New Zealand's High Court Steps Into Extradition Fight Over Kim Dotcom

Posted by tracyanne on Jun 18, 2012 4:06 AM EDT
TechDirt... from the not-so-simple dept; By Mike Masnick
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As the Justice Department continues to pretend there's nothing strange at all about its highly questionable tactics in shutting down Megaupload and having its executives arrested, the courts are still struggling with the details. A few weeks back, we noted that a judge in New Zealand rejected the US's demand that New Zealand merely rubberstamp an extradition order to the US, despite there being numerous questions over the case itself and whether or not extradition is appropriate. As part of that, the judge also ordered the US Attorneys to hand over the evidence they're using to make the case against Dotcom and his colleagues, such that they can properly respond to the evidence. The US, as you might expect has gone absolutely ballistic about this, insisting that such an effort is impossible -- and that "it would take at least two months" to get the evidence together.

Of course, to some of us, that suggests that the DOJ hasn't yet looked at the evidence -- and thus it shut down the company and arrested its staff first, without even knowing if a crime had been committed.

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Clearly New Zealand (unlike Australia) won't just rollover tracyanne 5 1,019 Jun 19, 2012 1:05 AM

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