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Enterprise distributions and free software

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By Jonathan Corbet
March 7, 2011
The "enterprise distribution" business is a bit of a funny one; it often seems like an attempt - by vendors and customers both - to fit free software back into the business model long used by proprietary operating systems vendors. It will necessarily create some tensions between the values of the free software community (including free access, rapid development, and collaboration) and those of the business, which include rigid stability and the preservation of competitive advantage. Recent changes made by Red Hat show the effects that this tension can cause, especially when combined with strong, arguably unfair, competition.

The core Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution is built entirely on free software (the supplementary repository includes a few third-party proprietary bits like Flash). The source for the distribution is freely available and freely distributable by any other party as long as trademark-relevant bits are stripped out. This freedom is exploited by free distributions like CentOS and Scientific Linux; it is also exploited by commercial competitors who are happy to charge money to support the distribution that Red Hat has made.

Naturally, it is the commercial competitors that are creating the most trouble for Red Hat, which invests a considerable amount of money into the development of both the software on which RHEL is based and the creation of RHEL itself. Companies like Oracle also contribute to upstream projects, but on a rather smaller scale, and they contribute little indeed to the development and maintenance of the RHEL distribution. Freed of that expense, these companies are able to offer support for Red Hat's distribution (or derivatives thereof) while charging much less. They are said to be actively courting Red Hat's existing customers, with a certain amount of success. It seems like a clear path to a successful business, even without the darker allusions, heard occasionally, that the real intent is simply to drive Red Hat out of business.

Given this situation, it is not entirely surprising that Red Hat has decided that it needs to respond; a company which makes life too easy for its competitors tends not to stay around for long. The company could try to make its distribution more proprietary to keep others from redistributing it. The use of proprietary kernel modules to this end is not unheard of, but it would be surprising indeed to see Red Hat take that approach. Proprietary user space components, like those used by Google to keep some control over Android, would have fewer licensing difficulties, but it still would be a major change for a (previously) free distribution. The good news is that Red Hat has resisted any such pressures - so far.

What Red Hat is doing is still seen by many as being something other than good news, though. Essentially, Red Hat is asserting stronger proprietary control over the metadata it possesses about the RHEL distribution. That metadata includes its "knowledge base" of problems and solutions, bugs and fixes, etc. What Red Hat wants to do is to exploit the advantage gained from having built and supported RHEL over all these years, and to make it harder for others to exploit that knowledge. The company is trying to compete by providing better support, and one way to have better support is to keep your competitors from making their own support offerings better through the use of your own information and experience.

Kernel source packaging

The move that brought all this to the community's attention was a change in the way that the source RPM file for the RHEL 6 kernel is packaged. Traditional source-packaging practice is to combine an unmodified upstream tarball, a set of distributor patches, and a script (the "spec file") which applies the patches and builds the software. The RHEL kernel package, instead, consists of a single tarball reflecting the kernel in its fully-patched form. There is a long list of patch titles in the spec file, but there is no other information which can be used to recover the specific patches which have been applied to the kernel.

The purpose of this change, evidently, is to make it harder for competitors to figure out why specific patches were made. Many changes applied to the RHEL kernel will have been done in response to specific customer problems; the understanding of those problems and how they were fixed will, at times, be useful in future support situations. By mixing all of its patches into a single, lossy tarball with no changelogs, Red Hat hopes to deprive others of this useful support information.

Will it work? The restriction of information in general should certainly deprive competitors of a useful resource, though the cynical might note that access to that information could be restored via an inexpensive low-end RHEL subscription. Whether broken-out patches for the kernel, in particular, are useful to competitors is not entirely clear. It may well be that Red Hat has irritated - and possibly made life harder for - the development community without bothering anybody else in any appreciable way.

Red Hat claims that the packaging change should not bother the development community at all, noting that the change had been in effect for four months before complaints were heard. One of the foundations of this claim is the fact that the RHEL "2.6.32" is far removed from anything called "2.6.32" anywhere else; the company once described it this way:

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 kernel includes numerous subsystems and enhancements from 2.6.34, as well as its predecessor versions. As a result, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 kernel cannot be simply labeled as any particular upstream version. Rather, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 kernel is a hybrid of the latest several kernel versions. And, as Red Hat provides regular updates over the lifecycle of the product, we expect that the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 kernel will incorporate selected features from future upstream kernels that have yet to be developed.

This kernel is a sort of Frankenstein's monster of fixes and backports; it is a distant relation to any sort of upstream kernel. Given that, Red Hat has said, most patches to this kernel do not apply in any useful way to the kernels the rest of us are working with. In other words, they claim, there is no value to the community in most of the RHEL kernel patches.

More importantly, though, Red Hat insists that it is a strong believer in working upstream. Any patches developed by Red Hat which have any relevance to upstream kernels are promptly sent upstream for merging. This line of reasoning suggests that there will not be anything of interest to the community in RHEL kernels; everything of value will have already been submitted for merging. The company's history backs up this claim; its history of contributions is matched by few others, and, by all accounts, the practice of contributing upstream is wired deeply into the company's culture.

That said, maintainers of the community stable kernels (and some other developers as well) have been heard to complain that Red Hat's practice is making work harder for them. Beyond that, though, this practice leaves the community with a bit of a bad taste in its mouth. The development of a significant fork of the Linux kernel has become more closed in a possibly ineffective attempt to support corporate interests. The fact that those corporate interests are in the personal interests of everybody whose salary is paid by that company and by everybody who benefits from that company's contributions perhaps softens the blow, but it does not make everything better. Many people are left wondering what the next step will be.

The enterprise distribution business

They may be right to wonder. The "enterprise distribution" business model, as it is currently implemented, is a strange distortion of the development community that supports it. It is said by some to violate the GPL, or, at least, to stretch its spirit to the breaking point; that is a subject which will be examined in another article. Of interest here is the fact that this model also led to the creation of kernels so divergent that its simple fixes no longer apply to the mainline. Your editor can't help thinking of Andrew Morton's classic keynote at the 2004 Ottawa Linux Symposium:

I have a few words for the Linux vendors here. It's understandably tempting for Linux vendors of various forms to seek to differentiate their products by adding extra features to their kernels. OK. But moving down this path does mean that there will be incompatible versions of Linux released to the public. This will, by design, lock some of our users into a particular vendor's implementation of Linux. And this practice exposes the entire Linux industry to charges of being fragmented. And it exposes us to the charge that we are headed along the same path as that down which the proprietary Unixes are deservedly vanishing... [A]s a person who has some responsibility for Linux as a whole, I see the perfectly understandable vendor strategy of offering product differentiation as being in direct conflict with the long-term interests of Linux.

