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Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Though Harald Welte's contributions to the free software community are many, the work he is best known for may well be the gpl-violations.org effort. By pursuing those who ship his code (and that of others he represents) without complying with the source requirements of the GPL, Harald has secured the release of much code into the community, established a precedent upholding the GPL in German court, and greatly increased the respect many companies have for the GPL. Thanks to Harald, the GPL has some teeth.

Back in February, Harald complained that the number of non-compliant products on the market was exploding, and that he did not have the time to deal with them all. He suggested that the time was right to incorporate gpl-violations.org into a nonprofit organization which could pursue violators while allowing Harald to get back to hacking. Those plans are moving forward, with the possibility that this new organization could be created by August, and operating by the end of the year. We were recently able to talk with Harald about this effort; so, without further ado...

LWN: How many GPL violations have you found over the last year? How many of those have been brought to some sort of resolution?

There were 158 reports during the last 12 months, of which about 100 were real violations, about 50 have been addressed, and 40 of them resolved, others are still going on.

The difference between 'reported real violations' and 'addressed violations' is due to:

  • lack of time
  • bad enforcement prospect due to difficult jurisdiction and no sale in EU countries

Up to today, since the project was started, there was not a single legally unsuccessful enforcement. By legally unsuccessful I want to say that legally those formerly infringing companies are now clear. However, a small number (about 3) have decided to withdraw the product from the market rather than releasing source code. So those cases, while legally successful, haven't been successful with regard to the ideas of Free Software.

You seem to be unique in carrying out this effort. Do you know of others who have been digging out GPL violations (in the kernel or elsewhere)?

There are two 'others' that I'm aware of: The FSF in the US, where David Turner from the FSF compliance lab is enforcing the GPL (out-of-court) for software that the FSF holds copyright.

The other one is MySQL, which only enforces the GPL on their DB software in order to motivate people to buy alternative licenses. It still is GPL enforcement, though ;)

The FSF has a "GPL Compliance Lab" which only rarely draws attention to itself. Rather than incorporating a separate nonprofit, might there be an advantage in folding this effort into the work the FSF does? Why, or why not?

There are a number of reasons. First, the FSF only enforces (and can only enforce) the GPL on software which they hold copyright on. So joining efforts with the FSF GPL Compliance Lab would also mean that I (and other copyright holders that I represent) would have to transfer their rights to the FSF.

Secondly, the FSF has a quite different enforcement strategy. They are doing enforcement in a "softer" way, meaning that they don't pull as many legal strings as gpl-violations.org does. This difference is partly due to a difference in the US / German legal system and legal culture, but also intentional. My whole reason for starting gpl-violations.org was that I think a different strategy is more helpful in the end, since publicizing GPL violations will actually prevent new violations.

Third, the FSF is based in the US, whereas gpl-violations.org is based in Germany. There are many legal differences in copyright law, and also many differences in the kind of companies we can take action against in our local jurisdiction.

Having said that, I can assure you that there is a very friendly cooperation between the FSF GPL Compliance Lab and gpl-violations.org. We're passing on cases between each other, sometimes get active independently in the same violation and share information, etc.

Would you be seeking funding to get this operation off the ground? What sort of individual or company, do you think, might be interested in funding this effort?

Obviously some initial funding would help to get moving more quickly. However, I don't think it will be required for making it work.

As for your second question, I think a lot of individuals, both developers and users within the Free Software community, are very sympathetic to what gpl-violations.org does. I think some of them were willing to show their support by donating. However, I've discouraged them from doing it so far, since they would basically donate 'to me', and I would have to treat it like regular income, i.e. pay taxes on it, etc. Also, since there is no separate legal entity yet, there is no public accountability, i.e. you cannot audit the books, verify that your donation has only been spent in "the right way", etc.

As for companies, there also are companies supporting the work we do at the project. I'm not sure whether I would be able to name them here, but let's say companies who do oblige to the GPL and take it seriously, and who think their competitors are gaining an illegal competitive advantage by using GPL licensed software but not following the GPL.

Would you anticipate this effort being self-funding in the long term?

