Underestimating the Mission Critical Role of Linux

Posted by raislinux2 on Jun 8, 2009 12:28 PM EDT
Reallylinux.com; By Mark Rais
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To what extent is Linux serving in mission critical environments today? There are still IT leaders that consider Linux a non-contender in such environments. Despite a steady stream of research verifying the use of Linux in the enterprise, there are lingering doubts as to the prevalence of Linux in mission critical environments.

Some industry experts continue to believe that Linux remains an “edge of the enterprise” solution. These IT leaders see Linux relegated to the function of print and web serving, but not used extensively for core applications roles like email, data management, etc.

A segment of IT leaders still hold the view that Linux is neither prolific in their data centers nor does it run mission critical applications.

This perspective seems at odds with reality, considering that as far back... Complete article

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While the article makes excellent points... caitlyn 2 1,588 Jun 8, 2009 7:17 PM

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