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Open-source biotechnology

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By Jonathan Corbet
March 31, 2010
The free software community, along with the commercial ecosystem which surrounds it, is widely seen as having pointed the way toward successful, collaborative development of common resources. We have seen a number of attempts to port the free software model to other areas of endeavor. Open content, headlined by sites like Wikipedia, has adopted this model with considerable success. Other areas, such as open hardware, are still trying to find their way. Your editor recently read an interesting book (Rob Carlson's Biology is Technology), which raises an interesting question: is there a place for an ecosystem based around free "software" running on biological processors?

The core point of the book is that biological hacking is quickly headed toward becoming yet another engineering discipline. The "device physics" of standard parts are being worked out, the development tools are becoming more sophisticated, and the level of skill required to do interesting things is dropping. The annual International Genetically Engineered Machine competition which is intended, among other things, to increase the number of "biological parts" available, is getting high-scoring entries from high school students. The amount of hacking on biological substrates is increasing quickly, and will continue to do so.

The amount of creativity we will be seeing in this area inspires both hope and outright terror. Biological hacking has the potential to transform health care, address energy problems, mitigate climate change, and more. Or it could wreak environmental devastation and facilitate horrifying attacks by either individuals or governments. Carlson strongly advocates openness as the best policy for dealing with this technology. Only through openness, he says, will we develop the kind of economy we need to make the best use of this new technology while simultaneously understanding what others are up to and defending ourselves against mistakes and abuses. Trying to keep technology under wraps never works. Your editor might compare attempts to restrict biotechnology with governmental efforts to restrict encryption technology a generation ago.

Openness does not just mean freedom from regulatory interference, though; Carlson takes a long look at the possibility of creating a successful commercial ecosystem based on the open source model. At an abstract level, the idea looks compelling: it is not hard to see programming with nucleotides as being fundamentally the same task as programming with bits. A nucleotide is able to encode two bits rather than one, and the underlying processor is smaller, wetter, and smellier, but it's a program nonetheless. Given that tools for working with DNA are following a path similar to that of computers - they are rapidly becoming smaller, cheaper, and more powerful - there is a lot to be said for the creation of freely-licensed libraries based on genetic programs developed in garages and basements.

There are some efforts afoot to do exactly that. The BioBricks Foundation is working toward the creation of a set of freely-available biological components. Another initiative is Biological Open Source, appropriately known as BiOS. These efforts are promising, but there is a large problem looming - one which will be familiar to LWN readers.

That problem, of course, is patents. Genetic sequences are currently patentable in the US and elsewhere, so companies operating in this area are accumulating as many of them as possible. Things are quickly getting to the point where it is difficult to work commercially in biotechnology without running into patents held by others - patents which, often, cover fundamental natural phenomena. Carlson brings up some interesting history; it seems that the automotive and aviation industries both ran into this problem; in both cases, it got to where companies could not do anything because they were forever caught up in patent litigation. In both cases, in the US, the government intervened, forcing the creation of patent pools so that companies would stop suing each other and get back to doing interesting things with the technology.

Patent pools (like patents in general) favor large, established corporations over smaller companies. But it's the small companies which are the source of most innovation in any field. Carlson worries that the US is headed toward a situation where those companies cannot afford to exist and innovation will be strangled. An open-source-like approach to biotechnology might just be a way out of that situation.

But doing open source in this field, despite its similarities with software, is going to be hard. Software gets copyright protection worldwide; that makes it easy to use copyright licensing to create a legal regime where people (and companies) feel that it is in their interest to contribute. Genetic sequences have no such protection, so patents are the only way to go for anybody feeling the need to gain a degree of control over how a discovery is used. Copyleft-style patent licensing is possible, but it is more awkward, and, in any case, the high cost of obtaining patents creates a barrier to entry that does not exist for licensing based on copyrights. Lone biohackers working in their garages are not going to be contributing components to a community based on patents.

As a result of the different legal environment, open-source-like efforts in biotechnology must form their understandings under different terms than the software community uses. BioBricks must be placed in the public domain; the draft BioBrick Public Agreement - a contributor agreement, not a license - requires contributors to give "An irrevocable promise not to assert any property rights held by the Contributor over Users of the contributed Materials." BiOS, instead, is organized more like a patent pool with a fee to enter. Neither of these approaches is seen (by Carlson) as being ideal, but he also admits to being short of better ideas.

What may be required, in the end, is a new and different legal regime for biological discoveries. As Carlson notes, neither patents nor copyrights are mentioned by name in the US Constitution; they are legislative creations. Someday, maybe, a legislature rather more enlightened than those governing us now will find a way to foster open biotechnology development that works at all levels. It will be interesting to see whether the recent US District Court ruling throwing out genetic patents inspires any useful thinking in that direction.