The RHEL kernel, which is certainly differentiated from any other kernel out there, would seem to be well described by Andrew's words. Red Hat's move to lock down information about this kernel is an admitted attempt to increase customer lock-in; they are trying to make it harder to move to another provider of support. Is this good for Linux?

Corporate moves do not happen in a vacuum; Red Hat's competitors will likely come up with responses of their own. Perhaps they will just develop other sources for the information they need. If, instead, they adopt a strategy like Red Hat's, we could end up with a fragmented range of incompatible Linux distributions, each of which tries to lock in customers with its own combination of unique features and proprietary information. Veterans of the Unix wars can be forgiven for shuddering a bit at that thought.

An alternative might be to move away from the idea of "frozen" kernels in enterprise distributions. The truth of the matter is that these kernels are far from frozen; RHEL's "2.6.32" kernel has features from 2.6.38 - and probably beyond. Nobody wants a kernel which was set in stone years before, so these "stable" kernels get no end of features backported into them. The result is a combination which has never been seen before in nature and which may have stability problems of its own. It is also expensive to create and expensive to maintain.

Perhaps enterprise distributions should stick closer to mainline kernels and even move to new releases occasionally? Oracle's "Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel" looks like a move in that direction. Novell did something similar with its SP1 update to SUSE Linux Enterprise 11. This approach would seem to offer some real advantages: users would get new features and fixes from upstream, and distributors would not have to pay the cost of creating and maintaining a highly divergent kernel. There would also be less need to treat related information as proprietary; companies would compete on their ability to support current mainline software, rather than a vendor-specific kernel. That seems like an environment in which Red Hat, which does so much to create mainline kernels, could compete most effectively.

Of course, anybody who listens to business advice from your editor has a strong chance of learning all about the bankruptcy process in short order. Beyond that, this is not a new idea; it was discussed here in 2007. The ultra-stable enterprise distribution model seems to be in no danger of going away, in any case, even though some vendors seem to be experimenting with some changes. There are customers, it seems, so there will be vendors.

In the end, companies need to make money or they disappear. Red Hat has, so far, found ways to keep its stockholders happy while supporting the development community which makes it all possible. One can only hope that, as this market becomes more competitive, the companies involved will continue to find a way to balance those important interests; the alternative, certainly, will be destructive to both.

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Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 0:05 UTC (Tue) by airlied (subscriber, #9104) [Link]

"we could end up with a fragmented range of incompatible Linux distributions, each of which tries to lock in customers with its own combination of unique features and proprietary information"

I'm not sure why you think the second set of requirements is necessary for the first statement to be true.

We have the first one now in the enterprise space alone we have, RHEL, SLES/SLED, Ubuntu LTS, Debian stable, and others have come/gone.

In the other spaces we have Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE etc.

its already fragmented it has been for years, the kernel used is probably the least of anyone's worries.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 0:14 UTC (Tue) by dlang (guest, #313) [Link]

fragmented without the lock-in is not nearly as much of a problem.

the kernels used by different distros used to be far more fragmented then they currently are, but since there was no lock-in, things were able to be smoothed out.

if there is lock-in, it makes it much harder to fix any of the other problems.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 0:47 UTC (Tue) by blitzkrieg3 (guest, #57873) [Link]

> Red Hat's move to lock down information about this kernel is an admitted attempt to increase customer lock-in; they are trying to make it harder to move to another provider of support.

I take issue with this definition of lock-in, which is one I've never heard before. Red Hat doesn't do anything to the OS or to the customer to make it harder for the customer to move, we simply make it harder for competitors to support Red Hat software. Now if you're a business person and you say, "We could move to vendor X for Enterprise Linux support, but their support is not as good as Red Hat", I could see how that might make it "hard to move", but that isn't lock-in.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 1:09 UTC (Tue) by martinfick (subscriber, #4455) [Link]

I agree. An example of lockin would be creating custom APIs without ever pushing those APIs upstream. Android kernels seems to have that problem, not RHEL (as far as I know).

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 2:03 UTC (Tue) by airlied (subscriber, #9104) [Link]

I can't parse your comment, there is no different lock-in now than there was with RHEL 5 years ago.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 0:33 UTC (Tue) by ejr (subscriber, #51652) [Link]

As far as I can tell, the only benefit to "enterprise" distributions (RHEL, SUSE) over simple consulting is that deployments can use binary goo from third-party sources folks. The kernel very much can be an issue when the binary goo is a hardware driver (e.g. OFED distributions) and the hardware company refuses to talk about anything other than its binary-shipped driver (even when the source exists).

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 1:33 UTC (Tue) by neilbrown (subscriber, #359) [Link]

I thought a significant benefit was "stability".

The vendor (Redhat / Novell / Canonical / ...) do their own QA, then release. Partners, customers, community all report bugs and these get fixed, so the kernel theoretically gets more and more stable - each customer benefiting from the bugs found by other customers/partners/etc.

The common -stable kernel series is an attempt to provide these benefits across distributions.

There are other (claimed) benefits too such as third-party certification, and incorporation of "valuable" out-of-tree patches.

So I don't think there is "only" one benefit - there are several. I wouldn't claim to suggest what the "main" benefit is though.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 1:46 UTC (Tue) by ejr (subscriber, #51652) [Link]

I don't buy the stability argument. I've had fewer issues with core bits of Debian than core bits of SUSE or RHEL. Quite often "stability" means "accepting out-of-date software", which just dumps the issues onto the users.

The third-party certification's immediate impact for me is the availability of binary blobs. I'm not trying to resell, so I can see that difference. My experience is with HPC systems, not customer-service terminals and the like, so perhaps my view is a bit skewed.

So you're right, the one enterprise benefit is a "for me" thing. The stability issue, though, I don't see as a differentiator against large-scale community distributions.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 2:10 UTC (Tue) by airlied (subscriber, #9104) [Link]

stability while adding new HW support is the main intersection.

