8 Twin-panel file manger for Linux

Posted by linuxaria on Apr 26, 2012 2:47 AM EDT
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In general a file manager is a program that gives some kind of interface to the file system and that show in a graphical or textual way the files and directory, usually a file manager allow to do some standard operations such as delete, rename copy/paste and other typical operations that you can do on files.

In general a file manager is a program that gives some kind of interface to the file system and that show in a graphical or textual way the files and directory, usually a file manager allow to do some standard operations such as delete, rename copy/paste and other typical operations that you can do on files.

Twin-panel file managers have obligatory connected panels where action in one panel results in a reaction in the second. So for example you could move a file from the first to the second panel, or copy it. In this roundup I‘ll show you some of the most used Twin-panel file manager available on Linux, sometimes they are also called Orthodox file managers or command-based file managers and in general they have three windows (two panels and one command line window).

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