One need not be a speculative fiction author to imagine a future world where the freedom to use, modify, and distribute biological code is (at least) as important as those freedoms applied to software running on silicon. We do not seem to be building a world which includes those freedoms, though; we do not even really have a good sense for what that world would look like. The biotechnology industry, it seems, is in need of its own personalities to fill the roles Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, and the many others who have helped to make free software work.

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Open-source biotechnology

Posted Mar 31, 2010 16:10 UTC (Wed) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

A nucleotide is able to encode two bits rather than one, and the underlying processor is smaller, wetter, and smellier, but it's a program nonetheless.
So the protein folding problem simply doesn't exist? Oh, and programs on (silicon) computers generally have every bit of the program able to modify every other bit, and they're generally based on statistical mechanics and solute chemistry, and exist in an environment in which a vast supply of enormously older and more capable systems are actively trying to eat them.

I guarantee that any molecular biologists in the readership are having trouble restraining hoots of hysterical laughter. Such naivete: the comedown will be hard.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Mar 31, 2010 16:39 UTC (Wed) by flewellyn (subscriber, #5047) [Link]

Given that protein folding is a problem for, well, protein, and not DNA...

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 1, 2010 6:49 UTC (Thu) by mitchskin (guest, #32405) [Link]

A lot of DNA expresses itself through proteins. The point nix is making is that a biological system is much, much more difficult to engineer than a software system. The protein folding problem is part of it; that problem makes it very difficult to predict what your DNA modifications will do (you have to solve an n-body problem with a very large n just to figure out what shape your protein will have, and that doesn't necessarily tell you very much about how it will behave).

A big part of engineering (certainly software engineering) involves encapsulation: the hiding of complex behavior behind a simple interface. But in biological systems this is very hard to achieve; there are a lot of processes going on all mixed together in the same solution. That's what nix meant when he sarcastically described "every bit of the program able to modify every other bit"; of course we don't program that way because doing software that way would be total madness. But in biological systems, that's the way things are.

So (to restate what nix was saying): Imagine trying to program a computer system where 1. the behavior of the system is not at all deterministic, 2. the system prevents encapsulation, 3. you can't predict what effects your changes will have.

Evolution has had billions of years on Massively, Massively, Massively parallel hardware to come up with the complex systems we have today. Humans are now only barely able to scratch the surface of the complexity of those systems. There's a lot of excitement now about engineering biological systems, but it's a very long-term project.

Point being, be very careful about making facile analogies between biological systems and computer systems. There are some similarities but there are also very, very significant differences.

Re: the point about other systems trying to eat yours - I actually think internet-connected computer systems are kind of like biological systems that way.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 1, 2010 6:52 UTC (Thu) by mitchskin (guest, #32405) [Link]

I was speaking a little loosely; by "encapsulation" I was also referring to things like process isolation. So it's also like programming a computer without an MMU.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 1, 2010 14:40 UTC (Thu) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

Quite so. Note that there *are* modular components in biology: things like
the Hox genes are conserved because so much other stuff depends on them
that if they change, the organism dies. But conserved components like this
are often little more than genetic switches, at most generating protein
that binds to regulatory regions of the DNA: the things that actually do
the *work* are rarely so conserved. (Sometimes they are, but even truly
ancient and insanely well-conserved things like hsp83 occasionally

More generally: conserved stuff has lots of stuff depending on it, so is
often hard to use in isolation; non-conserved stuff often depends upon
conserved stuff, so is often hard to use in isolation.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 1, 2010 16:45 UTC (Thu) by flewellyn (subscriber, #5047) [Link]

I understand that programs created by genetic algorithms often have similar issues, as far as interdependency and nontrivial interactions between components go. Do you know if this is true?

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 2, 2010 13:47 UTC (Fri) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

Yes, and for similar reasons. But GA programs have tiny population sizes
and tiny runtimes compared to the sizes and runtimes which have brought us
present-day biology, so they have had less time to accumulate arcana.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 1, 2010 16:44 UTC (Thu) by flewellyn (subscriber, #5047) [Link]

Yeah, I get all that. I just thought nix had made a mistake attributing the protein folding problem to DNA.