I'm not saying its perfect but it less bad than bouncing to an upstream kernel., running Debian stable is fine on 2 yr old hw, even on hw coming out now Debian stable is already behind.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 2:48 UTC (Tue) by ejr (subscriber, #51652) [Link]

Ok, I'm guilty of not supplying all information. I run Debian testing+bits of unstable+tiny bits of experimental personally with rare issues. And for cluster installations, you only *need* the kernel+drivers up to whatever hardware is there, and you can pick whichever kernel + OFED level that is. Forklift upgrades still are the norm in the HPC world. Otherwise, I've been recommending a (tested, via slow VM emulating 4+ nodes) Debian testing snapshot every N months (often 12). That seems quite stable for *core* pieces in my little slice of the world. I imagine that other fixed-hardware installations are similar.

And in response to another comment, for *me* the VM performs much better with respect to my multithreaded jobs than older kernels do. But I also turn off swapping for HPC installations; if you swap, you loose the high-performance part. That does eat a little memory for monitors that *could* be swapped out, but it reduces the perturbation when those monitors happen to trigger during a compute job. Turning off swap doesn't turn off mmap-ing of large data sets, so it's not a huge deal for common apps and helps stop student mistakes from crippling the nodes. Setting the ulimit at a tested maximum keeps the OOM killer at bay (or seems to do so).

But I'm also stuck with RHEL given current employer restrictions. It's not terribly OpenMP-friendly, in my experience, leading to many people griping about how "Linux" sucks.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 13:10 UTC (Tue) by SEJeff (guest, #51588) [Link]

Wait a minute here. The Debian guy is complaining about RHEL having old software? Pot, meet kettle... you're both black.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 13:40 UTC (Tue) by ejr (subscriber, #51652) [Link]

Personally, I'm responding from Chrome 11.0.686.3 dev, running libc 2.11.2 (ok, not the latest&greatest), compiling with gcc 4.5.2 with 4.3.5, 4.4.5, and a 4.6 snapshot available for testing... All of these come with bug reporting and fixing so I don't have to go it alone.

With Debian (and Fedora, and...), you can pull newer versions of tools if you need them. You can at least see how the version chance affects the system even if you decide not to use the Debian version. I don't get why people insist that the named "stable" release is the only thing available. I know apt lets you set defaults to pick and choose easily, and I assume the other distributions' tools do.

I suppose it's another thing I don't get about "enterprise" distributions. You tie your timeline tightly to the producer's decisions. I'd rather be able to tie our cluster upgrade and testing timelines to our calendar.

But, again, I'm talking about systems used for development of some flavor. I suppose shipping a word processing box is different, but you definitely don't want the latest & greatest there, either. Retraining is a major cost.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 19:42 UTC (Tue) by ThinkRob (guest, #64513) [Link]

In all fairness, RHEL installs can definitely "out-ancient" Debian installs: RHEL is supported for so bloody long that the versions of software that a release ships with will indeed be quite old (even compared to Debian stable) towards the end of the release's supported life.

It's not uncommon to see a production Debian machine with versions of software that are a couple years old. It's also not uncommon to see a production RHEL install with software versions from the better part of a decade ago. RHEL wins. :D

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 19:49 UTC (Tue) by skvidal (guest, #3094) [Link]

You realize that this is true b/c someone is paying for it, right?

No one does that kind of maintenance for fun.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 9, 2011 0:45 UTC (Wed) by jengelh (subscriber, #33263) [Link]

The maintenance explodes when the customer wants a feature in a package that the regular enterprise distro treadmill does not cover in its updates...

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 9, 2011 4:31 UTC (Wed) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

It isn't all or nothing. Customers can and do build custom applications or updates. Depending on the problem you want to solve, third party repos are often helpful. EPEL and IUS community project for instance.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 9, 2011 2:14 UTC (Wed) by ThinkRob (guest, #64513) [Link]

> You realize that this is true b/c someone is paying for it, right?

Oh, absolutely. I was merely pointing out that a RHEL release can and often does have a much longer shelf life than a Debian release.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 2:02 UTC (Tue) by kragilkragil (guest, #72832) [Link]

Everybody seems to love RH. They contribute so much and others are just leeches. I don't think this is true.

I really hope the business model RH, Novell and Oracle use will die and I hope this is the first indication that it will die eventually. Oracle can just buy one RH license and continue to undercut RH because they don't waste millions on creating totally stupid franken-kernels that only appeal to dumb people that fell for false stability marketing.

A distro should be developed like the kernel itself. There should be one community that builds the distro releases and a lot of companies and individuals should drive it into the directions they want.

Where would Debian be if Novell and RH and Oracle etc had only put their resources into it instead of creating a whole new distro?

Logic dictates that not using free resources and wasting resources will be punished. I don't think we a free market anymore, but I hope that marketforces will bring down non-community distros.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 2:06 UTC (Tue) by airlied (subscriber, #9104) [Link]

Have you ever used Linus kernel in a production env, then upgraded it 2 years later?

good luck.

The sheer number of regressions esp in areas like the VM is quite large, the kernel needs stabilisation periods that upstream doesn't supply, and shoving into Debian stable doesn't do anything other than sticking people with a kernel that isn't going to improve or add features.

The featureset of no major regressions + new HW support is something people think is worth paying for, community distros don't cater to this market at all.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 2:48 UTC (Tue) by dlang (guest, #313) [Link]

yes I have, I have been doing so for 14 years now.

I can point at the availability of the systems that I manage and compare it to the availability of the systems running RHEL and make a very good case that my linus kernel on whitebox systems is better than their RHEL on top-tier branded systems

if you blindly install a RHEL upgrade/kernel on your system without testing it, you will have some pretty horrible problems. If you are doing the testing, then it doesn't really matter if you are testing RHEL or linus-kernel based systems (although, if you run into something strange, you can get debugging and fixes for the linus-kernel faster than I've seen happen with RHEL)

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 4:18 UTC (Tue) by raven667 (subscriber, #5198) [Link]

I have to say I really haven't had this problem, even when running triple digit numbers of systems I can't think of the last time i've had an RHEL update go bad, kernel or otherwise.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 13:20 UTC (Tue) by SEJeff (guest, #51588) [Link]

RHEL 4.5 was a disaster of an upgrade:

Redhat took all of the upstream nfs client "fixes" that google primarily wrote and backported them to RHEL4. It did not go so well. The best thing I got out of working on this bug was ninja-level nfs debugging experience. See comment 8 for the secret sauce.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 18:21 UTC (Tue) by ricwheeler (subscriber, #4980) [Link]

NFS client patches that google wrote?