Yes, not only in the long-term. Looking at the rate of new violations that we now have consistently for a number of years in the embedded market, it should very much be possible to make it self-funding.

gpl-violations.org has been able to obtain various donations to charitable organizations such as EDRi, FoeBuD, CCC, FSF Europe, Bridge Foundation, ... during enforcement. Those donations are usually part of a settlement that allows the respective vendor to sell already-produced products (without a GPL license text or written offer) during a grace period.

So the idea is to redirect those donations (or at least part of it) to the newly established gpl-violations.org organization. This way we can hire somebody to take care of the administrative and paper work.

If that kind of self-funding stops for some time, then apparently we don't have as many GPL violations anymore, and the purpose of gpl-violations.org does no longer exist. That's the ideal case, and we can suspend or even dissolve the organization :)

What do you think are the prospects of expanding the GPL compliance work beyond Germany?

We're actually doing GPL enforcement outside Germany already. We have been able to obtain declarations to cease and desist from a number of formerly-violating companies in Taiwan and Korea, for example.

To the casual observer, it looks like the rate of GPL violations is not decreasing - if anything, the opposite is happening. So far, the community has been quite accommodating to those who violate the GPL, being (for the most part) satisfied if the company involved brings itself into compliance. Might it be that the risk involved with violating the GPL is simply not high enough to deter people? Should the community start seeking damages against GPL violators?

The absolute rate is definitely increasing. But you have to set this in relation with the overall massive growth of the Linux embedded market. I don't have any figures on this (and I doubt anyone can have good figures), but I think that the percentage of Linux-using embedded devices that ship out of compliance is decreasing, or at most: steady.

There are people suggesting that the penalty should be higher, and we should seek damages. I think for 95% of all cases this would be the wrong decision. The vast majority of GPL violations happens because some Taiwanese or Korean OEM/ODM does something (sometimes even in clear violation with the contract to their customer!) that the Vendor that we're approaching isn't really aware of.

Also, most of the companies who once had a GPL problem actually have a good record ever since. Yes, there are occasional "problem companies", such as D-Link or Sitecom. But in general, I have the feeling they take gpl-violations.org quite seriously.

If we start asking for huge amounts of damages and try to raise the bar, then we will frighten vendors from using/buying embedded Linux at all.

I am definitely not in favor of Linux adoption without GPL compliance. But we have to carefully draw the line between legally indicating that we don't accept GPL compliance, and on the other hand not frightening people who fear to make a mistake at some time from using Linux / GPL licensed software at all.

Also, when you ask for (and actually get) damages, you have the problem of what to do with it. Distributing it between all the authors is virtually impossible, because in most cases the transaction fees will be higher than whatever the individual developer will get. Donating it to some organization? To which? Who decides on that? ...

As a summary: I think for now, gpl-violations.org draws that line at a reasonable position. In the mid-term future that might be different, and for individual cases I might share the view that higher penalties are justified. But not in general.

Anything else you think a clueless LWN writer should know about this work?

What is most interesting about having some organization backing this project, is that we can actually do "more interesting" legal action than I can do now. So far, we've only enforced very clear cases, from a legal point of view. Until now, gpl-violations.org has not helped to produce any legal precedents on important questions such as derivative works or binary-only kernel modules. However, after funding the organization later this year, and thus the legal risk landing on that organization rather than me personally, I could very much imagine that we would look into getting some court decisions on that area, too. So stay tuned, there is probably an exciting time ahead in the next couple of years ;)

I would like to thank Armijn Hemel who is basically doing almost as much work in gpl-violations.org than me these days, and I would like to thank JBB Rechtsaenwaelte, the Law firm that has so far helped us win all the cases we did :)

So do you anticipate taking an action based specifically on binary-only modules?

I'm not planning anything concretely. But I expect sooner or later we will face such an issue. And I think that matter needs clarification - whether or not we (as in the Free Software enthusiasts) will like the results. At least afterwards, there is some precedent either way, and a much more clean situation for anybody doing software development in mixed Free / proprietary environments.

Many thanks are due to Harald for taking the time to answer all of these questions.

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Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 19, 2006 17:56 UTC (Mon) by cventers (guest, #31465) [Link]

> Many thanks are due to Harald for taking the time to answer all of
> these questions.

Many thanks are also due to Harald for taking the time to run
gpl-violations.org! I look forward to the future of this project.

Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 20, 2006 9:12 UTC (Tue) by pointwood (guest, #2814) [Link]

I would like to express the same thanks! This is important work and it is great that someone is taking the time to do it!

Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 19, 2006 19:28 UTC (Mon) by JoeBuck (subscriber, #2330) [Link]

I think Mr. Welte will be likely to win in the case of a kernel module that uses tricks of some kind to access kernel symbols marked "GPL". But in the case of a kernel module that only accesses the symbols not marked this way, I would think that a lawyer could make a case that an implied license has been created, because it certainly looks like the kernel developers are saying that proprietary modules can connect to and access the subset of symbols not marked as GPL, despite any wording in the license itself indicating otherwise.

Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 19, 2006 20:34 UTC (Mon) by drag (guest, #31333) [Link]

Ya well it's entirely up to the copyright holders to choose weither or not to go after copyright violations.

GPl-violations.org can't do jack without the cooperation from Kernel developers. If the kernel developers say it's ok or refuse to go after gpl violations for binary drivers to access this or that portion of the kernel then there is nothing anybody else can do about it.

At least this is how it is in the US. You can choose to go after this or that violation or not and still retain copyrights. It'll probably weaken your position in court though.

This is why FSF has people transfer their copyrights over to FSF. Without it FSF wouldn't be able to do any sort of copyright license enforcement. They probably could assist people in copyright license violation lawsuites... but it's probably easier the way they do it.

Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 20, 2006 6:00 UTC (Tue) by remijnj (guest, #5838) [Link]

That's ok because Harald Welte is a kernel developer. He did lots of work on netfilter development and is currently head of the netfilter coreteam. Harald therefore would already be able to go after people who hook binary modules into that.

Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 29, 2006 7:39 UTC (Thu) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link]

"It'll probably weaken your position in court though."

Yup. In the US it's called "laches", and yes it will weaken your position in court.

In Germany, where Harald is, it's a statutory defence and will *destroy* your position in court. So Harald is forced to pursue violators immediately he finds out (I think it's 60 days), otherwise the law then gives them a free pass...


Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 19, 2006 20:57 UTC (Mon) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link]

The most interesting case is not binary modules per se but combination of binary module and kernel! Binary modules were declared Ok by Linus many years ago for one specifical case: when some other thing (AFS if I recall correctly) was initially developed for other platform and then ported to Linux. The glue code is usally BSDish and original code is clearly not Linux-derived so it should be Ok to distribute without kernel. But when you writing driver specifically for Linux and bundle it with kernel - that looks like a violation of GPL: how can you claim it's "mere aggregation of another work on a volume of a storeage or distribution medium" when you wireless router is crippled if you remove it from said medium ? Linux kernel ("the program" in question) clearly need this data to work as advertised!

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 20, 2006 13:48 UTC (Tue) by wilck (guest, #29844) [Link]

You are probably right (legally), but this is an aspect of the current debate that doesn't make much sense to me.

It comes down to playing tricks like "we can't deliver this module, but you can download this shell script which then downloads and installs the module for you". The end result is the same as if the module had been bundled in the first place (you can even have the script build a pseudo-clean .rpm or .deb package for you), but one is legal, one is not. Weird, unless you're a lawyer.

[Btw I tend to look for Linus' statements too, but AFAIK, company lawyers don't - Linus is not a lawyer and his statements are - legally - merely clarifications of one of the copyright holders' intentions.]

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 20, 2006 14:21 UTC (Tue) by sepreece (guest, #19270) [Link]

There's also a fair chance that the distinction would be held to be irrelevant, under de minimis considerations. However, that could be taken either way - either bundling might be held allowable because it was not meaningfully different from post-installation download or post-installation download might be held not allowable because it was not meaningfully different from distribution-as-one.

When GPLv2 was released, the distinction did make it somewhat harder to create a product with an integrated free/proprietary binary running on it. In today's world it's much less hard - many devices and software packages are normally expected to update themselves when installed and the installation technology makes it relatively simple for manufacturers to meet the separation requirement, at least for devices designed to connect to networks. As a result, including the restriction in the license is largely pointless, today.

The more interesting question, today, is "what is a derivative work." If using interfaces made something a derivative work, then its distribution could be controlled whether separated or integrated. However, published, defined interfaces seem [to me, and IANAL] to be functional rather than expressive, which would suggest they would be available to anyone to use, whether marked as GPL or not, without making the user a derivative work. Remember that the license controls distribution, not use.