But, it seems I was wrong on that score.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 2, 2010 16:57 UTC (Fri) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

Well, technically they're disconnected, but if you want to make DNA that
*does* anything useful, you need to solve the protein folding problem as
well, because the machines that DNA builds are all protein-based. (I think
the only stuff this doesn't apply to is siRNA, which uses antisense
matching, which is of course trivial, particularly given how short siRNAs

... actually, that's an oversimplification. Some machinery DNA builds
(generally really ancient stuff) is catalytic-RNA-based (e.g. parts of the
ribosome). However, *that* gets its function in the same way as protein
does: it folds into strange 3D shapes, and those shapes have their effects
via the strange intermingling of chemistry and quantum physics which
affects interactions at that scale. So that doesn't help you much. You
still have the horrible folding problem to solve.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 2, 2010 19:58 UTC (Fri) by mjg59 (subscriber, #23239) [Link]

The last few years have shown that the role of miRNAs are more significant than people had
previously expected, so I wouldn't go so far as to say that the problem domain is pretty much
limited to that impacted by the protein folding problem - on the other hand, I think this is pretty
way off topic at this point...

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 1, 2010 11:19 UTC (Thu) by cowsandmilk (guest, #55475) [Link]


I believe in Jim Collins's talk Biology by Design
(http://www.bu.edu/phpbin/buniverse/videos/view/?id=261), he describes the differences in the
unrealistic expectations many people had for biological toggle switches and what he created. The
time delay was just enormous and it continues to be due to the nature of biology. Nucleotides may
"encode two bits", but they most definitely can't contain the information of two bits. And there's no
way without inventing whole new ribosomes or completely novel sigma factors to change this. No
lzma compression to the genome.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 2, 2010 13:45 UTC (Fri) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

Unfortunately that's a Flash stream with a name disguised in a mass of
JavaScript. I have no idea how to play one of those without the Flash
player: maybe rtmpdump could do it, but even then I'd have to unpick the
URI. No thanks.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 7, 2010 0:05 UTC (Wed) by Baylink (guest, #755) [Link]

If you're on a Linux box, the Flash player will generally dump the entire FLV file in /tmp, and you can move it wherever and play it with a current mplayer whenever you like.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 8, 2010 16:01 UTC (Thu) by Duncan (guest, #6647) [Link]

Except that, on a site such as LWN where folks are more likely to be running
Linux boxes already, many people won't have your "magically assumed to be
there" Flash player at all, as it's proprietary, additional to the fact that
there's a lot of platforms without official flash binary support even if
people don't have issues with such things as granting damage waivers to
black-box code the authors seem to expect people to just trust that they
don't do anything harmful with, despite the fact that they don't respect the
same people's rights enough to open the code such that it can be fairly
examined before granting such a waiver, etc.

So the polite thing to do on a site such as this, is link the FLV file
directly, if possible, or if not, at least mention that the link is to a
flash video, and that if anyone wishes to extract the direct link to the flv
and post it (or conversely, extract the data itself and post that, assuming
legal permission to do so being granted, of course), it'd be appreciated.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Mar 31, 2010 16:44 UTC (Wed) by iabervon (subscriber, #722) [Link]

It's worth noting that the recent ruling was about patents on genes which occur naturally (or as the result of common mutations), with the patents being used to get a monopoly on processes that interact with these genes. The crucial question from the decision is: "...whether or not claims directed to isolated DNA containing naturally-occurring sequences fall within the 'products of nature' exception (pg. 103)" (with the answer "yes"). This judge is not considering patents on software written in DNA by the applicants; rather, the judge is considering patents on DNA found in nature by the applicants. Currently, the USPTO has a policy that allows patents on sequences when the applicant has done the work to figure out which part of the genome of certain people leads to certain effects, and this judge is saying that finding and analyzing the part of a naturally-occurring machine that does a particular thing is not inventing it.

On the other hand, this ruling doesn't relate at all to the question of whether you can design a protein that has never been found in nature that (being a nanoscale machine) has some function you designed it for, and get a patent on it, thereby effectively getting a monopoly on the use of any DNA sequence which will be read by cells and cause them to produce your protein. This question doesn't seem any different to me from the question of whether you can measure a patented machine and sell files for 3D printers to produce it. To the extent that the patent system is worthwhile at all, I can't see any reason that the blueprints for a device being digital, or the manufacture of the device being done by the end user, would be a sensible distinction for the patent system to make.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 1, 2010 7:45 UTC (Thu) by rwmj (subscriber, #5474) [Link]

This part of your reply was depressing:

"allows patents on sequences when the applicant has done the work to figure out which part of the genome of certain people leads to certain effects"

a.k.a. basic medical research, surely?

