Tue) by dmarti (subscriber, #11625) [Link]

Sure, it would be nice if RHT got the patent invalidated. It would be nice if they had their employees clean up trash in public parks on the clock, too. Good paper on why it's better gamesmanship to license a weak patent than to finish it off. (Yes, the same strategy also applies to Trend Micro's widely-licensed obvious antivirus gateway patent.)

Invalidating a patent

Posted Jun 24, 2008 20:05 UTC (Tue) by smoogen (subscriber, #97) [Link]

From my understanding of things.. it is at least 10x as expensive to invalidate a patent as it
is to weaken it via an open license agreement. The burden of proof is put in such a way that
you are most likely going to lose and make the patent stick (building up precedent against
other challenges etc). This can only be fixed by getting Congress to pass true patent reform
which is only going to happen by getting over 10% of the population to be pissed about it.

And then its really easy for one of the parties to delay getting the agreement published..
which I would guess be with the Firestar side since delaying it on Red Hat's side would make
things even worse.

Invalidating a patent

Posted Jun 24, 2008 22:05 UTC (Tue) by stijn (guest, #570) [Link]

From my understanding of things.. it is at least 10x as expensive to invalidate a patent as it is to weaken it via an open license agreement.
Unless this makes other parties think that you are a good target for patent gaming, and you end up making 10 similar deals, and for some of these you are forced to accept worse conditions and or price. I cannot judge the likelihood of that, but it is part of the equation.

Credible threat

Posted Jun 24, 2008 23:28 UTC (Tue) by dmarti (subscriber, #11625) [Link]

You have to be able to make a credible threat that you can get the patent thrown out, so you might have to fight some when the troll doesn't blink. RHT already had a defense (prior art, anticipation, obviousness, all the usual stuff where a software patent is concerned) prepared in this case.

Invalidating a patent

Posted Jun 24, 2008 23:33 UTC (Tue) by iabervon (subscriber, #722) [Link]

Unless you can file some hefty counterclaims (and the other party has the money to pay
damages). I think the easiest way to improve the patent system would be to award automatic
triple damages for money spent licensing badly invalid patents. That makes the best plan if
you're hassled by someone with a weak patent to license it for half their net worth and turn
around and sue them into bankruptcy. (Where "badly invalid" includes widely-published prior
art that the patent doesn't cite.)

Invalidating a patent

Posted Jun 27, 2008 21:13 UTC (Fri) by branden (guest, #7029) [Link]

Given the direction the Supreme Court is going with civil damage awards, I wouldn't bet that your proposal, if implemented, would survive federal appellate review. Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker, decided this week, is just the latest in a series of decisions that have been taking the teeth out of anything resembling punitive damages against corporate actors in civil suits.

A belated look at the Red Hat/Firestar patent settlement

Posted Jun 25, 2008 0:49 UTC (Wed) by bdixon (guest, #1055) [Link]

I wrote a mostly congratulatory posting on this... also quite belatedly. My thought on the matter of why didn't RH have the patent invalidated may have had plenty to do with the fiduciary duties of the company officers.
What if Red Hat had pushed for an invalidation and lost? Would they have then been in a far worse place than if they had chosen the path of settlement? I'm glad Jonathan discussed this possibility in the last paragraph.
This isn't the usual "let's cross license our patents" type of settlement that is all too common and propagates the controversial uses of software patents. I'd wager a beer that Red Hat had to give up something to get the settlement terms they got.
"Is this really the way to "discourage future similar cases"?" I would guess that anything that throws uncertainty into the risk/reward analysis that must go through a patent attorney's mind is beneficial.
Yes... the settlement terms would be very enlightening. Hope we get to see them.
Nice article.

contact them?

Posted Jun 25, 2008 4:21 UTC (Wed) by louie (guest, #3285) [Link]

Did you attempt to contact them and ask them about these issues?

contact them?

Posted Jun 25, 2008 12:42 UTC (Wed) by corbet (editor, #1) [Link]

Did I attempt to contact Red Hat? Yes, I did. In particular, I asked when the actual terms of the settlement, license, and covenant would be available. I've not gotten an answer.

contact them?

Posted Jun 25, 2008 14:12 UTC (Wed) by louie (guest, #3285) [Link]

That would have been good to have in the article. Would have been good to have asked them
about the (fairly strong) allegations as well, but that is at least a start.

contact them?

Posted Jun 25, 2008 15:41 UTC (Wed) by donwaugaman (subscriber, #4214) [Link]

I think it's better for LWN to run with this article even without Red Hat's comments or input;
a company shouldn't be able to squelch discussion of its actions merely by not responding to
unwelcome questions from the media.

contact them?

Posted Jun 25, 2008 15:46 UTC (Wed) by corbet (editor, #1) [Link]

FWIW, I don't think my question was "unwelcome" as such. Post-summit burnout is probably more than enough to explain some latency at Red Hat at this point.

contact them?