Of course, manufacturers (at least, big, well-established manufacturers) tend to have legal staff who are very conservative; the development rule in using OSS components tends to be "don't be a test case - stay well away from the areas of legal uncertainty."

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 20, 2006 22:02 UTC (Tue) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link]

The more interesting question, today, is "what is a derivative work." If using interfaces made something a derivative work, then its distribution could be controlled whether separated or integrated.

It's interesting question, yes, but not as much you'd like to think. If you are using published interfaces and don't include verbatim code (usually it's not the case with binary kernel modules because they are including a lot of inline code straight from kernel headers - but there are enouhg projects to make it possible; all unsuccessfull so far). But in reality this question is kind of moot: it does not matter if you are using interfaces or not. If you are bundling two things in one box - they become parts of "collective work".

I think you want to clear totally different distinction: what is "collective work" and what is "mere aggregation". And this is tough question because copyright law does not know about "mere aggregation". Derivative work ? Ok. Can distinguish. Collective work ? Even easier. Mere aggregation... Hmm... what is it ?

And since this "mere aggregation" clause allowance is the only thing makers of all kind of embedded devices are using (no, it's not practical to make your phone to download binary module from ftp)... - this is good question to clarify. Unfortunatelly any definitive answer will anger a lot of people - but at least we'll have clarity.

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 21, 2006 3:30 UTC (Wed) by dlang (guest, #313) [Link]

but copyright law doesn't apply to collections, only to derivitive works, so the _first_ question to ask is if it's a derivitive work, if it isn't you don't need to look any further, if it is a derivitive then you look at the license and see what you are allowed to do with it.

the rest of it is an attempt to clarify things for non-legal types. but a license (or a product) does not get to define what _is_ a derivitive work (it can however state that things that could be a derivitive work should not be considered as such, like the system call excemption in linux for example)

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 21, 2006 17:26 UTC (Wed) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link]

But copyright law doesn't apply to collections, only to derivitive works

Huh ? What are you smoking ? What is newspaper or magazine ? Right: it's collective work. There are some specific related to collective works like newspapers - but in general it's perfectly legal for the author to give permissin to use it's work only in some collections, but in other ("I give the permission to print my article in any newspaper if this newpasper is not publishing articles by person-I-totally-despise" is Ok).

If you want to talk about copyright - then try to understand at least something about it. If you want to publish collection of works (newspaper, for example) you must obtain permissions from all authors, sorry. GPL does just that: the only collection GPL allows are:

1. Composed only from GPL-compatible software or

2. Composed from GPL-compatible software and unrelated software (mere aggregation clause).

Linking and derived works are totally irrelevant here. What is relevant is "mere aggregation" clause - and it's very unclear clause from legal POV. It's perfectly clear that user-space programs which are using only POSIX API are in clear (Linus said so many times and there are even clarification in kernel's COPYING file), but what about programs who are poking around /proc or /sys ? What about kernel modules ? There are huge gray area... but that grey area is in no way related to "derived work - or not" question. "Derived work" question arises when you are distributing some proprietary program which uses readline library - but readline library is not included. If readline library is included then question about if it's derived work or not will not be even raised: it's collective work and as such it must comply with GPL as whole. The same is true for anything which is not "using kernel services by normal system calls" - i.e. kernel module. The only way to do it in this case is to demonstrate that it's "mere aggregation"... and it's kinda hard to do if we are talking about kernel module...

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 21, 2006 6:15 UTC (Wed) by wilck (guest, #29844) [Link]

> it does not matter if you are using interfaces or not. If you are bundling
> two things in one box - they become parts of "collective work".

That's the lawyers' perspective, yes. Because it is much, much easier to talk about bundling than about highly technical questions like whether or not a certain function call is part of a published interface.

To me, as a technical person, the question whether or not e.g. the kernel and a binary driver are delivered in the same CD set seems superficial. That was the point I was trying to make.

If a download script is in a CD set instead of a piece of software, the question would be "Is it the intention of the distributor that (some) users run this script to form an end product which is the combination of GPLd and proprietary components?" and if the answer was yes, the whole thing would have to be considered a derivative work.

Next step: instead of the installation script, the distributor just includes a help page with a link to the downloadable component plus installation instructions. What now?

