Linux vim editor

Posted by MyLinuxBook on Oct 7, 2012 4:05 AM EDT
IBMDeveloperworks - Real world Linux; By Himanshu
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This article explains the basics of Linux vim editor through images and examples. It is intended for those who are either new to vim or think that vim is too complex to understand.

There are many people out there who use Linux for their daily needs. Linux has almost replaced windows for these people and they tend to agree with the fact that Linux is addictive. Its the sheer power of customization, stability and robustness that has contributed to the success of Linux. For a person using computer for his/her daily stuff, a text editor is a very basic requirement. Same goes with the Linux users, a text editor is the bare minimum requirement for them and most of them tend to use the built in gedit text editor. When asked why, people generally reply that it is very easy to use.

There is another editor in Linux known as vim. Few people know about this editor and even fewer people use it. When asked the reason they say that it is very complex and command line based. Well, I agree that vim editor is command line based and may look a bit complex in its first impression but It is a very powerful editor. What is needed is a bit of practice to begin with. For all those who shy away or have never used vim editor. Here is a basic article on vim editor that should get you started on a positive note.

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