Posted Jun 25, 2008 15:54 UTC (Wed) by louie (guest, #3285) [Link]

Given that the tone of the article is so negative (basically parsing statements in a press
release into a strong implication that they are screwing everyone who isn't RH, despite a
strong track record of doing otherwise) it shouldn't surprise that readers assume the question
would be unwelcome.

[Disclaimer: I worked at RH Legal last summer and have a very high opinion of their integrity,
which is why it bothers me that someone with such a big pulpit to stand on is basically
impugning their integrity based on a FAQ and a press release, and no other communication with
the company.]

contact them?

Posted Jun 25, 2008 16:10 UTC (Wed) by corbet (editor, #1) [Link]

Interesting. I don't believe I was attacking anybody's integrity - with the possible exception of the trolls who started the whole thing. What I was trying to say is that, while Red Hat has taken a different and wider approach to a patent settlement than has been done before, (1) it's still a patent suit settlement, and (2) there are a lot of open questions which can only be answered by seeing the actual terms. Yes, I also said it would have been nice to kill the patent altogether, but that, as an outsider, I couldn't say that it was Red Hat's duty to do so.

I never said anything like "screwing everyone who isn't RH." I do say that protection for users who are not RH customers is very carefully not discussed, and that projects not shipped by RH are quite clearly not covered. Is there something wrong with those statements?

I feel you've read stuff into the article that I didn't intend to be there. I'll happily accept responsibility for that; it's my fault as a writer if I was insufficiently clear.

contact them?

Posted Jun 25, 2008 16:45 UTC (Wed) by pr1268 (subscriber, #24648) [Link]

While I agree in part with louie's opinion that the tone and bias of Jon's article seems to question Red Hat's behavior in this matter, I don't for a second disagree with our editor's stance that this patent is of questionable merit with which to cave to the patent holder's claim(s).

First, this appears to be an unusually weak patent--certainly prior art exists from mid-1990s; second, the unanswered questions our editor mentions in the article might be misinterpreted as RH hiding something they don't want others in the open-source community to know1; and third, what legal, philosophical, and ethical basis does the community have with respect to deriving, using, and distributing the code for which RH alone paid money to permit?

IMHO this seems like a weak example with which to demonstrate GPLv3-compliant patent licensing. I'm still trying to figure out why PJ is so ecstatic about this over at Groklaw. I'm hoping that in the coming weeks we find out more about what RH's license really means for itself and for the FLOSS community.

1 I've been known to entertain conspiracy theories, so take my second point above with a grain of salt. I honestly don't think RH would do something so injurious to its relationship with the FLOSS community.

contact them?

Posted Jun 26, 2008 4:33 UTC (Thu) by louie (guest, #3285) [Link]

"This very carefully-worded text leaves one very interesting question open: what about users
of the software who are not Red Hat customers? ... There is a lot of text in the press release
and FAQ suggesting that non-customer users should be protected too, but that is never said
explicitly. An omission like that in a carefully-written, lawyer-vetted document can speak
loudly; one must wonder what is going on."

This doesn't quite say 'RH carefully and deliberately left non-RH users unprotected', but it
pretty much strongly implies it. Admittedly, 'screwing them' is a bit strong, but isn't that
big a jump from the implication that they were deliberately omitted.

contact them?

Posted Jun 26, 2008 8:58 UTC (Thu) by jschrod (subscriber, #1646) [Link]

>> "This very carefully-worded text leaves one very interesting question
>> open: what about users of the software who are not Red Hat customers? ...
>> There is a lot of text in the press release and FAQ suggesting that
>> non-customer users should be protected too, but that is never said
>> explicitly. An omission like that in a carefully-written, lawyer-vetted
>> document can speak loudly; one must wonder what is going on."
> This doesn't quite say 'RH carefully and deliberately  
> unprotected', but it pretty much strongly implies it.

Well, I have to say: No, neither the article nor your quotation implies that. It says 'It
looks as if RH left non-RH users unprotected'. In no way it implies that this was deliberately
done; and I also can't read the statement that this *action* was carefully done into these

Quite to the contrary, your reading suggests that your involvement with RH Legal seems to have
left your nerves too raw.

Just my 0.02 EUR from an uninvolved reader. (I don't use RH and that patent very probably
isn't valid in my part of the world anyhow.)

contact them?

Posted Jun 27, 2008 1:57 UTC (Fri) by geek (guest, #45074) [Link]

"based on a FAQ and a press release, and no other communication with
the company.]" I think that's no other communication FROM the company. They did and do have an
opportunity to reply.

A belated look at the Red Hat/Firestar patent settlement

Posted Jul 3, 2008 5:57 UTC (Thu) by keith105 (guest, #52760) [Link]

If someone needs help in overturning this patent, you should contact me, Keith Hankin (email
addr keith105@yahoo.com).

I have a patent in my name for precisely this sort of object-relational mapping technology
from the days when I worked at Netscape: http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6912520.html

The technology described in this patent was developed with Java in 1998-1999, however the
patent wasn't filed for another year or two after that.

In addition, I developed similar object-relational mapping technology about 5 years earlier
(in C rather than Java) for another company called Uniteq Application Systems. However in that
case, no patent was ever filed for.

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