TLWIR 46: Limerick Loves LibreOffice

Posted by acrossad on Oct 11, 2012 10:54 AM EDT; By Rex Djere
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Limerick, Ireland has embraced Free Software in a move that demonstrates a continue global shift away from vendor lock-in. Writing a lot has forced me to learn how to write efficiently. Again, Free Software came to the rescue in the form of Gedit and Notepad++ tabs.

Limerick is the fourth largest city in Ireland, and they have fully embraced the concept of Free Software. Limerick recently made the switch to LibreOffice on its government computer systems. It cited the needs to reduce costs and reduce vendor lock-in as the reasons for the shift. Limerick also turned to an open source email system, Zarafa, for its government email services.

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I keep running into LO and OO in the enterprise caitlyn 24 2,027 Oct 16, 2012 1:50 PM

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