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 1, 2010 12:00 UTC (Thu) by nye (guest, #51576) [Link]

Basic research in every other field is considered patentable. I guess geneticists wanted in on the monopolisation action.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 1, 2010 18:51 UTC (Thu) by sfeam (subscriber, #2841) [Link]

Basic research in every other field is considered patentable. I guess geneticists wanted in on the monopolisation action.

Say what? Are there patent applications pending on the latest round of elementary particles? Is someone raking in licensing profits from Truth, Beauty, and Charm [O.K, those might fall under copyright law instead, as brand names for the generic top/bottom/...].

Pre-existing algorithms revealed by the study of nature deserve even less eligibility for patenting than algorithms embodied in computer code or business methods.

Then again, maybe these are April 1 patent applications.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 2, 2010 13:14 UTC (Fri) by nye (guest, #51576) [Link]

Okay, I take back 'every' and replace it with 'most'.

Certainly large areas of mathematics, chemistry, and biology, plus obviously the social sciences. In fact there *are* patents on physical phenomena - quantum mechanics appears to be infested with them.

Pre-existing in nature should NOT be patentable

Posted Apr 1, 2010 21:21 UTC (Thu) by dwheeler (guest, #1216) [Link]

Yes, this scam of patenting what's already in nature has been going on for far too long. If it exists in nature, then it is obvious (to me) that it is pre-existing, a law of nature, and therefore not patentable. Just like the judge said. But the PTO has historically granted patents that on their face were not patentable, even by the horrifically lax standards of current law. This slap-down by the judge was obvious, brave, and about time. We'll see if it survives through appeals. There's a lot of money to be made in acquiring monopolies on inventions that no human invented.

Pre-existing in nature should NOT be patentable

Posted Apr 2, 2010 7:21 UTC (Fri) by giraffedata (guest, #1954) [Link]

it is pre-existing, a law of nature, and therefore not patentable.

I don't believe being pre-existing and a law of nature bars a patent, or that it should. What bars a patent is being already known.

Some years ago, the salmon farming industry had a problem in that farmed salmon flesh was gray instead of pink like wild salmon. Nobody knew why. Gray salmon meat is not as valuable to people as pink, so farmers spent a ton of money inventing a fish food that made the farmed salmon pink.

That's worthy of a patent because 1) how to make that food is valuable information we'd like these farmers to divulge; and 2) the farmers spent the money only because of the promise that they'd be able to profit from exclusive rights to use the fish food.

The way the scientists invented the fish food was by studying the ocean and the fish in it and figuring out what chemical, which had been in the oceans and its fishes for millions of years, makes salmon flesh pink.

So the fact that the effort was basic research, discovering something that already existed in nature, doesn't seem to me any reason to say there's no patentable invention.

Pre-existing in nature should NOT be patentable

Posted Apr 7, 2010 0:07 UTC (Wed) by Baylink (guest, #755) [Link]

That's not an "invention".

That's a "discovery".

Is there a difference? Does patent law really cover both?

In other news, here are the two scariest words on this comment thread: "script kiddie".

Pre-existing in nature should NOT be patentable

Posted Apr 7, 2010 3:08 UTC (Wed) by giraffedata (guest, #1954) [Link]

There's a big, and legal, difference between an invention and a discovery. But the fish food wasn't discovered, it was invented. The arduous process of inventing a food for farm salmon consisted primarily of discovering what makes wild salmon flesh pink. That discovery isn't patentable, but the resulting invention is.

I think the process of invention usually involves discovery. I think we all agree that the light bulb was an invention. But I heard that most of Edison's work in inventing the light bulb was trying lots of different materials for the filament until he discovered one that lasted long enough to be practical. There wasn't a lot of data in the library about metals at high temperatures in those days.

I think it would be nice if discovery of things in nature were patentable, as a means of compensating people for the work required to discover it, but I don't know how it would work -- what does the discoverer get an exclusive right to? So basic research is just going to have to be funded by government grants except where it can be cleanly converted into an invention.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 1, 2010 12:29 UTC (Thu) by alejluther (subscriber, #5404) [Link]

This subject is so interesting it is hard not to dream of what could be done. But problem with biology is you do not have howtos when you can not go further by yourselve. There was a wave of enthusiasm when we got a whole human DNA sequence. They said we have got the book of the life but it turned out to be written in a language which no one can read it.
All of this reminds me the "fallacy of the first step" well known in other areas like AI.

Open-source biotechnology

Posted Apr 7, 2010 0:02 UTC (Wed) by Baylink (guest, #755) [Link]

> A nucleotide is able to encode two bits rather than one, and the underlying processor is smaller, wetter, and smellier, but it's a program nonetheless.

Ok, that's my new candidate for funniest sentence of the year in LWN.

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