How to Install Flatpak Package Manager on Ubuntu 22.04

Flatpak, or xdg-app, is a package management tool for the Linux operating system. It allows you to install and manage packages using flatpak package manager. Flatpak has its own repository so you don't need to rely on other repositories. It provides all the libraries and dependencies that are necessary for software installation. It is a cross-distro application deployment framework that enables developers to Flatpak setup for apps for all major distributions.

This post will show you how to install and use the Flatpak package management tool on Ubuntu 22.04.


  • A server running Ubuntu 22.04.
  • A root password is configured on the server.

Install Flatpak

By default, the Flatpak package is included in the Ubuntu default repository. You can install it by running the following command:

apt install flatpak -y

Once the Flatpak package is installed, you can verify its version using the following command:

flatpak --version

You should see the following output:

Flatpak 1.12.7

Enable Flatpak Repository

Before using Flatpak, you will need to add the Flatpak repository to your system. You can add it with the following command:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

You can now easily search and install the applications using Flatpak.

Search an Application Using Flatpak

Flatpak provides search functionality to search for available applications using the command line interface.

The basic syntax to search an application is shown below:

flatpak search application-name

For example, to search a telegram application run the following command:

flatpak search telegram

You should get the following result:

Name                    Description                                                           Application ID            Version Branch Remotes
Telegram Desktop        Fast. Secure. Powerful.                                               org.telegram.desktop      4.3.1   stable flathub
Telegram Desktop Webvi… Webview add-on that enables Telegram Desktop to show web content      …telegram.desktop.webview 2.38.2  stable flathub
Kotatogram Desktop      Kotatogram Desktop messenger                                          io.github.kotatogram      1.4.8   stable flathub
LibreTrack              Private, cross-platform package tracking app                          …roninyaroslav.libretrack 1.3.0   stable flathub
Tangram                 Browser for your pinned tabs                                          re.sonny.Tangram          1.4.2   stable flathub
Bolls                   A web app for reading the Bible with full emphasis on the God`s Word… life.bolls.bolls          2.1.80  stable flathub
Franz                   Messenger for the desktop                                             com.meetfranz.Franz       5.9.1   stable flathub
Delta Chat              Delta Chat email-based messenger                                    v1.32.1 stable flathub

To search a Skype, run the following command:

flatpak search skype

You should get the following output:

Name         Description                                                 Application ID            Version          Branch       Remotes
Skype        Call and message skype users, with video chat support       stable       flathub
Franz        Messenger for the desktop                                   com.meetfranz.Franz       5.9.1            stable       flathub

Install a Google Chrome Using Flatpak

First, search for a google chrome application using the following command:

flatpak search chrome

You should get the following output:

Name              Description                                                       Application ID             Version          Branch Remotes
Google Chrome     The web browser from Google                                       107.0.5304.110-1 stable flathub
Chromium Web Bro… The web browser from Chromium project                             org.chromium.Chromium      107.0.5304.110   stable flathub
ungoogled-chromi… A lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency  …Eloston.UngoogledChromium 107.0.5304.110   stable flathub
Google Chrome (u… The web browser from Google                                    109.0.5410.0-1   stable flathub
CrosAdapta        Chrome OS GTK theme                                               ….gtk.Gtk3theme.CrosAdapta                  3.22   flathub
PhotoQt Image Vi… View and manage images                                            org.photoqt.PhotoQt        2.9.1            stable flathub
Firestorm Viewer  Client for accessing 3D virtual worlds                            …ormviewer.FirestormViewer      stable flathub
Joplin            A free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can… net.cozic.joplin_desktop   2.8.8            stable flathub
Google Play Musi… Run Google Play Music as a standalone desktop app                 …ymusicdesktopplayer.GPMDP 4.7.1            stable flathub
Gabut Download M… Simple and Faster Download Manager                                ….github.gabutakut.gabutdm 1.9.9            stable flathub
Postman           Postman is a complete API development environment.                com.getpostman.Postman     10.1.2           stable flathub
Boxy SVG          Scalable Vector Graphics editor                                   com.boxy_svg.BoxySVG       3.92.0           stable flathub

You can now use the application id from the above output to install Google Chrome:

flatpak install

You should see the following output:

Looking for matches…
Required runtime for (runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/22.08) found in remote flathub
Do you want to install it? [Y/n]: Y permissions:
    ipc                        network                         cups             pcsc                    pulseaudio
    wayland                    x11                             devices          file access [1]         dbus access [2]
    bus ownership [3]          system dbus access [4]          tags [5]

    [1] /run/.heim_org.h5l.kcm-socket, host-etc, xdg-documents, xdg-download, xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-run/dconf, xdg-run/pipewire-0,
        xdg-videos, ~/.config/dconf:ro, ~/.config/kioslaverc
    [2] ca.desrt.dconf, org.freedesktop.FileManager1, org.freedesktop.Notifications, org.freedesktop.secrets, org.gnome.SessionManager
    [3] org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.chromium.*
    [4] org.freedesktop.Avahi, org.freedesktop.UPower
    [5] proprietary

        ID                                             Branch            Op           Remote            Download
 1.     org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default            22.08             i            flathub           < 131.0 MB
 2.     org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale                22.08             i            flathub           < 333.0 MB (partial)
 3.     org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264              2.2.0             i            flathub           < 944.3 kB
 4.     org.freedesktop.Platform                       22.08             i            flathub           < 214.4 MB
 5.                              stable            i            flathub           < 100.1 MB

Proceed with these changes to the system installation? [Y/n]: Y

To list all installed applications, run the following command:

flatpak list

You should get the following lists:

Name                           Application ID                                Version                   Branch          Installation
Google Chrome                                     107.0.5304.110-1          stable          system
Freedesktop Platform           org.freedesktop.Platform                      22.08.3                   22.08           system
Mesa                           org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default           22.1.7                    22.08           system
openh264                       org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264             2.1.0                     2.2.0           system

Run a Flatpak Application

After installing the Google Chrome application, you can launch it by running the following command:

flatpak run

The above command will launch a Google Chrome GUI application.

Remove an Application Using the Flatpak

To remove the Google Chrome application, run the following command:

flatpak uninstall

You should see the following output:

        ID                      Branch       Op
 1.       stable       r

Proceed with these changes to the system installation? [Y/n]: Y

To remove unused applications, run the following command:

flatpak uninstall --unused

To get more information about Flatpak commands, run the following command:

flatpak --help

You should see all command line options in the following output:

  flatpak [OPTION…] COMMAND

Builtin Commands:
 Manage installed applications and runtimes
  install                Install an application or runtime
  update                 Update an installed application or runtime
  uninstall              Uninstall an installed application or runtime
  mask                   Mask out updates and automatic installation
  pin                    Pin a runtime to prevent automatic removal
  list                   List installed apps and/or runtimes
  info                   Show info for installed app or runtime
  history                Show history
  config                 Configure flatpak
  repair                 Repair flatpak installation
  create-usb             Put applications or runtimes onto removable media

 Find applications and runtimes
  search                 Search for remote apps/runtimes

 Manage running applications
  run                    Run an application
  override               Override permissions for an application
  make-current           Specify default version to run
  enter                  Enter the namespace of a running application
  ps                     Enumerate running applications
  kill                   Stop a running application


Congratulations! you have successfully installed Flatpak on Ubuntu 22.04. You can now use Flatpak as an alternate package manager to APT to install and manage packages. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

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