Mac Virus Is Actually Oracle Java Security Hole

Posted by thevarguy2 on Apr 7, 2012 7:26 AM EDT; By The VAR Guy
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Multiple readers asked me today if I suffered from a “new” Mac OS X virus. Let’s slow down, folks. The alleged Mac virus reports spreading across the web have little to do with Apple and Mac OS X, and a lot to do with a small security hole in Java — which is owned by Oracle. And by the way, there’s a simple security fix. Here are details.

Multiple readers asked me today if I suffered from a “new” Mac OS X virus. Let’s slow down, folks. The alleged Mac virus reports spreading across the web have little to do with Apple and Mac OS X, and a lot to do with a small security hole in Java — which is owned by Oracle. And by the way, there’s a simple security fix. Here are details.

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Nope Wrong Again, It is an Apple problem. Koriel 42 2,295 Apr 16, 2012 6:36 PM

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