Are you confusing google (no interest in NFS) with NetApp which employs Trond, the upstream client maintainer?

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 20:11 UTC (Tue) by vonbrand (guest, #4458) [Link]

If you compare the stability of vanilla Linus kernels on whiteboxen to $ENTERPRISE kernels on top-tier machines, you don't know if the differences are due to the kernel's stability, broken(ish) support for funky hardware on the "top" machines, different workloads/stress, or even simply due to different definitions of "stable" in different environments.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 12, 2011 21:00 UTC (Sat) by dlang (guest, #313) [Link]

true, although according the 'prevailing wisdom' both selecting top tier vendors and going with enterprise kernels are choices that are supposed to increase reliability

that being said, I used the kernel.org kernel on the top tier boxes for a few years before deciding that they didn't provide any additional reliability.

as for the argument that reliability means different things, in the case I am referring to, reliability is measured and defined by the same people.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 13:02 UTC (Tue) by kragilkragil (guest, #72832) [Link]

If nobody would do the Franken-kernel BS then all vendors would have to test with Linus RCs and everybody would be even happier. The enterprise kernel story is weak anyway you skin it and wastes so many hours of precious kernel devs lifes.
It needs to die and I hope it will sooner than later and I hope that the next few quarters RHs numbers won't be shiny and investors will punish them for wasting their money on inefficient development.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 20:26 UTC (Tue) by airlied (subscriber, #9104) [Link]

you look like you have a business plan in you, or don't really understand.

The QA cycle is longer than the kernel release cycle. QAing a kernel requires a set amount of time, at least for people to be happy that it isn't considerably worse than the previous one. Some of the benchmarks that enterprise customers care about can nearly take longer than the test cycle to get scheduled, they require hw that isn't always available. Never mind tracking down regressions using a bisect on a test that takes a week to run and process the results of.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 20:43 UTC (Tue) by lmb (subscriber, #39048) [Link]

QA cycles can be shortened. That is "merely" an engineering problem that can be solved: automation, parallelization, smarter tests, and better test plans. Not to mention better code review. There's a whole stack of books on continuous delivery & deployment out there in your library.

And even if the test cases were only run for, say, for every three upstream releases, I postulate that this would a) greatly reduce the chance that relevant regressions get introduced, b) even rev'ing the "enterprise" kernels every three upstream kernel releases would already be a huge boost over rev'ing them every 3 years.

I'd never have expected that, of all people, the _Linux_ folks would be the ones to claim that Linux/OSS can't work in an mission-critical environment but needs to be curtailed to a legacy "enterprise" model! I'm truly amazed.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 4:22 UTC (Wed) by airlied (subscriber, #9104) [Link]

I think you are missing a large point, if you have competent admins, and I stress admins, (having one super-hero admin is a really bad business decision and you deserve your whitebox+Linus solution to fail hard when your admin has some life altering event), then you can totally deploy Linus tree into mission critical places. Google, facebook etc are prime examples of this, even though google might be a few kernels back they are getting closer to mainline. However if you have management or admins who like to spend time with their kids/families then you have to have some sort of support place you can call and someone you can blame. Now the company providing that service cannot provide bespoke Linus kernels every 3 months, it just isn't practical.

Enterprise distros also have a whole bunch of certifications (government, application) etc that it isn't feasible to redo every 3-6 mths it can takes a year or so to get some of them finished.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 4:27 UTC (Wed) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

"QA cycles can be shortened. That is "merely" an engineering problem that can be solved: automation, parallelization, smarter tests, and better test plans. Not to mention better code review. There's a whole stack of books on continuous delivery & deployment out there in your library."

If you can make this model work, you have a brilliant edge over the competition. Feel free to try.

"I'd never have expected that, of all people, the _Linux_ folks would be the ones to claim that Linux/OSS can't work in an mission-critical environment but needs to be curtailed to a legacy "enterprise" model! I'm truly amazed."

Linux can certainly work in a mission critical environment. The debate is not about that at all but whether the current enterprise model is legacy or necessary. I would say that it is possible to tweak the model and vendors occasionally do that but it is not going to go away unless some vendor decides to provide a sustainable alternative.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 10, 2011 3:56 UTC (Thu) by BenHutchings (subscriber, #37955) [Link]

The featureset of no major regressions + new HW support is something people think is worth paying for, community distros don't cater to this market at all.

Actually, Debian does add hardware support, particularly for hardware that may be required during installation. However, we aren't nearly as thorough as Red Hat in doing this, mostly because we don't have the resources for regression-testing driver changes.

I have been meaning to propose some sort of hardware partner program for Debian kernel and X maintainers to work with hardware vendors (or upstream maintainers with good collections of hardware) on testing driver updates. But I think it would have to be somewhat different from commercial partner programs.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 6:06 UTC (Tue) by rilder (guest, #59804) [Link]

A distro should be developed like the kernel itself. There should be one community that builds the distro releases and a lot of companies and individuals should drive it into the directions they want.

All the upstream components which make up a distro - Xorg, Glibc et.al. among others are developed in a non-fragmented manner. You don't see two different vendors for Qt, do you ? Building a distro is perhaps the easier part, the actual upstream development which the distros refer to for feature enhancements,bugs etc is where the cake lies. Why else do you think there are virtually hundreds of distros ?

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 12:49 UTC (Tue) by kragilkragil (guest, #72832) [Link]

Most distros are just Debian with a different package selection.

And it is not like RH is a shining beacon of superb collaboration. All their Gnome3 hackers took a giant dump on freedesktop specs for example.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 20:13 UTC (Tue) by vonbrand (guest, #4458) [Link]

"Most distros are Debian" is just not true in so many different ways...

