Red Hat Linux 6.4 Gets Cozier With VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V

Posted by thevarguy2 on Feb 26, 2013 4:05 AM EDT
The VAR Guy
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Sure, Red Hat strives to compete with VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V. But the Linux company realizes it must also show VMware and Hyper-V a little love. A prime example: The new Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 release offers an “improved virtual guest experience on VMware and Hyper-V,” Red Hat claims. So why should customers care? Here are a few answers.

Sure, Red Hat strives to compete with VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V. But the Linux company realizes it must also show VMware and Hyper-V a little love. A prime example: The new Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 release offers an “improved virtual guest experience on VMware and Hyper-V,” Red Hat claims. So why should customers care? Here are a few answers.

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Red Hat never ditched vmware... caitlyn 0 854 Feb 26, 2013 11:00 AM

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