Midwesterners gear up for Ohio Linuxfest

Posted by dave on Jul 1, 2004 7:16 AM EDT
LXer; By Dave Whitinger
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Remember the days of Linux Expo (Raleigh), Atlanta Linux Showcase, and other great community conferences? This October, the second annual LUG managed Ohio LinuxFest will be held, and it has the markings of a true community event.

Those who are acquainted with me know that, despite my capitalist leanings, I have a soft spot in my heart for the community-run events. The Atlanta Linux Showcase was an excellent example of the ideal Linux conference; it was created and managed by members of the Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts group, was purely a technical conference, and drew only the best and brightest of the Linux community together every October.

Many of the Linux people I know, I first saw in person in Atlanta at the ALS. It was at Linux Expo Raleigh that Linus Torvalds issued forth his controversal "I am your god" statement. I wasn't laughing along with most everyone else, but it was a piece of history in the making.

There's just something about pipe and drape, lots of noise, dirty-gray-concrete flooring, and a crowd of 300 non-corporate Linux enthusiasts and developers that brings a community together.

For a while there, in the late 90's and early 2000, we had a good selection of regional conferences. That was an idea whose time had come, and it's time to bring the regional conference back.

It has recently been brought to my attention that a LUG in Ohio put on a successful show last October, and is doing it again this year.

Paul Ferris, Ohioan and celebrated Linux wranter (rant writer) and all-around-good-guy, sent me an email this morning, in which he pointed me toward this new conference and sent me a link to their website. Although their website is a little skimpy on information, missing such essential information as venue, registration, dates, and such, it does have a community feel. Paul reported that last year's event had a good turnout, and was a lot of fun.

This is the second event (they survived the first one!) and looks like it will be even more fun than last year.

Best wishes, Ohio LinuxFest! I hope that your conference is completely successful. May Ohio be an example for all LUGs! (You listening, SATLUG and NTLUG?)

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