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 23:42 UTC (Tue) by kragilkragil (guest, #72832) [Link]


That are 129 and it doesn't even include the Ubuntu, Knoppix etc based ones.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 4:34 UTC (Wed) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

You have selection bias and discounting all of the Fedora derived and yes, distrowatch doesn't list the majority of them either. If you go and count all of the different distros in Distrowatch, there is a enormous amount of them not related to Debian in any way.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 9:55 UTC (Wed) by kragilkragil (guest, #72832) [Link]

Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that the majority is .deb.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 10:08 UTC (Wed) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

Claiming that it is a fact, doesn't make it so. Even if it true, it is different from your original claim that most distributions are just Debian with a different package selection. It is a world view of Linux distributions that revolves around packaging format, which is quite obsolete. SUSE for example is originally derived from Slackware and Mandriva while originally a Red Hat Linux derivative has diverge enough from its roots. While Fedora and CentOS share a packaging format, they are very different distributions. The interesting differences between distributions have nothing to do with a package format which is pretty much a archive with additional metadata and RPM/Deb is similar enough that this isn't worth pointing out anymore. Especially in the enterprise world, things like certification and lifecycle (RHEL is 7 to 10 years) are far more relevant.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 10:35 UTC (Wed) by patrick_g (subscriber, #44470) [Link]

Article from Bruce Byfield here : Linux Leaders: Debian and Ubuntu Derivative Distros
Quote :
"just under 63% of all distributions now being developed come ultimately from Debian. By comparison, 50 (15%) are based on Fedora or Red Hat, 28 (9%) on Slackware, and 12 (4%) on Gentoo."

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 10:44 UTC (Wed) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

As I already pointed out, Distrowatch list isn't exhaustive. Even my own derivative isn't listed there despite active releases for a long time for unknown reasons. The original source of the distribution isn't that important either. Even if the package format is the same, in practise there are all sort of interesting differences in the installer, packaging guidelines, higher level tools, patches, lifecycle, commercial support, certifications etc.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 11:33 UTC (Wed) by patrick_g (subscriber, #44470) [Link]

If better data are not available elsewhere I must use this study based on Distrowatch as reference.
Do you have more precise figures ?

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 11:44 UTC (Wed) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

No precise figures will ever exist on something like this because a number of derivatives are not public or distrowatch refuses to list them. This is similar to asking how many users a particular distribution has. People can give you ballpark figures but nothing very precise. Even if you choose to rely on distrowatch figures, they are ultimately not a meaningful number because the raw count isn't a useful thing to look at the other factors I mentioned earlier. The claim of "Most distros are just Debian with a different package selection" is obviously false no matter how you dice it.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 11:54 UTC (Wed) by kragilkragil (guest, #72832) [Link]

There is no distrowatch conspiracy.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 9, 2011 12:09 UTC (Wed) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

Now you are just being very silly. Distrowatch doesn't list several distros, for semi-arbitrary reasons. They try to make a judgement on which ones are likely to stick around and don't list all of them immediately. Some of them languish in the waiting period forever for instance. Noone claimed any of this was a conspiracy but rather that the raw count is a unreliable reference and there are significant and more important differences besides the package format and distro origin.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 12, 2011 9:06 UTC (Sat) by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946) [Link]

"And it is not like RH is a shining beacon of superb collaboration. All their Gnome3 hackers took a giant dump on freedesktop specs for example."

GNOME Shell developers have yet implemented a specification that KDE proposed. KDE hasn't implemented some specs that GNOME developers have proposed either. Just because it is hosted by freedesktop.org does not in anyway imply that there is consensus that everybody should use it. This is a common misconception that freedesktop.org is a standards body of some sort. This has never been the case ever since the day Havoc Pennigton from Red Hat launched freedesktop.org back in 2000. Choosing not to implemented a particular spec does not imply lack of collaboration. It can and often is just a technical choice.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 11:54 UTC (Tue) by pkern (subscriber, #32883) [Link]

It's unlikely that Red Hat allows Oracle to support others using a low-end subscription.

Compare this to SAP vs. Oracle. The main point of that lawsuit was that SAP wrongfully used their access to Oracle's support site (which they had access to for their own Oracle instances, AFAIR) to offer Oracle support to their clients.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 12:52 UTC (Tue) by kragilkragil (guest, #72832) [Link]

SAP just did it wrong. Oracle is even more ruthless and won't be that stupid.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 18:48 UTC (Tue) by rahvin (guest, #16953) [Link]

If they use a RHEL subscription to support their clients they will be in breach of their contract (not copyright, GPL allows them to do it, but the Support contract doesn't) with Redhat and liable for just as much damages as SAP is going to pay Oracle. I sincerely doubt Oracle is that stupid.

No this move is going to cost Oracle some serious development money to re-engineer all of Redhat's work. When they were just copying Redhat it wasn't much of a concern but now that they are going for the value proposition by trying to provide a "better" kernel Redhat needs to react to make them spend what Redhat does to support their Frakenkernel. With everything provided in detail Oracle could have easily reverse engineered the changes and why there were made and cherry picked what they wanted, now they will have to actually spend money to do that or Engineer their own Frankenkernel from the ground up or provide a vanilla kernel. In the end it's possible Oracle simply won't be able to afford it. Either way Redhat has the marketing position to point out that Oracle's kernel is inferior to their own.

I would suggest that Redhat work with the developers of other good community members (Debian, Kernel developers, etc) to reduce the concern but personally I fully support their need to hurt Oracle's business. I believe that Oracle is trying to kill Redhat to make Solaris more popular. Redhat is a key community member and pays for development of a lot of the key pieces of Linux and the community can't afford for the company to go under. There is no doubt Redhat has done questionable things in the past, but they are probably the best commercial community member and I support their need to remove a parasite.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 19:34 UTC (Tue) by foom (subscriber, #14868) [Link]

> I believe that Oracle is trying to kill Redhat to make Solaris more popular.

You think Oracle started developing Unbreakable Linux to destroy Linux in favor of Solaris, 3 years before they acquired Solaris? As evil as Oracle may be, that seems to stretch credulity.

Enterprise distributions suck and free software rules

Posted Mar 8, 2011 20:18 UTC (Tue) by vonbrand (guest, #4458) [Link]

The "Unbreakable Linux" saga was a total flop; that they are now trying to use it's leftovers to leverage Solaris is just (re)use of available assets.

And never forget Hanlon's razor.

Android Kernels are worse

Posted Mar 8, 2011 5:39 UTC (Tue) by Shachar (guest, #67086) [Link]

It was said by a commenter above me, but I think it is worth repeating. At least RH didn't add major new APIs.

I have tried to figure out what, exactly, do the new APIs introduced into Android actually do. No documentation, no coherent patches you can inspect. There is a git repository, but there is no order to the changes that helps in any way. Download a kernel source for any HTC device (haven't checked, but I suspect the other Android vendors are the same) and you get the same thing - one tarball of kernel source.


