Why Every GNU/Linux User Should Support Tesla Motors

Posted by acrossad on Jun 22, 2013 5:16 PM EDT
BeginLinux.com; By Rex Djere
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A group of established business operators collude to lock a radical new upstart out of the marketplace (O’Toole, 2013). Does this sound familiar? It should: as proprietary software vendors tried to lock GNU/Linux out of the computer market, traditional car interests are trying to block Tesla Motors’ direct sales business model. In both cases, what is best for the consumer is a secondary concern to maintaining the old profit regimes.

Tesla Motors is running circles around the rest of the automotive industry. On June 21st, 2013, Tesla Motors introduced a robotic system for changing the electric Tesla Model S’s battery in 90 seconds (Isidore, 2013). In the 1990s, GNU/Linux began to introduce similar radical reforms to the computer operating space. For example, the concept of giving a business the operating system’s source code along with the operating system was virtually unknown prior to Linus Torvalds release of his shiny new OS in 1991.

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