Humble Indie Bundle V is out ! and is really good.

Posted by linuxaria on Jun 1, 2012 12:27 PM EDT
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This is a terrible news for my spare time, a new, and IMO really good, Humble Indie Bundle (HIB) is out and there are some really good games in this offer.

This is a terrible news for my spare time, a new, and IMO really good, Humble Indie Bundle (HIB) is out and there are some really good games in this offer.

This time there are 4 (5) fantastic games and their soundtrack is also available in FLAC and MP3 format, the 5 games are:

Amnesia: The Dark Descent; LIMBO; Psychonauts; Superbrothers: Sword [he] Sworcery EP[/he] and, for customers who pay more than the average price, the action-RPG, Bastion.

What’s is HIB ? in short:

The Humble Indie Bundles or Humble Bundles are a series of game bundles that are sold and distributed online at a price determined by the purchaser. The games are multi-platform, DRM-free, and independently developed, and buyers can set the revenue split between the developers, charities and humble bundle organizers.

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