Cutting through the Baloney of Linux Job Ads

Posted by raislinux2 on Sep 22, 2010 12:25 PM EDT; By Andrea Cordingly
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All of this results in hundreds of decent and skilled people being snubbed without cause simply because the ad writer, or the position, sucked. I believe every Linux job seeker can avoid pitfalls of a job hunt by keeping in mind three key facts about job ads.

All of these skills, certifications and experience come to naught as they apply to employer ads that are crudely constructed by someone hurriedly cutting and pasting snippets of "skill words" from a list of technical terms.

Not surprisingly, a non-response seems to be the new way of communicating: "sorry we found a more qualified candidate -- so screw off."

Except, they probably did not.

The reason I can say this with such conviction is because of the type of complete buffoonery that it takes to create such job ads in the first place and then hire for them.

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I like my baloney with mustard caitlyn 6 1,316 Sep 23, 2010 2:07 PM

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