Source package with individual patches

Posted Mar 8, 2011 8:20 UTC (Tue) by epa (subscriber, #39769) [Link]

It's worth mentioning that 'pristine sources' for source packages, with any patches as separate files, was something Red Hat introduced in Red Hat Linux 2, and was an advantage for that distribution over many competitors (and previous versions of Red Hat Linux).

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 9:37 UTC (Tue) by mjthayer (guest, #39183) [Link]

I keep hearing that the "selling support for FLOSS" business model is extremely hard to keep profitable, with Redhat always the honourable exception to the rule. It makes me wonder whether a distribution could make its money by cutting its distribution costs to the minimum possible - ruthlessly sticking to unpatched upstream for example - and instead offering customers a more-or-less guaranteed bug fixing service on all software across the distribution. Fixing bugs for a fee is probably too expensive for a small customer, but if an enterprise-size customer notices that a particular bug is affecting the productivity of a lot of employees it would probably be a good investment for them - and if a bug was causing problems for several customers the distribution could further distribute the costs.

Of course providing basic support as well (like answering questions about using the software and perhaps helping the customer to decide which bugs are affecting them badly) would probably still be necessary, and could perhaps be done in a manageable way by selling the support on a "number of support employees available full-time to the customer" basis. Again, out of reach for small customers but probably a good proposition for enterprise-size ones.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 13:12 UTC (Tue) by Lennie (subscriber, #49641) [Link]

I think what they are currently doing is creating their own stable-kernel by doing a lot of inhouse testing.

As there is already a stable kernel I'm not sure if creating their own is the solution.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 14:28 UTC (Tue) by mjthayer (guest, #39183) [Link]

Actually I was musing about a situation in which distributions precisely would *not* maintain their own forks.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 20:17 UTC (Tue) by Fats (guest, #14882) [Link]

Unfortunately I don't see how it could work in our reality.
You have two packages and you fix an interoperability between them for a customer. Neither of the upstream packages wants to accept the patches as they say it is only the other packages fault or are just not interested in interoperability.

What do you do ? If you don't fork it for all your customers you are basically forking for each customer separately. I don't think this is a better way of working.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 15:13 UTC (Tue) by smoogen (subscriber, #97) [Link]

There have been attempts at that but little to no customers. [I am defining "customer" as someone willing to pay money for that work versus someone who will pay test time or patches.]

Customers for the most part want the latest X to work, but don't want anything else to change. And the larger the customer the more they want that lock in for longer times. So there are places still using and paying for 2.4.x kernel (and ancient gcc,perl,python) support but also will pay some consultant to make the latest desktop to work on it.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 15:15 UTC (Tue) by jwarnica (subscriber, #27492) [Link]

That is closer to the historic model popular in the '80s, say, with companies like Sendmail and the commercial backers of the BSDs. Though, in those cases the support is focused on a very small target.

The issue is that providing tier-1 support to "everything we can cram on a DVD" is that it is basically impossible. While "Gnome" might be a pretty solid box internally, a given snapshot of "Gnome" might only really work with a specific combination of kernels and userspace utilities. Consider the various layers audio, or network configuration, needs to touch. And consider non-Gnome, Gnome apps, like GnuCash for example. It doesn't work with the latest versions of Gnome.

Sure, you can get it to work, but it doesn't "just work". Getting it to work in many cases might take a lifetime of experiences. You can't possibly build up a knowledge base of quick solutions to common problems if you don't make efforts to control the source of the problems. So every tech support call is about actually debugging a problem, rather then giving someone a quick canned answer. So all of your support calls are an hour long (or longer), and require someone with years of experience to handle.

So instead of having a call center filled with people who have a loaded cost of $15/hour, and answer questions in an average of 5 minutes, you need a call center filled with people costing $75/hour, and who take an hour to answer calls. You do the math on how much a subscription to such a service would cost.

It does happen, but they are called consultants, not distributions.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 20:30 UTC (Tue) by xnox (subscriber, #63320) [Link]

> So instead of having a call center filled with people who have a loaded cost of $15/hour, and
> answer questions in an average of 5 minutes, you need a call center filled with people costing
> $75/hour, and who take an hour to answer calls. You do the math on how much a subscription to
> such a service would cost.

Huh? $75/hour? I'm paid way less than that. Our customers do pay $100 and up per hour. /me should look for a better free software job.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 20:48 UTC (Tue) by jwarnica (subscriber, #27492) [Link]

I said "Costing $75/hour" not "getting paid $75/hour". There is a big difference. Maybe $75 is high. Whatever the number, someone who has actual skills is going to be far more expensive than someone who knows how to read a script.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 10:23 UTC (Tue) by lmb (subscriber, #39048) [Link]

I'd love to read the editor's opinion on the whole notion of "enterprise" Linux distributions - versus if that effort was instead directed at making upstream suitable for these environments - facilitating continuous integration/delivery/deployment of, essentially, upstream tip. By regression test suites, performance evaluation, making sure drivers keep working, fixing upgrades so that they can be done without relevant service interruption, and educating customers, etc.

In some cases, these customers demand to be lied to - there's no way of meeting the "don't change anything!" at the same time as "keep the new stuff working!" (And "new stuff" isn't just hardware support.)

Clearly, I have a personal opinion on the matter. (Which, strangely enough, doesn't align with my pay cheque. ;-)

It's worth noting that some enterprise products fare quite well by putting the QA on top of upstream; I've got my blinders on here, but it works really well for the cluster stuff so far - we keep releasing, essentially, a QA'ed version of upstream-latest and support that. We work with upstream to ensure that a smooth upgrade is feasible, and that new features do not disrupt existing installations. And upstream for cluster stuff tends to be rather quality-conscious. Yes, even then, there are jumps that need to be carefully planned, but overall, it is sustainable without backports.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 14:22 UTC (Tue) by corbet (editor, #1) [Link]

I don't have opinions, everybody knows that.

There are a couple of interesting data points for those who say that enterprises need these frozen-version-number kernels, though.

  • The "enterprise real time" distributions have always stuck much closer to mainline, seemingly with no ill effect.

  • I've been at talks by representatives of Credit Suisse and NASDAQ OMX, both of which probably qualify as "enterprises." Both run their operations on mainline kernels.

One hears stories of other "enterprises" based on Gentoo. There do seem to be ways to make this work...