I don't think the discussion about "mere aggregation" helps a lot either - for any device that can connect to the net in some way, a download URL is just as good as a piece of software on a CD. Most phones can download stuff from the net without trouble. I think the two must be basically regarded equivalent, at least when we talk about the not-too-far future.

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 21, 2006 17:50 UTC (Wed) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link]

> it does not matter if you are using interfaces or not. If you are bundling two things in one box - they become parts of "collective work".

That's the lawyers' perspective, yes. Because it is much, much easier to talk about bundling than about highly technical questions like whether or not a certain function call is part of a published interface.

Exactly! And when you are talking about law then usual engeenering approach ("let's tackle hard problems first - then simple ones will be resolved automagically") should take a backseat. It's much safer to close simple loopholes - and then you can go further and try close more subtle ones.

Please, please, please at least try to think like "Joe Average" for once. Suppose we are starting from bundling and go from there: first we establish that you can not ship invasive binary modules in the same package as kernel, then we are starting to talk about download scripts and "helpfull instructions", etc. At every stage we are moving from established case where GPL-violation is proven to unknown one. If we'll start from nVidia binary driver (binary blob and open-sourced glue code distributed separately from kernel) and court decides that "it's not GPL violation at all" (quite likely) then you are moving from established case where GPL in not violated to unknown one.

You can be absolutely sure that first approach will give GPL more reach in the end. Because if first approach it looks like GPL-violators are trying one trick after another to circumvent GPL and in second approach it looks like "GPL-zealots" are attacking people in smaller and smaller area.

Is it really so hard to understand ? I'm not saying that we should forget about "derived work" question - I just think it's silly to start with this quite complex question where there are hundreds of less-subtle violators around.

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 22, 2006 4:23 UTC (Thu) by xoddam (subscriber, #2322) [Link]

Great point. Cover all the firm ground before trying to claim the
mire :-)

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 22, 2006 8:04 UTC (Thu) by wilck (guest, #29844) [Link]

Makes sense, from a strategic viewpoint. But what is the goal of that strategy?

Will the end result be that bundled packages are "wrong" while download scripts are "right" (as many now seem to anticipate)? I, for one, consider that worst of both worlds - binary modules would still exist, while the hassle of downloading and integrating them would be on the user's side.
Is that really what we want?

Talking about generic Linux distributions here.

It's different if someone bundles e.g. the kernel and nVidia module _with corresponding hardware_ to form a special product with preinstalled Linux. that would be a pretty obvious violation, because it is bundling _with a specific purpose_: a new "value-added" product.

IAobviouslyNAL, these are just my gut feelings.

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 23, 2006 22:06 UTC (Fri) by giraffedata (guest, #1954) [Link]

Khim wrote:
I'm not saying that we should forget about "derived work" question - I just think it's silly to start with this quite complex question where there are hundreds of less-subtle violators around.
You seem to have forgotten the topic of this thread, which you started. It isn't where is the reasonable place to start in advancing or understanding GPL. It's what is the more interesting GPL-related legal question.

Khim wrote:

The most interesting case is not binary modules per se but combination of binary module and kernel!
And then sepreece wrote, in contradiction:
The more interesting question, today, is "what is a derivative work."

I agree with sepreece. The derivative work question is more interesting than the collective work one. If an author can stop you from independently distributing your entirely original code because it gets used with the author's code, that's worth a headline. If a certain way of shipping a bundle of software is found to be creating an indivisible new whole -- that's kind of a yawner.

Also, in terms of impact on the world -- a derivative work finding is pretty hard for a distributor to work around. A collective work finding just means the distributor has to bundle somewhat more loosely.

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 21, 2006 12:58 UTC (Wed) by sepreece (guest, #19270) [Link]

It absolutely IS practical for a mobile phone to download software when it is first activated. In fact, most phones already do so, either in the shop or later, and most modern phones are also capable of downloading software updates after ship, either automatically or on request. This is used to repair problems or add services.

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 21, 2006 17:33 UTC (Wed) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link]

In fact, most phones already do so, either in the shop or later

Irrelevant. In most cases it's not done by end-user so it just shifts the problem around: now Motorolla or Samsung are not "pirats" themselfs but are "helping piracy" - and we know how well our lawmakers and lawers like firms who are "helping piracy" (like Napster, for example) ?

