Say Goodbye to Linux on the Desktop

Posted by raislinux2 on May 16, 2012 9:36 AM EDT; By Andrea Cordingly
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The battle to position Linux on the desktop has always been tenuous. Because the OEM relationships, discussed by Walter (read Why Linux on the Desktop is Wrong) and marketing dollars will always promote the proprietary solutions.

Many corporations and government departments are already getting this point. Devices that offer their staff flexibility and mobility are becoming essential tools, not just cutting edge tech toys. There is strong evidence to support that even more leaders will opt to allow devices to replace the core tools currently used, as seen with the trend to Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD).

Tablets, netbooks and the increasingly enhanced smartphones are becoming king tools, while sitting at a desk and typing is slowly becoming a limiting factor to many employees. Employers know this, and many companies are now changing the way they enable and allow devices to be used.

Desktops (workstations/laptops/pick your own name) use to be perceived as the primary tool, and required licensing, central management, with all software homogeneous across offices, across users.

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Weird arbitrary exclusion r_a_trip 35 1,856 May 18, 2012 4:44 PM
The desktop is here to stay smallboxadmin 21 1,720 May 18, 2012 12:40 PM

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