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 19:03 UTC (Tue) by rahvin (guest, #16953) [Link]

No two businesses have the same needs. One of the interesting data points for the Frakenkernel is the smaller companies with specialized hardware that is produced in such low volume that creating and integrating drivers is done once a decade or so. They want a kernel that will work with that driver for a decade without changes while they still have the ability to upgrade their environment. The Frakenkernel has a lot of viability in this low use high cost hardware proposition and there are a lot of companies and businesses with this type of specialized hardware.

I haven't looked in a number of years but I thought Redhat offered support on their Frakenkernel and Vanilla Kernels for those that want to run them.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 10, 2011 14:10 UTC (Thu) by BenHutchings (subscriber, #37955) [Link]

The financial services companies do seem to use a wide variety of distribution and custom kernels (judging by support tickets seen at Solarflare). I'm not sure their rapid upgrade cycles are really a model for anyone else though - there is always a significant cost and risk to infrastructure changes, and the benefits of a minor upgrade tend to be less clear in other environments.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 10, 2011 17:30 UTC (Thu) by lieb (guest, #42749) [Link]

Your two mentioned cases also have a turnover of new equipment. There are lots of enterprises that do system refreshes based on depreciation schedules (3-5 years) and when they do, they buy what is current h/w and put the (then) current versions of O/S and app on top of it. And there it sits for the next 3-5 year cycle. Updates (really fixes) are being applied to a static base. Those kinds of issues are easy to handle. If, however, you have *lots* of systems, think 5-6 digit counts, you are in the position that you are *always* buying new gear. You can't help it simply because of the scale. If you only have resources to rack&stack 2000 systems a year but you have 5-10 times that number in service, you are always churning. You now face the problem of either backport hell to get h/w enablement or you move closer to mainline where that enablement was based. This is a painful place to be which means that there is a scale to "enterprise". RH's sweet spot is the former (smaller case), not the later. And if you are that big, you need to apply the inhouse resources to get closer to mainline. A lot of shops do this but not really understanding the scale issues, do it badly.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 13:35 UTC (Tue) by AlexHudson (guest, #41828) [Link]

I'm always a bit sceptical of ideas which finish along the lines of:

"There would also be less need to treat related information as proprietary; companies would compete on their ability to support current mainline software, rather than a vendor-specific kernel."

Competition doesn't really work like this; you can't organise with other businesses exactly how you're going to compete (well, unless you're a cartel...), you just *compete*. Red Hat could decide that they're going to do this "follow mainline closely", but it really wouldn't take many failed updates to a supposedly "stable" release for customers to leave for the exits (read: Oracle, Novell) extremely quickly.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 13:45 UTC (Tue) by rick.dennis (guest, #61887) [Link]

1.) I think we need to define 'enterprise' here. From some of the editor's statements, I don't think he knows what is required for Linux to succeed here.

Personally I don't consider someone's basement or a University an enterprise. It is tens of thousands of 'enterprise class' servers ; support (meaning drivers, testing, the other vendor will take your call) for all their peripherals like 10G, IB, HCA's, enterprise SSD's; thousands of developers/users ; it requires third party software for other critical enterprise functions like clustering and security. (And then running them and supporting that configuration for _years_.)

If a business doesn't have these requirements could they get away with moving "away from the idea of a 'frozen' kernel'"? Perhaps, but then you have another problem: management. Enterprises are typically large companies and those whose core business is not technology aren't particularly concerned with hiring more Linux implementers than is necessary. We're expensive and can be annoying. They'd prefer the indemnification of purchasing some contract with a company that
says if half your Linux team walks out you will be ok. (Regardless of if that perception is real or false.)

2.) Honest question (not rhetorical): (Excluding embedded.) Without the Linux enterprise's, doesn't this just become a hobby OS?

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 14:03 UTC (Tue) by lmb (subscriber, #39048) [Link]

You are assuming that these requirements cannot be met by a "thawed" kernel; I disagree; and I do think I have some perspective. (And that is ignoring the small detail that the "frozen" enterprise kernels have substantial change rates as well.)

The main reason why enterprise distributions exist is that change causes fear in humans, whether justified or not. There are several ways of resolving that; one is to avoid/hide the change (which is what enterprise distributions do - "ohhh, version number is static, must be stable").

The other is to make the risk/cost associated with change drop below the benefits of the newer versions. There is no reason why "upstream tip" should be of lower quality or stability than an enterprise distribution. (That it sometimes, indeed, _is_ of lower quality perhaps tells us something important. But that can be addressed.)

Mind, the first model makes good money; and it satisfies a real and justified need the customers have - managing risk. But it is not the only possible solution. While you won't be able to sell the second to everyone, nor that it would work immediately, or that I have all the answers.

But it's one of these things that I'd love to investigate more. One of these days I'm going to shake a tree until a business angel falls out ... ;-)

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 14:26 UTC (Tue) by rick.dennis (guest, #61887) [Link]

I am assuming -- but it's from years of experiencing it with current hardware or 3rd party software. Perhaps if we hired enough people we could go concentrate on those items to make that latest kernel work -- though that is not our core competency.

I suppose it is fear. Fear that IF we rolled our own and said, yes we will loose support for that 3rd party messaging software or clustering solution, but I'll take on support for that too if things break. Fear that the business is impacted by this, or fear that I could spend my days debugging 3rd party software. (Though really, Sr. management probably has more fear of this and would never allow it to go that far.)

If you mean that the 3rd party software could use a "thawed" kernel in an enterprise distribution -- I don't think we have any evidence (or hope) of tens or hundreds of them all agreeing to support their products on such a kernel. Inevitably it will need to be frozen.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 8, 2011 16:30 UTC (Tue) by lmb (subscriber, #39048) [Link]

"We" already have the people working on it. They are just currently backporting stuff, and are actually _replicating_ a huge amount of QA and engineering, because they are the only ones testing that particular combination of patches.

If the same - probably less, overall - effort was piled on top of upstream, there's absolutely no reason why that wouldn't work. I clearly didn't say to "roll your own"; there's value in paying someone for this, because it allows them to specialize, and will be there to support users in case something goes wrong. (And also take the responsibility.)

I completely disagree on the "inevitably". Clearly, this is not the case - it doesn't get frozen forever, because every so often, the enterprise vendors do rev up the kernel. And because it only happens so rarely, it is a huge effort, at which time a lot of problems are found. (Because they crept in when nobody was watching.) If appropriate diligence was instead applied to the on-going releases, there's no reason why a smooth, incremental path wouldn't be available.

