TLWIR 36: Why Hollywood MUST Embrace Free Software Concepts To Survive

Posted by acrossad on Apr 28, 2012 5:34 PM EDT; By Rex Djere
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Google’s ultra high speed Internet project aims to bring Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri Internet speeds 100 times the current U.S. average. This has Hollywood petrified. Will users with gigabit connections pirate enough movies to decimate the movie industry’s revenue? Will piracy crush Hollywood in the way that it crushed the music industry? Not if Hollywood is smart: they need to CAREFULLY study how the Linux kernel is developed, and how Free Software is developed in general.

The methods of delivering media are rapidly changing….for the better. Here is how the new media works. As a teen, I loved the music of the late Luther Vandross. I thought that I had heard every song that he had ever released. Last week, a friend of mine shared a Luther Vandross song with me via Facebook that I had never heard: Make Me a Believer. I was so blown away by the beauty of the song that I immediately purchased it on Google Play. I am a bright guy who knows multiple ways to easily pirate the song. I could get a torrent or use the Gnutella network to obtain the song in minutes (for free). But I have no desire to for the following reasons:

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I agree with one part of this. Ridcully 26 2,054 May 1, 2012 11:41 AM

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