The fact of the matter: if we can astablish that it's NOT OK to distribute linux kernel and binary module as one bundle everything else (download scripts, helpfull instructions, etc) will be viewed from this perspective.

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 21, 2006 19:27 UTC (Wed) by sepreece (guest, #19270) [Link]

Sorry, I must not have made myself sufficiently clear. You said it was not practical for a phone to download additional software after delivery to the customer. I said, it's completely practical and most phones already do so. You opened a particular question, I simply closed it.

I think a manufacturer would have a reasonable claim that this was not, in any meaningful sense, distribution "with" or "as a whole" with the software that was actually distributed in the device, especially if adding it was part of adding an optional service to the phone (even if the added service was as central as "voice communications").

The whole anti-TiVoization article is based on the assumption that an embedded device is, essentially no different from a general-purpose computer on which a user may load any software she likes. If you accept that argument, then you have to accept the argument that a phone, shipped with a purely GPL Linux kernel is also a general-purpose computer and it is not central to its existence that additional telephony software be added to it. If the device does SOMETHING without the additions, that makes it independent of any subsequent optional additions.

So, the more interesting question remains the interpretation of "derivative work", because that would govern distribution of software created by a manufacturer to work with GPLed software - what interfaces is is safe to use, what modes of interaction with the device are acceptably decoupled or functional versus "expressive."

DISCLAIMERS: Note that, at least in the phone space, the manufacturers generally want to play by the rules and not work around them! They have lawyers who generally advise them not to get anywhere near ambiguous license issues. They also generally want to enable an ecosystem of add-on software developers, as soon as the regulatory issues can be worked out. I can, as an individual, express opinions about how I think the GPL should be interpreted, but in doing so IANAL and certainly do NOT speak for my employer, who is a device manufacturer.

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 20, 2006 22:07 UTC (Tue) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link]

You'd be surprised. For a lot of hardware makers it's tough choice to do. "Normal users" like to have everrything working "out of the box". They will not connect new phone, PDA or DVD player just to make it functional.

Distributors are not the evildoers. Hardware makers are: instead of providing enough documentation to make truly free drivers possible they are playing games. And this is what we should try to stop.

Bundling and the GPL

Posted Jun 21, 2006 19:31 UTC (Wed) by sepreece (guest, #19270) [Link]

Note that for connected devices (like cell phones and TiVo-like DVRs), it is completely invisible to the user whether the device is complete "out-of-the-box" or downloads additional software. The needed transactions can happen as soon as the device is connected and the device is without its connected functions until it's connected, anyway.

Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 19, 2006 22:40 UTC (Mon) by atai (subscriber, #10977) [Link]

Maybe Harald should consider cooperation with the Free Software Foundation Europe as well as the Software Freedom Law Center in the US.

Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 20, 2006 7:01 UTC (Tue) by laf0rge (subscriber, #6469) [Link]

I am in constant contact and cooperation with both David Turner (Head of GPL Compliance Lab, FSF), the FSF Europe and Eben Moglen (Head of SFLC).

Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 20, 2006 10:13 UTC (Tue) by etienne_lorrain@yahoo.fr (guest, #38022) [Link]

The main problem of GPL violations is the number of software developpers who now refuses to write or contribute to GPL software for free (i.e. not being paid by a company which itself releases the software under GPL), because their work or contribution will simply be stolen.
You can now go to high street shops and buy (embedded) equipment with "Linux" written on the packaging and never see a line of source code, like this kind of thing:
If someone writes some GPL software, he will just find the time to try to write few documents to help his users, so going to courts in each of the EU countries is a no-no.
There was once an international copyright treaty...

Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Posted Jun 22, 2006 16:46 UTC (Thu) by zlynx (guest, #2285) [Link]

Some of these companies that sell boxes with Linux / other GPL software have a page in the back of their manual, or on a separate page with the text of the GPL. Sometimes there is a "written offer" page as well, but without one you can take the GPL itself as the written offer.

So, if you want the source code to all GPL software installed, write a nice business letter to the company requesting copies of the source for all GPL licensed software included in the appliance.

Don't expect too much though. You'll probably get a burned CD containing bog-standard Samba, Linux, busybox, etc. Either that, or a download URL.

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