There's no reason why the latest upstream shouldn't be supportable. In fact, the pool of engineering on it would be even larger than for any current enterprise distribution.

There's one RedHat competitor with less motivation to contribute to a healthy kernel.

Posted Mar 8, 2011 22:38 UTC (Tue) by jpnp (guest, #63341) [Link]

In general, it shouldn't matter too much if one distro takes market share from another: both rely on a healthy kernel for their business and have motivation to continue investing. If distro B takes business from distro A then it has more revenue to spend on kernel devs and greater motivation to do so.

However, there is one competitor of RedHat (incidentally, the one whose distro is most closely related) who also owns a competing Unix implementation. They have less motivation to invest in Linux over their own product (let's call it Solaris). If a weakened RedHat led to less investment in Linux it would only help Solaris' competitive position.

I do have quite a lot of sympathy for RedHat in this position.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 10, 2011 2:18 UTC (Thu) by kurtseifried (guest, #57307) [Link]

Might have something to do with emails like this one I received from Oracle:


From: ********@oracle.com
Subject: Oracle Linux Suppor


Trust all is well.

I am the Country Account manager from Oracle Linux and Virtualisation Business Unit handling Canada. I have an understanding that you have Linux installation in your set up with your current support vendor as Red hat.

As you must be aware of the change in pricing / Support levels Red Hat recently came with the release of RHEL 6. Going forward for any new purchases/renewals Red Hat's basic support would not be available. So your support cost is bound to go high with a change in Support level from Basic to Standard with them. Also the pricing now is according to pair of sockets. So for every additional pair you would be paying even more along with any extra functionality ( clusters, management packs etc ) that you would require.

The reason why I explained the above is to compare Oracle pricing/features vis a vis Red Hat. We help our customers save cost up to 70% of what they currently pay to Red Hat. Our pricing is based on per cpu (2 or less / more than 2). Standard pricing adheres to anything more than 2 cpu's. Also Oracle's Basic Level of support is equivalent to Red Hat's best level (Premium) level of support.

If you think the above could make any business sense to you, Then I would like to welcome an opportunity for a discussion around a Value proposition on Linux Support and help you get the best pricing so that you can save on your Operating System support cost.

Let me know. Looking forward to speaking with you.


Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 10, 2011 3:02 UTC (Thu) by foom (subscriber, #14868) [Link]

Is it just me or does that sound like it's written by a non-native english speaker?

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 10, 2011 11:24 UTC (Thu) by pzb (guest, #656) [Link]

You do realize that Canada has two official languages, English and French, right? It is quite possible that the author of the email is a Franophone, and not a native English speaker, all the while being a Canadian and living in Canada his whole life.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 14, 2011 21:11 UTC (Mon) by leoc (guest, #39773) [Link]

Canada? Is that its own country now? :)


Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 14, 2011 20:16 UTC (Mon) by wilck (guest, #29844) [Link]

If there was strong customer demand for an "enterprise" distribution that always shipped the latest Linus kernel, surely Red Hat or one of its competitors would come out with an offering. Rather, there's a bunch of both free and commercial clones of RHEL. Why?

Most enterprises don't want to buy servers with Linux, they want certain applications that run on certain capable hardware. They want certifications and guarantees. They want 24/7, guaranteed response times, and some party who takes full responsibility to fix problems, preferrably in a guaranteed amount of time. Giving this kind of guarantee requires a massive cut-down in configuration options. Therefore almost every HW and SW vendor supports only a very limited set of OS flavors.

It is pointless to say that vanilla systems can be very stable, have a high uptime, and perform nicely. The question is who is willing to guarantee that for a certain customer application on a certain hardware.

Check out the major HW and SW vendors and see which Linux releases they offer support for. In most cases, you will see RHEL and SLES, and quite often, nothing else. The HW and SW vendors spend engineering + QA efforts to ensure compatibility with distributions. The upgrade-compatibility guarantee of the enterprise distributions helps them save efforts: certify once, and keep certified until end-of-life of the distribution. This upgrade-compatibility implies a commitment of the distribution vendor to ensure API and ABI stability, a commitment that the community deliberately refused to make, as every LWN reader knows. This stability, plus availability of bug fixes and security fixes, is what makes enterprise Linux attractive (new hardware enablement is less important, it can be achieved with virtualization as well).

For a HW or SW vendor, certifying and releasing a product for RHEL5/6 and SLES10/11 is considerable effort, but it's manageable. For many vendors, anything else isn't, unless backed by a very large customer with a very specific demand and highly skilled own staff.

"Never Change a Running System" is a very important paradigm in the commercial Linux world as I know it. Customers can be extremely conservative. When an enterprise Linux distribution finally reaches end of life after 7 or 10 years, customers start requesting support for that distribution for another 5 years or more. The rapidly moving code base of the community distributions is out of the question for these customers, and so are vanilla kernels. A company trying to make money with Linux may consider this irrational, but it would be good advice to be careful telling that to a potential customer.

The enterprise distributions receive QA not only from their vendors, but also from partners and IHVs / ISVs around the globe. That adds up to considerable efforts, and considerable efficiency in finding and squashing bugs. In this way, many bugs have been found in code that had already been reviewed by two upstream communities (upstream project and Fedora/OpenSUSE, and no, it's not always the back-porters and "Frankenkernel" engineers who are messing it up). The superior quality of the upstream community releases is a myth. More often than not, the "thousand eyeballs" turn out to be just two. The upstream review/QA process is good and extremely important, but it's not by definition superior to everything else.

Last but not least, even if that's unpopular on LWN, the KABI commitments of the enterprise distributions make it possible for customers to deploy third-party kernel modules without risk.

I used to think along the lines expressed by many commenters on this page. I even tried to convince my bosses to support vanilla kernels (couldn't figure out .config, though). I had to realize I was wrong. At least the market segment my employer is addressing is served very well with the current "Enterprise Linux" model.

Enterprise distributions and free software

Posted Mar 18, 2011 18:29 UTC (Fri) by geek (guest, #45074) [Link]

"The ultra-stable enterprise distribution model seems to be in no danger of going away, " It seems that the Red Hat kernel is not stable feature-wise but only in terms of routine functionality. If they can (and I take it they have) make backporting work to the OS's users' benefit I can't see any problem with that. I use CentOS because it gives me good functionality and good stability. If I needed paid-for support there's RedHat. I don't think this is such a big deal.

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