KDE Amarok 3.2 Music Player Released With Initial Qt6/KF6 Support

Amarok developers are still recommending Amarok 3.2 be built against Qt5 and KDE Frameworks 5, but there is initial and early-stage support for Qt6 with KDE Frameworks 6. The same codebase for this music player can be built against either toolkit and frameworks version.
In addition to working on Qt6 and KF6 support, Amarok 3.2 also includes filtering collections by lack of tag / empty tag, multiple long-standing crash bug reports have now been resolved, and a variety of other improvements to stability and general fixes.
Amarok developers will be working on a number of 3.2.x point releases before shifting focus to what will be the Amarok 4.0 music player. Downloads and more details on the Amarok 3.2 release via the KDE.org blog.